Bartender Passes Woman's ID to Strange Men at Bar! 😱 She Speaks Up, Friend Attacks Her!

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Diply | Diply

🍸 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a doozy of a story for you today! 😱 Our 29-year-old "babyface" protagonist found herself in quite the pickle at a sports bar last weekend. 🙈 Despite being used to getting carded, she never expected the bartender to pass her ID around like a hot potato! 🔥 Grab a drink and settle in, because this tale is about to get wild! 🍿

🍸 Bartender Blunder: ID Insanity! 😱

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

🏈 Sports Bar Shenanigans: Trent's Terrible Transgression! 🙈

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

👀 Nosy Neighbor: Random Guy's Rude Request! 😠

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

🤲 Gimme My ID: Trent's Troubling Tease! 😤

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

😡 Excuse Me, Sir: My License, Please! 🆔

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

🤦‍♀️ Pass It Around: Another Guy Grabs My ID! 🤬

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

🙄 Lilly's Lame Excuse: They Were Just Messing Around! 🤨

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

😒 Lighten Up, Girl: Lilly's Lousy Logic! 🤯

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

😅 Boyfriend's Bad Advice: They Were Probably Flirting! 🙄

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

😰 Stalker Scare: Coworker's Creepy Conduct! 😱

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

😞 Bothered for Days: Trent's Troubling Behavior! 😔

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

📞 Manager Mayhem: Calling Out Trent's Transgressions! 😠

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

🤔 Harmless Humor or Problematic Principle? 🧐

whothatisnow | whothatisnow

🤯 Bartender's Blunder: A Tale of ID Insanity! 😱

Our protagonist's night took a turn for the worse when Trent, the bartender, decided to play a little game of "pass the ID" with some random guys at the bar. 🙄 Despite her protests, Trent handed over her license, complete with her name and address, to these strangers! 😠 Her friend Lilly brushed it off as harmless fun, but our girl wasn't having it. 😤 With a history of a stalker coworker, she couldn't help but feel uneasy about her personal info being shared. 😰 She called the manager to report Trent's behavior, much to Lilly's dismay. 📞 Now, the internet is divided: was this a harmless joke or a serious breach of privacy? 🤔 Let's see what the masses have to say about this wild tale! 🗣️

Bartender violates privacy, 'friends' defend it. NTA for speaking up.

BonifideStoner12 | BonifideStoner12

Contact the owner and report the dangerous bartender! 😠

Anewstageinlife | Anewstageinlife

Bartender shares woman's ID with strangers at bar! NTA for being outraged.

ChocolateKoko | ChocolateKoko

Bartender crosses the line, NTA for speaking up. Safety first! 🚨

KentuckyRootHero | KentuckyRootHero

Protecting personal information is important. NTA for speaking up.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Good on you for standing up for your privacy rights! 👏

TheZZ9 | TheZZ9

Stalking is a serious issue and passing personal info is unacceptable 😡

pnb10 | pnb10

Bartender crosses the line by sharing personal info with strangers 😱

QuackLikeMe | QuackLikeMe

Standing up for your privacy! NTA 👏

carbinePRO | carbinePRO

Reporting can save someone. Jokes can have real consequences. ✌️

Logical-Cranberry714 | Logical-Cranberry714

Bartender shares woman's ID with strangers, friend attacks her defender. 😱

Cute_Berry_7295 | Cute_Berry_7295

Protect your personal info! NTA for standing up for yourself.

angelaelle | angelaelle

Bartender passed woman's ID without consent, friend defends him. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bartender's careless action could have put her in danger. NTA.

NoiseDefiant2542 | NoiseDefiant2542

Sharing someone's ID is a big no-no. NTA for complaining.

Dearic75 | Dearic75

Bartender's actions were unprofessional, unethical, and possibly illegal. NTA.

toofat2serve | toofat2serve

NTA - OP's boyfriend needed a stronger reaction to her privacy violation 😱

PlaneEnough3246 | PlaneEnough3246

Sharing personal info without consent is never okay. #NTA 😍

ohsogreen | ohsogreen

Bartender in the wrong, friend invalidating your feelings. 🙄

rollergoddessITM | rollergoddessITM

Bartender's betrayal of trust sparks outrage. NTA for speaking up.

PolyPolyam | PolyPolyam

Disclosing private information is not a joke. NTA.

s1m0n_s3z | s1m0n_s3z

NTA handled well by calling employer over bartender's inappropriate action 💪

Superman530 | Superman530

Bartender's actions could easily compromise guest's privacy. NTA.

SacredC0w | SacredC0w

Bartender's inappropriate actions defended with a witty response. NTA.

I-Dont_Like_You | I-Dont_Like_You

Speak up when boundaries are crossed at the bar! 🚨

OneWithoutaName2 | OneWithoutaName2

Bartender puts woman in danger by sharing ID with strangers 😱

OkPhilosopher1313 | OkPhilosopher1313

Protecting personal information is important, friend gaslighting is wrong. #NTA 👍

No_Stand4235 | No_Stand4235

Bartender mishandles ID, friend attacks woman. Valid points made, NTA.

