Slob Wife Takes STAGED Cleaning Photos to Prove Hubby Wrong! 🤳😤

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🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of marital mayhem that's sure to make you chuckle and cringe! 😂😬 Meet our protagonist, a 36-year-old husband who's at his wit's end with his 27-year-old wife's cleaning habits... or lack thereof! 🙈 Despite being a stay-at-home spouse, this lady seems to have mastered the art of Netflix marathons and internet browsing, while leaving a trail of mess in her wake. 🛋️📺 But wait, there's more! 😱

🚨 Hubby vs. Wifey: The Cleaning Clash! 🧹😱

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

💰 Sugar Daddy Supports Slobby Spouse! 🍬👸

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

🗑️ Stepping Over Messes for Days! 😱🙈

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

🛋️ Netflix & Chill... All Day, Every Day! 📺😴

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

🙅‍♀️ Sensitive Slob in Denial! 😤🤥

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

🍽️ Dishes Dilemma: Now or Later? 🤔⏰

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

😤 Hubby Hits Breaking Point! 💥🗑️

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

🙅‍♀️ "I'm Not a Maid!" 😤🧹

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

❄️ Cold War in the Household! 🥶🏠

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

📸 Fake Photoshoot Fiasco! 😂🤳

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

😢 Sulking Spouse Seeks Sympathy! 😭🛏️

decent_slip7741 | decent_slip7741

🚨 Hubby vs. Wifey: The Epic Cleaning Clash! 🧹😂

Our hardworking hubby has reached his breaking point with his wife's slobbish ways! 😤💥 After confronting her about the never-ending piles of clutter, she fires back with a defiant "I'm not a maid!" 🙅‍♀️🧹 The tension escalates into a full-blown Cold War, complete with a ridiculous photoshoot of the wife "cleaning" to prove her point. 📸😂 Hubby can't contain his laughter at the absurdity, but now wifey is sulking and playing the victim card. 😢🛏️ Did he push it too far, or is she just trying to manipulate him? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this messy situation! 😱🍿

Concerned commenter suggests potential mental illness, advises seeking professional help.

SlammyWhammies | SlammyWhammies

Cleaning duties discussion missing, marriage may need more communication 👍

sunfloweries | sunfloweries

Age gap relationship leads to messy situation. ESH.

Accomplished_Cup900 | Accomplished_Cup900

A reply suggests compassion for the wife's struggles. 🙏

judithpoint | judithpoint

Experienced homemaker suggests making a chore chart together for clarity 🧹

grandmakathy63 | grandmakathy63

Marriage is a partnership, NTA for expecting basic help 🤝

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging comment suggests compromise for stay-at-home spouse's cleaning habits. NTA.

MHGresearchacct228 | MHGresearchacct228

Man says wife should do housework, gets called out for sexism

Nelashena | Nelashena

NTA for laughing, but maybe sit down and figure it out 🙌

JBrewd | JBrewd

Partner not cleaning? NTA, demand equal effort in household chores! 💪

rainbow_mak3r | rainbow_mak3r

Undiagnosed ADHD can make daily tasks feel impossible. NAH here.

ohmalice | ohmalice

Laziness or mental health? NTA's view on slob wife controversy 😱

Born-Replacement-366 | Born-Replacement-366

Could ADHD be the reason behind the slob wife's behavior? 🤔

mashedpotate77 | mashedpotate77

Support for OP's reasonable expectations and backlash against mental health excuses.

Aggressive-Fox-5991 | Aggressive-Fox-5991

Engaging reply urges couple to communicate and suggests therapy.

HelenAngel | HelenAngel

Prior communication and compromise necessary for harmonious cohabitation. 👍

stiff_butthole | stiff_butthole

Balanced approach to household chores, NTA

kstweetersgirl2013 | kstweetersgirl2013

NTA: Commenter defends husband, calls out societal expectations of women.

ObviousToe1636 | ObviousToe1636

Partner or child? NTA frustrated with slob wife's lack of effort. 😞

PsychoSam16 | PsychoSam16

Taking responsibility is crucial. NTA calls it silly.

No_Championship4093 | No_Championship4093

User questions the purpose of being with a slob wife.

moooooowk | moooooowk

Supportive comment suggests addressing potential mental health concerns.

mehwhateverrrrr | mehwhateverrrrr

Consider the possibility of undiagnosed health issues. Don't attack.

NarcoChonky | NarcoChonky

Advice on communicating with a potentially depressed and bored spouse. 🙏�\skin-tone-2

betsycrocker | betsycrocker

NTA suggests wife may be depressed and encourages action. 🙏

Database_Prestigious | Database_Prestigious

Both parties could work together to find a solution. 👍

Yukon-Don | Yukon-Don

User calls out husband's attitude towards wife's serious issues. 🤔

TheExaltedNoob | TheExaltedNoob

User criticizes stay-at-home spouse for not contributing to household.

morelliwatson | morelliwatson

Lazy wife gets called out for staged cleaning photos. NTA.

