Grieving Mom's AGONIZING Decision: Should Ex Attend Daughter's Funeral? 💔😢

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🍼 Buckle up, folks, because this story is a wild ride! 🎢 Meet our young mama, who found herself pregnant at 18 after a steamy 2-week fling with a fellow addict. 😳 But fear not, she turned her life around for her baby girl, Kaylee! 💪 Along the way, she found love with a stable older man 💑, but their happily ever after was short-lived. 💔 Now, tragedy has struck, and our mama is faced with a heart-wrenching decision about her ex-hubby's role in Kaylee's funeral. 😢 Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions! 🎭

🍼 Young Love, Addiction, and a Baby Girl 👶

designer_crow3004 | designer_crow3004

🚫 Struggling with Sobriety, but Determined to be a Mom 💪

designer_crow3004 | designer_crow3004

🙌 Turning Over a New Leaf for Baby Kaylee 🍃

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💑 Finding Love and Stability with Mr. Right 🏡

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💍 Tying the Knot and Facing Heartbreak 💔

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💔 Blindsided by Betrayal: Hubby Falls for Another Woman 😱

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🌎 Ex-Hubby Moves Abroad with New Wife 🛫

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🙏 Kaylee's Dad Steps Up in Her Time of Need 💖

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👼 Kaylee's Courageous Battle Comes to an End 😢

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😡 Ex-Hubby Finds Out and Wants to Attend Funeral 🌹

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🤔 Family Divided: To Invite or Not to Invite? 🎭

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❓ WIBTA for Not Sending Ex-Hubby a Funeral Invite? 🤷‍♀️

designer_crow3004 | designer_crow3004

🙅‍♂️ Kaylee's Dad Never Abandoned Her 👨‍👧

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🙌 Kaylee's Dad's Journey to Sobriety 🚫🍺

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😢 Heartbroken Mama's Funeral Dilemma: To Invite or Not to Invite Ex-Hubby? 🤔💔

Well, well, well... this story has more twists and turns than a soap opera! 📺 Our young mama has been through the wringer - from addiction to love, marriage to heartbreak, and now the devastating loss of her precious Kaylee. 😢 But the drama doesn't end there! Her ex-hubby, who was a father figure to Kaylee for 7 years, wants to attend the funeral with his new wife and baby. 😱 Talk about awkward! 😬 Kaylee's biological dad is NOT having it, and the family is divided on what to do. 🙅‍♂️ So, what does the internet think? 🤔 Should mama invite her ex-hubby to the funeral, or will it just stir up more drama? 🎭 Let's see what the top responses have to say about this heart-wrenching situation! 💔

Ex-husband absent during daughter's illness now wants to attend funeral. NTA.

jrbrn2014 | jrbrn2014

Ex should attend funeral but not part of ceremony. NTA.

_an_ambulance | _an_ambulance

Ex neglected their daughter, no need for him at funeral 👍

Early_Equivalent_549 | Early_Equivalent_549

Ex who ghosted for years has no place at funeral 🚫

MelodyRaine | MelodyRaine

Father abandoned daughter for 4 years, NTA for not inviting.

Mermaid89253 | Mermaid89253

Curious about the ex's relationship with daughter and new wife 🤔

Leather-Anybody-5389 | Leather-Anybody-5389

Curious about the backstory and motives behind funeral drama 🤔

Victim_Of_Fate | Victim_Of_Fate

Ex's entitlement adds insult to grieving mom's injury 😢

OkSurround6683 | OkSurround6683

Ex shouldn't bring the baby. NTA for not wanting him there.

SG131 | SG131

Stepdad judged by bio dad who never stepped up. NAH.

0biterdicta | 0biterdicta

Grieving mom faces dilemma: should ex attend daughter's funeral? Commenter argues for ex's inclusion, calling out the father's pride. 💔

BrooklynKnight | BrooklynKnight

Heartfelt condolences and a difficult decision. What would Kaylee want?

Thia-M3762 | Thia-M3762

Step-father left in the dark - family communication breakdown 🤷

Chris881 | Chris881

Compassionate comment offers condolences and suggests allowing ex to attend funeral.

General_Relative2838 | General_Relative2838

"YTA" comment shuts down ex attending daughter's funeral debate 🙅

420Riffs | 420Riffs

Mom, consider letting the ex come for your daughter's sake ❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex attending daughter's funeral with new family: an impossible decision

RealWanderingWizard | RealWanderingWizard

Ex excluded from funeral but can say goodbye at Kaylee's grave 😢

Left-Ad-4246 | Left-Ad-4246

Ex-stepdad not invited to funeral, NTA for the mom

spaceyjaycey | spaceyjaycey

Grieving mom deserves the people she wants at the funeral. #NTA 😢

TwoCentsPsychologist | TwoCentsPsychologist

Spurned ex wants to attend funeral, commenter says a**hole.

MF_Ghidra | MF_Ghidra

Navigating family drama when inviting ex to daughter's funeral. 🤔

NYCQuilts | NYCQuilts

Prioritize grieving, not discomfort. NTA made the right choice.

BillyBants | BillyBants

Excluded father deserves to attend his daughter's funeral. YTA 😢

deadlyhausfrau | deadlyhausfrau

Ex uninvolved, uninterested. NTA. Tell him no 👍

mushululu | mushululu

Ex's attendance at funeral depends on his involvement in daughter's life 👍

Lady_Ellie119 | Lady_Ellie119

Ex chose a different family, now facing consequences. You owe nothing.

iastl | iastl

Ex should be invited to funeral, YWBTA if you don't ☹

DirectorEquivalent66 | DirectorEquivalent66

Ex absent during child's life, wants to show up at funeral 🤷🏻‍♀️ NTA explanation

makeshiftmarty | makeshiftmarty

Excluded ex from daughter's funeral, YTA and petty. 😠

TheCyberGlitch | TheCyberGlitch

Ex wants to attend daughter's funeral after moving on. NTA.

lisabettan | lisabettan

It's the mother's decision, not the ex's. Focus on Kaylee ❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex should pay respects at funeral, but not participate further. 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex wants to play the grieving father. NTA, don't let him.