EndlessResets | EndlessResets

Protecting privacy: Woman stands up against bartender's inappropriate behavior.

MsSeraphim | MsSeraphim

Bartender and friend attack customer for speaking up. NTA.

JustOneMore_Cat | JustOneMore_Cat

Supportive comment calling for action against dangerous behavior. 😱

SetiG | SetiG

Protecting personal info - NTA! Friend values bartender over you 🤒

Anizziepluto | Anizziepluto

Privacy breach at the bar! NTA for speaking up 👍

Ok-Cheetah-9125 | Ok-Cheetah-9125

Standing up to harassment and defending herself! 🙌

PandoraClove | PandoraClove

NTA stands up to disrespectful friends at the bar 🔥

moonspiderxx | moonspiderxx

You were right to speak up and protect yourself. NTA 👍

Relevant-Candidate-6 | Relevant-Candidate-6

Friend defends bartender's terrible behavior, commenter calls out injustice. 💯

badadvicefromaspider | badadvicefromaspider

Bartender's entitled power play puts women's safety at risk. NTA.

KombuchaBot | KombuchaBot

Bartender shares woman's ID with strangers? Not okay 😱

blooger-00- | blooger-00-

Bartender violated her privacy, NTA for speaking up.

SnooCats6410 | SnooCats6410

Standing up against illegal actions. 🚔

blablamcbla | blablamcbla

Sassy NTA comment shuts down Trent's advances 🔥💪

sarajane95 | sarajane95

Bartender put OP in danger, friend blamed her. NTA. 💪🏻

lulububudu | lulububudu

Don't let anyone invalidate your feelings. Your past experiences matter! 🙏

lunasouseiseki | lunasouseiseki

NTA suggests a sassy response to Lilly's invasive behavior 😎

[deleted] | [deleted]

Quick thinking saves the day! NTA stands up for friend 👏

Eridia91 | Eridia91

Bartender's mistake, friend's ignorance, and the importance of safety. 🚨

KookyNefariousness2 | KookyNefariousness2

Bartender violates privacy, refuses apology. Manager intervention required. 😱

Ditovontease | Ditovontease

You deserve better! NTA for setting boundaries 👏

sisterchromatid | sisterchromatid

Bartender broke hospitality rules and should be fired! 😠

sundroptea | sundroptea

Bartender violated her privacy by passing her ID to strangers. NTA.

silkat | silkat

Protect your privacy! Don't let anyone share your ID 👌

dragonkeeperemme | dragonkeeperemme

The principle of not objectifying women highlighted in a comment.

Crunchy_Biscuit | Crunchy_Biscuit

Bartender passing ID to strangers is unacceptable. Friends should support.

MrFancypants666 | MrFancypants666

Taking someone's ID as a joke? Not professional 😑

HeyWiredyyc | HeyWiredyyc

Bartender violated liquor laws, NTA for complaining to manager. 🚨

ButterscotchOk7516 | ButterscotchOk7516

Bartender's actions could lead to serious crimes. NTA.

Usagi_Shinobi | Usagi_Shinobi

Standing up for yourself against creepy bar behavior 😊

Livinthedream_111 | Livinthedream_111

Not the a**hole. Safety is not a joke 🚨

BigPotato-69 | BigPotato-69

Bartender passing around someone's ID isn't okay 😑 NTA

Illustrious_Guard_61 | Illustrious_Guard_61

Bartender's actions were unacceptable, NTA. Press charges if repeated. 🚨

No-Names-Left-Here | No-Names-Left-Here

Bartender passed woman's ID to strangers, friend attacked her. NTA.

Trina608 | Trina608

Putting women's safety first 👏🏻. Important to think before acting.

gcot802 | gcot802

Reporting bad behavior is justified! 💯

Transformersaddicto | Transformersaddicto

Protecting your identity is important, NTA is justified! 🙌

MongooseLoud | MongooseLoud

NTA, complain to the corporation. Your property shouldn't be passed around 😡

FrostyCartographer13 | FrostyCartographer13

Suggests revenge plan on friend, advises finding new friends and BF.

Puzzleheaded-You7578 | Puzzleheaded-You7578

Bartender violated privacy, NTA for speaking up.

BinkBunny | BinkBunny

Report the bartender and establishment to your state's ABC. NTA 👍

Edymnion | Edymnion

Boyfriend and friend's behavior is concerning. Stay safe, OP! 🚨

Malibucat48 | Malibucat48

Bartender shares woman's ID with strangers? NTA calls him out.

madmaxextra | madmaxextra

Report the bartender to his boss and drop anyone who defends him! 🚨 Safety first!

[deleted] | [deleted]

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