Parents CUT OFF Pregnant Daughter, Then DEMAND Her Presence! 😱

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🍿🎭 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy family drama unfolding before our very eyes. 👀 Meet our leading lady, a young student and single mom juggling uni, work, and a baby. 🎓👶💼 Her parents had set aside some cash for her education, but when an unexpected bundle of joy arrived, they pulled the plug faster than you can say "diaper change"! 💸🚫 Now, with a family reunion on the horizon and a cross-country trip looming, our heroine is faced with a tough choice: miss work and risk financial ruin, or demand an appearance fee from the very people who cut her off? 🤔💰 Let's dive into this tangled web of family politics, money matters, and the age-old question... who's the a-hole here? 🧐

🎓💸 The Uni Fund Dilemma

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🤰👶 Baby on Board, Income Overboard

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💔💰 Parents Pull the Plug

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🍼💼 Juggling Motherhood and Work

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🎂🚗 Birthday Bash or Budget Crash?

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🎉🎁 Family Reunion or Financial Ruin?

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💸🤷‍♀️ Money Matters and Missed Work

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💷🎟 The Appearance Fee Fiasco

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📱🙅‍♀️ FaceTime Fallout

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😤💸 Harsh Reality Check

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💰🙄 Sister's Salty Stance

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🏠🏖 The Accommodation Situation

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🤔💭 AITA for Demanding an Appearance Fee?

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🎭💸 The Great Family Reunion Showdown: Pay Up or Stay Home?

Well, well, well... looks like our leading lady is stuck between a rock and a hard place! 😬 Her parents want her to drop everything and trek across the country for a family reunion, but after they cut her off financially, she's not sure she can afford to miss work. 💸🚫 So, she's laying down the law: if they want her there, they better be ready to fork over some cash! 💰🤑 But her family's not having it, calling her greedy and entitled for even suggesting such a thing. 😤 Her sister's even accusing her of extortion! 😱 Talk about family drama! 🎭 Let's see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation... 🌐💬

Stand your ground! NTA for not wanting to lose money 💪

the_last_basselope | the_last_basselope

Parents cut off daughter, then demand presence: NTA comment with empathetic advice.

PlastickyConcern | PlastickyConcern

Parents cut off pregnant daughter, demand her presence. NTA.

Zaphod71952 | Zaphod71952

Financial constraints prevent visit, NTA. Parents emotionally manipulate -ESH.

definitelyhumanbeing | definitelyhumanbeing

Balancing motherhood and school is hard. NTA for asking support.

Alohatinyturtle | Alohatinyturtle

Single mom stands up to parents who cut off support. 💪

tanalei | tanalei

Redditor asks for judgement on missing work, deemed NTA.

singing_stream | singing_stream

NTA who made responsible choices despite parents' punishment. 👏

Low_Beach_2103 | Low_Beach_2103

Keeping the baby got her cut off, now they want visits? 😒

girlwhowears | girlwhowears

Vaccinated or not, no sleepovers allowed in the UK! 🤷‍♀️

Gethsemane_87 | Gethsemane_87

Practical advice on declining unreasonable demands from parents 🚫💸

gemskiy | gemskiy

Supportive comment calls out toxic family behavior. 👏

JudgementalSyrup | JudgementalSyrup

Parents broke promise to pay, but demand control. NTA.

elpatio6 | elpatio6

Putting her child first and being responsible. NTA wins.

dominiqlane | dominiqlane

Parents backed out of deal for being pregnant, now demand visit 😒

HumanPanacea | HumanPanacea

NTA stands up to disrespectful parents demanding presence after cutting off

Sheila_Monarch | Sheila_Monarch

👏👏👏 Standing up for yourself and your child! You go, mama!

Walrus-Living | Walrus-Living

ESH, but parents are out of line for guilting pregnant daughter.

Hamilspud | Hamilspud

Setting boundaries with parents who demand presence and expenses. 🛑

JennaFarce | JennaFarce

Navigating financial boundaries with entitled parents can be tough. 💪

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Parents cut off college fund for having sex, NTAs react 👏

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Parents refuse to pay for trip, expect daughter to come. NTA.

manhattanabe | manhattanabe

Parents demand support after cutting off pregnant daughter. NTA.

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Politely declining family's unreasonable demand. NTA 👍

Jsorrow | Jsorrow

Defying toxic parents and pursuing education while pregnant. 💪 NTA

Separate-Maize9985 | Separate-Maize9985

Sister's education funding irrelevant, parents were cruel to cut off

officialhannahbanana | officialhannahbanana

NTA responsibly handles financial cut off from unsupportive parents 👏

gold_dusted | gold_dusted

NTA. Can't have the butter and the money - consequences.

LaFlibuste | LaFlibuste

Parents cut off daughter, demand presence. NTA suggests solutions 🤔

LillithHeiwa | LillithHeiwa

Pregnant daughter's education unchanged, parents' reaction unnecessary. #NTA 👏

NewWorldCamelid | NewWorldCamelid

Parents cutting off pregnant daughter from real income is spiteful. #NTA

deadbodyswtor | deadbodyswtor

Parents broke oral contract, demand presence after cutting off daughter. NTA. 🙏

theKFP | theKFP

Navigating financial aid while pregnant and working - NTA comment.

