Sister's 585-lb Weight Wreaks HAVOC on Family's Life! 😱 Time to Kick Her Out? 🚪

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Diply | Diply

🏠 Buckle up, folks! We've got a family drama that's heavier than a Thanksgiving turkey! 🦃 Meet our protagonist, a loving wife and mother of twin girls, who's been housing her morbidly obese sister for the past year. 😱 But this is no heartwarming tale of sisterly love - it's a nightmare of epic proportions! 🙈 Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, tantrums, and tough decisions. Will our heroine kick her sister to the curb? 🤔 Let's dive in and find out! 🏊‍♀️

🏠 Family Feud: Sister's Obesity Wreaks Havoc! 😱

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🚨 Desperate Times: No One Else Would Take Her In! 😰

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

😈 Sister From H*ll: Entitled, Lazy & Manipulative! 🤬

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🎭 Temper Tantrums & Playing The Victim! 😤

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🛌 Bedbound & Binging: Sister's Unhealthy Habits! 🍔

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🩺 Trying To Help: Dieticians, Therapy & More! 🙏

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family In Turmoil: Huge Burden On Everyone! 😔

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👧👧 Kids Copying Bad Behavior: Mimicking Auntie's Antics! 😲

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🔒 Prisoners In Our Own Home: Quality Of Life Destroyed! 😞

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⚖️ Legal Preparations: Ready To Give Her The Boot! 👢

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🚒 Drastic Measures: Fire/EMT To The Rescue? 🚑

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🤔 WIBTA? Conflicted About Kicking Sis To The Curb! 🚪

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🙏 Grateful For Feedback: Majority Says I'm The A-Hole! 😔

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

🗓️ 30 Days Notice: Sis Has A Month To Move Out! ⏰

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👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Family First: Counseling & Getting Back On Track! 💑

doglover_obviously | doglover_obviously

😱 Family Held Hostage By Obese Sister's Antics: Will They Give Her The Boot? 👢

Well, well, well... looks like our protagonist has found herself in quite the pickle! 🥒 Her morbidly obese sister has been wreaking havoc on the family for a year, refusing help and causing chaos at every turn. 🌪️ The situation has become so dire that our heroine is considering the unthinkable - kicking her own sister out! 😲 But with nowhere for Sis to go, it's a decision that weighs heavily on her heart. 💔 The internet has spoken, and the verdict is in: our protagonist may just be the a-hole in this situation. 😬 But with her family's well-being on the line, can you really blame her? 🤷‍♀️ Let's see what the masses have to say about this juicy family drama! 🍿

Sister refuses to lose weight but has money for food. NTA suggests ultimatum.

DaniCapsFan | DaniCapsFan

Assisted living may be an option for bedbound sister 🙏

weeblewobble82 | weeblewobble82

Setting boundaries for family's health is important. NTA.

mindcontrolmanatee | mindcontrolmanatee

Enabling sister's weight gain. NTA. Kick her out. 💪

AlexisRosesHands | AlexisRosesHands

Safe and temporary lodging for sister, NTA. Let's go neighbors! 💪🏻

Mirianda666 | Mirianda666

NTA. Morbidly obese sister is entitled, lazy, manipulative, and unhelpful. Kick her out! 🚪

riningear | riningear

NTA for kicking out 585-lb sister; others can take her in 🤷‍♀️

Trilobyte141 | Trilobyte141

Encouraging advice for finding alternative options for sister's living situation. 🏠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Be the anti-enabler. Blacklist deliveries, stop giving money, evict sister. 🚪

silentwalkaway | silentwalkaway

It's time to prioritize your family's well-being. 🙏

Khanover7 | Khanover7

Is the sister taking advantage of her family's kindness? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Compassionate response to family's struggle with morbid obesity. 🙏

matchy_blacks | matchy_blacks

Compassionate suggestion to get help for sister's weight problem.

wind-river7 | wind-river7

Setting boundaries with a 585-lb sister. Tough love? 😕

pengetal | pengetal

Compassionate yet firm response advocating fair eviction. 👍

Eastonpacman03 | Eastonpacman03

Tough love or enabling? Eviction may take a while! 😩

Ichauch13 | Ichauch13

Compassionate response suggests options for sister's assistance and boundaries. ❤️

heretoomuch | heretoomuch

Support for tough love approach to sister's weight problem. 💪

depressivedarkling | depressivedarkling

NTA: Family's 'heavy' problem needs immediate action 🔥

[deleted] | [deleted]

Enabling sister's unhealthy habits isn't good role modeling 🚫

ILoatheCailou | ILoatheCailou

NTA suggests threatening sister to change or kick her out.

Finnegan7921 | Finnegan7921

Time for her to go? NTA commenters agree 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister's weight causing chaos at home, NTA to kick out? 😭

cunthead11113030 | cunthead11113030

👏 Agreed. Prioritize your family's well-being and kick her out.

