Entitled Ex Tells Struggling Mom: 'Work MORE So Our Daughter Gets What She Deserves!' 😠

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a doozy of a story for you today. 😳 Meet our struggling single mom, trying her best to provide for her daughter despite a deadbeat dad who's more interested in criticizing than helping. 🙄 With an injury forcing her out of work and onto a tight budget, this mom's facing an uphill battle to give her daughter a merry Christmas. 🎄💸 But when the absent father sticks his nose in, things take a dramatic turn! 😡 Get ready for a wild ride of family drama, financial struggles, and a mom who's not afraid to stand up for herself! 💪

🚨 Separated Parents, Struggling Mom 💔

novemberoskarwindow | novemberoskarwindow

😢 Injury Leads to Tight Budget, No Christmas Savings

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🎮 Daughter's Nintendo Switch Dream Dashed 😞

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🙌 Daughter Finds Affordable Alternative, Happy with 2nd Hand 3DS

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😡 Deadbeat Dad Berates Mom for Not Providing Dream Christmas

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🔥 Mom Claps Back: "Pay Child Support or Buy the Gifts Yourself!"

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😤 Angry Dad Hangs Up, Texts Daughter Not to Call

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🌍 Deadbeat Dad Lives in Another Country, Likely Not Declaring Income

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🎄 Deadbeat Dad Drama: Mom Claps Back in Epic Christmas Showdown! 🔥

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of a deadbeat dad trying to play the hero without putting in any of the work! 🙄 Our struggling mom, forced onto a tight budget due to an injury, is doing her best to give her daughter a happy Christmas despite the circumstances. 🎁💸 But when the absent father has the audacity to criticize her efforts, mom unleashes a verbal smackdown, calling him out on his lack of child support and involvement in their daughter's life. 😲🔥 The internet has spoken, and it's clear this mom is NOT the a-hole in this situation! 👏 Let's see what the masses have to say about this juicy family drama... 🍿

Ex demands more work, punishes daughter for calling him out 😡

brainfreeze4445 | brainfreeze4445

Empathetic comment encourages teaching daughter about gas-lighting and victim blaming.

Himkano | Himkano

Ex should butt out, NTA. Daughter's success is mom's credit 👏

StaceyLea89 | StaceyLea89

Contact a lawyer, garnish wages, and get support for daughter 👏

bored2death2 | bored2death2

Empathetic comment supports mother standing up to entitled ex. 👏

White_Unicorn | White_Unicorn

Ex criticized mom's gifts, demanded more work, NTA shut him down 🙌

leolionbag | leolionbag

Mom suggests reporting ex for not paying child support. NTA.

Malphael | Malphael

Don't blame yourself for his terrible behavior towards your daughter 👏

Rastavaray | Rastavaray

Encouraging reply to struggling mom, applauds daughter's maturity 👏

depressedmemeuser | depressedmemeuser

Daughter's anger understandable, dad sucks. NTA.

Ramguy2014 | Ramguy2014

Struggling mom gets validation and advice on child support battle. 👏

1962Michael | 1962Michael

Parenting done right 👏

Confident-Ad-1851 | Confident-Ad-1851

Mom not the a-hole for demanding child support. 👏

Lauralai_22 | Lauralai_22

Ex is a hypocritical deadbeat dad, NTA for being reasonable. 😠

0biterdicta | 0biterdicta

NTA. Get that child support, sis! 👏

mzpljc | mzpljc

Struggling mom is NTA and doing her best for daughter.

JTheJava | JTheJava

NTA mom gets support after entitled ex blames her for daughter's needs. 😊

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

NTA, go after him legally for your daughter's sake. 👏

jakebr0 | jakebr0

Calling out a deadbeat dad 💁‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex tries to guilt mom into working more, but gets shut down 👊

LordofToomay | LordofToomay

Daughter should not have to chase after entitled father. 😠

WellSuckMe | WellSuckMe

Struggling single mom receives advice on child support enforcement options.