WitchyRed1974 | WitchyRed1974

Uncovering potential parental discrimination towards pregnant daughter's education. 🤔

MarvinDMirp | MarvinDMirp

Punishing your child for getting pregnant is a jackass move 😒

ThrowawayAITA918 | ThrowawayAITA918

Having a child you can't afford doesn't entitle you to support. 💰

MarionberryNo1572 | MarionberryNo1572

Struggling student-parent stands up to controlling parents. 💪

rmric0 | rmric0

Parents' financial cut-off and daughter's pregnancy questioned 🤔

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NTA stands up for herself and calls out rich parents 💯

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Money saved for uni, not raising child. ESH for guilt-tripping.

littlepinkgrowl | littlepinkgrowl

Debate on whether college funds belong to parents or kids. NTA.

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Money caused tensions on both sides. ESH. 🤷‍♀️

Cascalu | Cascalu

Parents should support their pregnant daughter financially and emotionally. NTA. 👏

throw_away_800 | throw_away_800

Standing up to toxic parents while pregnant. NTA 🤰

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Compassion lacking from parents who cut off pregnant daughter 😢

yayayubsea | yayayubsea

Parents cut off daughter, demand presence, but she's NTA. 👏

Dry_Understanding915 | Dry_Understanding915

Grateful commenter shares story of generous parents, calls out OP's parents. 🙌

Hey-Kristine-Kay | Hey-Kristine-Kay

Navigating parental expectations and financial support with empathy.

fuckedupbadbro | fuckedupbadbro

NTA. Parents cut off pregnant daughter, now regretting their actions. 👏

Marmaladeanddryice | Marmaladeanddryice

NTA's logical response to unreasonable parents. 😒

BDThrills | BDThrills

UK commenter calls out parents' hypocrisy and offers practical advice.

Beneficial-Soft-3492 | Beneficial-Soft-3492

Legal implications of demanding presence during lockdown in UK 🚨

glittermaniac | glittermaniac

Don't let them guilt trip you, NTA. Set your boundaries 💪

Iseewhatudidthurrrrr | Iseewhatudidthurrrrr

NTA refusing to pay 'appearance fee,' family dynamics causing issues 🤔

canvasshoes2 | canvasshoes2

Playing the conditional love game 💰

levitatinglizard | levitatinglizard

Financially unable to travel, offered solution. COVID restrictions apply.

twoglassesofwine | twoglassesofwine

Stand your ground against entitled parents. NTA 👏

SmallYeetIntoTheVoid | SmallYeetIntoTheVoid

Confusion and disbelief over parents cutting off college funding. 😯

d0xym0m | d0xym0m

Parents guilt-trip, demand presence after cutting off pregnant daughter. NTA.

blarffy | blarffy

Fellow Brit offers helpful resources to pregnant woman in need 👏

tiemeupinribbons | tiemeupinribbons

Compromise not reached on pregnant daughter's education vs. pandemic travel 🚩

Teaaler | Teaaler

Empathetic comment applauds OP's strength and organization skills 🙌

CaroSCP | CaroSCP

Standing up for yourself is never easy, but you did it! 👏

Grand_Rapids_Guy | Grand_Rapids_Guy

Skip the stressful drive to see family punishing you. 🚫

Front_Thought_9988 | Front_Thought_9988

NTA for not being able to visit, but should have discussed parenting plans with parents. 💁

cass_92SS | cass_92SS

Grandparents paid for trips to keep family together. NTA.

rak1882 | rak1882

Encouraging comment acknowledges hard work and parenthood struggles 👏

Xarithios | Xarithios

Financially cut off for having baby, then demanded to visit? NTA 👏

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Stand your ground and prioritize your responsibilities. 💪

Regular-Glass-5318 | Regular-Glass-5318

Visit your nan, have a beach weekend, NTA 🌊

Jollydancer | Jollydancer

Financially cut off daughter sets boundaries with entitled parents. 💪

PhotoJim99 | PhotoJim99

Compensation and online meets reasonable, but NAH not entitled.

JasminePersson96 | JasminePersson96

Clever response to entitled parents demanding daughter's presence. 🤔

maxntrixie | maxntrixie

Full-time job, studies & baby. Parents must come to you. NTA 👍

DreamingDragonSoul | DreamingDragonSoul

Rant against the misconception of getting government money early.

flipityflopityfukoff | flipityflopityfukoff

Standing up to entitled family. NTA 👏🏼👏🏼

OneTwoWee000 | OneTwoWee000

Stand up for your financial independence! 💪

lionchild85 | lionchild85

Defending against guilt-tripping accusations while standing up for oneself. NTA 👍

calling_water | calling_water

Harsh criticism of entitled behavior with a touch of sarcasm 😒

Paratrooper_19D | Paratrooper_19D

Stand up for yourself and your baby! You're NTA 👏

theatrewhore | theatrewhore

Single mother stands up to demanding parents, NTA for setting boundaries 👏

DiligentPenguin16 | DiligentPenguin16

NTA commenter advises pregnant daughter against caving to entitled parents.

malachizels | malachizels

Secretly cut off by parents, write Gran a letter 📝

mrbnlkld | mrbnlkld

Parents cut off pregnant daughter's education funds. NTA for questioning.

harmonytw | harmonytw

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