Dan-D-Lyon | Dan-D-Lyon

Setting boundaries with family can be tough 🤷‍♂️

NaughtyDred | NaughtyDred

Breaking the stereotype - being obese doesn't justify bad behavior 👏

bamf1701 | bamf1701

Kick her out and let social services handle it. 💪

Viperbunny | Viperbunny

NTA: Family member's weight causing damage, needs to leave 🚪

LiffeyDodge | LiffeyDodge

NTA moment. Consider group homes or nursing facilities for sister.

drzoidberg84 | drzoidberg84

Encouraging comment on setting boundaries for sister's well-being 👍

perkypancakes | perkypancakes

Standing up to a 585-lb sister is tough but necessary 💪

xshadowgrlx | xshadowgrlx

Putting your sister first could cost you your family 😞

Blobbyf1sh | Blobbyf1sh

Family suffers due to sister's weight. You're NTA.

Eelpan2 | Eelpan2

Enabling sister's weight is harmful to family and herself. 💪

pittsburgpam | pittsburgpam

NTA! Kick her out for the sake of your kids! 🚪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for wanting to kick out sister who is causing harm 😱

Mysterious-Winter616 | Mysterious-Winter616

NTA, sister needs to leave 🚪💪

AJWordsmith | AJWordsmith

Contact Adult Protective Services for help finding a nursing home. NTA.

ebrionkeats | ebrionkeats

NTA. Supportive and empowering comment, encouraging OP to take action 💪

Hasagreatkid | Hasagreatkid

NTA suggests kicking out abusive sister for family's sake. 👏

Vectorman1989 | Vectorman1989

Questioning how she affords food; suggesting to kick out. NTA 👍

scienceoffuckingup | scienceoffuckingup

Concerned commenter provides helpful advice for dealing with sister's weight.

mcgar1 | mcgar1

ESH, but kicking her out without warning is a d\*ck move 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Depression and obesity go hand-in-hand. NAH. Encourage therapy 💪

Cereal_poster | Cereal_poster

Helpful comment suggests seeking TV show help, non-judgmental tone.

Breatheme444 | Breatheme444

Overcoming weight struggles and offering practical options with empathy 🙏

sk0479913 | sk0479913

Putting yourself first is not selfish when it means saving family.

Froggetpwagain | Froggetpwagain

NTA x 100! Kick that mooch out! 🚪

TenguMeringue | TenguMeringue

One year too long? NTA for asking sister to leave 🤷‍♀️

mommy1395 | mommy1395

Addressing addiction is crucial for her health. NTA.

suchathrowaway112 | suchathrowaway112

Getting adult CPS involved might be the best solution.

JasminRR | JasminRR

Sister's weight puts family in danger. Kick her out? NTA

che1505 | che1505

It's time to kick her out, NTA! 🚩

spud_gun04 | spud_gun04

Taking responsibility for one's actions is key. Move on. 👍

applesauceyes | applesauceyes

NTA commenter suggests legal intervention for sister's health and family's psychology.

JenJam67 | JenJam67

NTA commenter suggests kicking out sister for the sake of kids

Izzy4162305 | Izzy4162305

Prioritizing family's well-being over sister's weight struggles. NTA 👏

mathhews95 | mathhews95

Compassionate NTA comment encourages setting boundaries for sister's health.

beansnack | beansnack

Suggesting extreme measures for sister's 585-lb weight. 😱

FortuneWhereThoutBe | FortuneWhereThoutBe

NTA - Sister's abusive behavior and refusal to care for herself.

roses269 | roses269

Sister's weight is ruining the family's life. NTA for kicking her out.

abriel1978 | abriel1978

Self-inflicted consequences. Soup kitchen may aid impulse control.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA sister's weight causing chaos, needs to go for everyone's sake 🤯

Eshiah88 | Eshiah88

Protect your family, kick your sister out. NTA 🚨

plumbus_hun | plumbus_hun

Encouraging sister to move out and get aid to help 🏠

gemini_genu | gemini_genu

Taking care of a 585-lb sister is not your responsibility 💪

Dovahkiinkv1 | Dovahkiinkv1

Encouraging reply to a difficult family situation. 🙌

tandoori_taco_cat | tandoori_taco_cat

Encouraging NTA comment advocates for sister's independence and self-care.

Human--Shield | Human--Shield

Putting your family first and finding professional help for them.

Agnes_Nutter2020 | Agnes_Nutter2020

Compassionate recommendation to consider nursing homes for sister's care. 💕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging response to family's dilemma with helpful advice. 👍

gidgetcocoa | gidgetcocoa

Group home may be option. NTA. Nightmare situation. 😬

nettiemaria7 | nettiemaria7

Personal story of similar situation advocates kicking sister out. 👍

Wellness_hippie | Wellness_hippie

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