Zestyclose_Meeting_8 | Zestyclose_Meeting_8

Don't bother with entitled ex who doesn't co-parent 🙄

ScubaCC | ScubaCC

NTA. Empower your daughter to see through his manipulative behavior. 👏

Wonderful-Mission908 | Wonderful-Mission908

Kind commenter offers helpful advice for struggling mom's holiday gifts 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Reporting your ex for child-support is worth pursuing 👍

seiraphim | seiraphim

Deadbeat dad wants expensive gift, mom on disability is NTA 👏

feralgoblingirl | feralgoblingirl

Supportive comment calls out coward ex and defends struggling mom.

xavii62 | xavii62

Supportive comment encourages getting child support. 🤝💰

13Lilacs | 13Lilacs

Fight with ex over child support, why not drag to court?

heardbutnotseen2 | heardbutnotseen2

NTA. Daughter is better off without a hypocritical deadbeat dad! 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Legal advice given to struggling mom in court dispute.

Substantial-Fee5845 | Substantial-Fee5845

NTA, with tough questions for the struggling mom. 🤔

cjhkys | cjhkys

Single mom praised for prioritizing daughter over entitled ex. 💯

DaddyLonggLegss | DaddyLonggLegss

Empathetic comment acknowledges entitled ex's behavior towards struggling mom.

No_Outlandishness472 | No_Outlandishness472

Don't want to be called a deadbeat dad? Don't act like one. 😠

bdayqueen | bdayqueen

Empathy shown for struggling mom dealing with entitled ex. 🙏

SeniorAdvertising808 | SeniorAdvertising808

Get that child support and therapy for your kid! NTA 💪

Aprikot_ | Aprikot_

Ex is a total douche! 🤬 Garnish his wages ASAP! 💸

TraceyR53 | TraceyR53

Supportive comment, offering condolences and virtual hugs 🤗

Khanover7 | Khanover7

Supportive comment shows empathy and hope for understanding. 🙏

Djhinnwe | Djhinnwe

Co-parenting gone wrong: entitled ex forbids kid's contact. NTA wins.

MKatieUltra | MKatieUltra

Ex wants the title, not the work. NTAs called out hypocrisy 👏

Raevyne | Raevyne

Struggling mom gets support for not being the a**hole parent 👏

Safe_Frosting1807 | Safe_Frosting1807

Empathetic dad calls out deadbeat dads and supports OP 👏

knubenmuben | knubenmuben

NTA defends giving daughter 3DS instead of expensive Switch, suggests waiting.


Supportive comment defends mom and celebrates daughter's gift 🎁

Mysterious_Parsley41 | Mysterious_Parsley41

Ex-husband gets called out for hypocrisy by strong single mom 💪

Excellent-Jello7894 | Excellent-Jello7894

Using child support can help struggling mom. Good suggestion! 👍

Stace34 | Stace34

Ex punishes daughter to get back at mom. NTA wins 👏

Impossible-Price | Impossible-Price

Empowering advice for mom to teach daughter about self-worth 💪

Stace34 | Stace34

Get that child support! NTA 👏

Lucia37 | Lucia37

Fight back with a lawyer! Your ex is trash. NTA

witchbrew7 | witchbrew7

Absentee dad sparks outrage with terrible parenting behavior 😠

dragonborne123 | dragonborne123

Fight for your child's happiness 💪💰 Take him to court

mermecha | mermecha

Legal options for back child support discussed. NTA 👏

ronearc | ronearc

Ex berates struggling mom for not affording daughter's gift. NTA.

MsEPGurl | MsEPGurl

NTA - Ex can't handle the truth and daughter shouldn't suffer 😠

FreyaCatGoddess | FreyaCatGoddess

Struggling mom stands up to entitled ex, NTA 🙌

xavii62 | xavii62

Deadbeat dad gets what he deserves. NTA wins custody battle 👏

Silly_Courage_6282 | Silly_Courage_6282

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