Top_Detective9184 | Top_Detective9184

Include ex-stepfather in daughter's funeral to mourn together. ❤️

quiidge | quiidge

Ex-husband not entitled to attend funeral. Call police if necessary. 🚨

Books1979 | Books1979

Exclusion of ex from daughter's funeral - YTA according to commenter.

jimfish98 | jimfish98

Ex should attend funeral, but not with wife and kid. ❤️

Moist_Apartment_3399 | Moist_Apartment_3399

Curiosity peaks as commenter senses untold story. 🤔

thrownaway7700 | thrownaway7700

A bewildered commenter questions funeral invitations. 🤔

OldManTrumpet | OldManTrumpet

Excluded ex from funeral. Commenter sympathizes, NTA sentiment.

Illustrious-Band-537 | Illustrious-Band-537

Ex-husband abandoned daughter after divorce. NTA. 💔

xavii62 | xavii62

In times of grief, egos should take a backseat. 🙏

afogart732 | afogart732

Excluded ex from daughter's illness, should include him in funeral

mindbird | mindbird

Stepdad's absence may have caused daughter's pain. INFO needed.

teapotscandal | teapotscandal

Funerals are for the living. If you're uncomfortable, don't invite.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Including ex at funeral can provide comfort to grieving family. 😢

Whateverisclever_45 | Whateverisclever_45

Opinion divides on whether ex should attend daughter's funeral 💔

BooyaMoonBabyluv | BooyaMoonBabyluv

Funeral invite etiquette debated, obligation to attend discussed. 😢

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex abandons daughter, no obligation to invite to funeral 👍

Stace34 | Stace34

Ex should not attend funeral. NTA. 🙅‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex moves countries and doesn't keep in touch. Not surprising 😒

Marzipan_civil | Marzipan_civil

Ex excluded from funeral, commenter supports decision, expresses condolences.

Beautiful_mistakes | Beautiful_mistakes

User defends mother's choice to exclude ex's family from funeral

Master_Post4665 | Master_Post4665

Excluded ex: NTA decides to block him from daughter's funeral.

Bakecrazy | Bakecrazy

Ex not biological father, abandoned family, NTA for excluding him 👏

someone-w-issues | someone-w-issues

Ex ghosted daughter for 4 yrs, now wants to bring family? NTA.

ggfangirl85 | ggfangirl85

Putting your own needs first is not selfish. ❤️

rmric0 | rmric0

Ex's attendance at daughter's funeral: NTA, but your choice.

StrangelyEstranged93 | StrangelyEstranged93

Sensitive advice on ex attending daughter's funeral 😢

SnooBananas7203 | SnooBananas7203

Ex's involvement questioned, but commenter supports him attending funeral. 😢

QuietTruth8912 | QuietTruth8912

Funerals are open to the public, but some are private.

Family_Chantal | Family_Chantal

Should the ex have been told about their daughter's sickness? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex who was there for 7 years has right to say goodbye. 💔

Unlikely-General5066 | Unlikely-General5066

Inviting ex to funeral can offer closure for both parties ❤️

punannimaster | punannimaster

Not the a**hole for not inviting non-biological father. 💁

GiornoDeGiorno | GiornoDeGiorno

Compromise suggested for ex's attendance at daughter's funeral ✌🏻

nbraccia | nbraccia

Ex should pay respects alone. Wife and baby shouldn't attend. 🙏

JstCrazyEnuf2Live | JstCrazyEnuf2Live

Ex neglected child, NTA for not inviting him to funeral. ❤️

Careless-Image-885 | Careless-Image-885

Supportive comment wishes health for parents during difficult time ❤️

BirdsLikeSka | BirdsLikeSka

Ex wants to say goodbye at funeral - NAH or YTA?

Jessica_Lovegood | Jessica_Lovegood

Heartless 'father figure' wants to show up at daughter's funeral 😢

Accomplished-Fall204 | Accomplished-Fall204

Allowing ex to attend funeral: Soft YTA but considerate suggestion 😢

thymeraser | thymeraser

User suggests inviting ex to funeral for closure, ESH.

Dymarob | Dymarob

Exclusion of ex from funeral: YWBTA, funerals are for closure.

BDThrills | BDThrills

Ex-partner attending daughter's funeral: complex decision with NAH involved 🤗

cayden416 | cayden416

Ex-husband provided for daughter for 6 years, why exclude him? 😔

CharacterXero | CharacterXero

Man accuses grieving mom of being an a**hole for not telling the ex about their daughter's death and not letting him attend the funeral. 😔


Redditor calls out toxic behavior in comment section 🔥

OldManTrumpet | OldManTrumpet

Mother contemplates allowing ex as guest at daughter's funeral. 💔

Docklenator | Docklenator

Ex broke promise and abandoned child. Addict daddy supported. NTA.

meifahs_musungs | meifahs_musungs

Allowing him to attend would bring closure and prevent regrets ❤️

Msmediator | Msmediator

Ex's new wife and baby have no place at funeral ❌ Ex can attend alone if drama is avoided ✌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex left after divorce, not involved with daughter, NTA for excluding

p_iynx | p_iynx

Excluded from a funeral, grieving is a personal journey. 😢

GladReddit | GladReddit

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