Cat-catt | Cat-catt

Husband criticized his wife for not being the woman he wanted. YTA 👎

Allupinyourface | Allupinyourface

User calls out YTA for emotionally manipulating slob wife 😠

RobotsFightingTrexes | RobotsFightingTrexes

Spotless house is a fair trade for not working full-time. NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Marriage age gap and silly photos lead to ESH judgement.

thejexorcist | thejexorcist

Partner's mental illness not an excuse for not communicating helplessness. NTA.

No-Wheel-8798 | No-Wheel-8798

Double standards in relationships. NTAH for expecting equality.

Alexchairez | Alexchairez

Taking progress photos can be a helpful strategy for motivation. 🙌

carashhan | carashhan

Partner should help out. Suggest discussion instead of insults. 💬

LilSouthernDogLover | LilSouthernDogLover

Age gap shaming in the comments, but OP is NTA 💁‍♀️

exsang62 | exsang62

NTA calls out laziness in hilarious way 😂

12thhouseorphan | 12thhouseorphan

Spouse is a leech with a 21-year-old's maturity. NTA.

because_i-getHigh | because_i-getHigh

User questions wife's purpose and appearance in humorous comment.

sandithepirate | sandithepirate

Encouraging reply suggests seeking help for wife's potential ADHD or depression.

FairyFartDaydreams | FairyFartDaydreams

Cleaning selfies? NTA, that's just ridiculous 🙄

whatifimtheproblem | whatifimtheproblem

Lazy wife accused of mooching off husband by commenters. 🤔

xtianspanaderia | xtianspanaderia

Don't expect a perfect housewife from a 22-year-old

hexgirlthorn | hexgirlthorn

NTA for wanting a fair share of housework. A relationship requires effort 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Age gap and toxic relationship concerns raised, YTA changed to ETA.

mckenziemewtwo971 | mckenziemewtwo971

Teamwork makes the clean dream work! 👫🧹

Blinkme03 | Blinkme03

Married 5 years & only now snap at her? YTA 🤨

Overall_Stay5904 | Overall_Stay5904

Clean up your mess, or pay your own rent. NTA

PhysiologyIsPhun | PhysiologyIsPhun

Ex's laziness led to a breakup, NTA's story is relatable 😂

trouserspup | trouserspup

Lazy wife takes staged cleaning photos, commenter says NTA.

facinationstreet | facinationstreet

NTA comment suggests wife should get a job; supports OP.

Needylovely | Needylovely

Considerate response suggests possible underlying reasons for wife's behavior.

PickleAfficionado | PickleAfficionado

When a messy house hints at deeper struggles 😔

weaboo801 | weaboo801

Partner's ADHD doesn't excuse lack of effort in relationship. 👏

notyourholyghost | notyourholyghost

Poor communication and petty responses cause tension over household chores. 😑

Kettlewise | Kettlewise

Wife accused of staging cleaning photos, needs to split chores evenly. 💪

Darthvaderinathong | Darthvaderinathong

Housewife suggests therapy and hiring maid for slob wife. NTA

Tash817 | Tash817

User questions wife's contribution to household, sparks debate.

Realistic-Tune-9365 | Realistic-Tune-9365

User argues that mental instability doesn't excuse wife's behavior. NTA.

PendejoDeMexico | PendejoDeMexico

Redditors debate if husband should leave 'slob' wife 🤔

bothonpele | bothonpele

Cleaning with ADHD: The Struggle is Real 😭

[deleted] | [deleted]

A plea for empathy towards OP's wife with ADHD struggles.

Fine_Increase_7999 | Fine_Increase_7999

Equitable division of labor is important. Don't belittle your partner. 👍

armchairshrink99 | armchairshrink99

Offering empathetic perspective and urging communication with wife. ❤️

xjulesx21 | xjulesx21

Both sides overestimate their contributions, need counseling 👨‍👩‍👦🏻👨‍👩‍👧🏻

[deleted] | [deleted]

A comment acknowledging NTA for being upset, but also calling out YTA for marrying someone a decade younger without setting clear expectations. Raises valid points about maturity levels and expectations.


Gender bias in judging hobbies. NTA for Netflix binging.

Cheezy_Beard | Cheezy_Beard

ESH. Expecting a stay-at-home spouse to do household tasks, but OP is condescending. Is there underlying depression?

rb928 | rb928

NTA suggests taking away Netflix to prove a point. 😬

AngelNati | AngelNati

ESH. Wife takes staged photos to prove hubby wrong 😳

saurellia | saurellia

Suggestion to get tested for ADHD, YTA for mocking wife.

QuinnBC | QuinnBC

Don't laugh at your partner's effort, help and support them. YTA.

lexi_the_leo | lexi_the_leo

Advice for understanding partner's behavior and possible ADHD diagnosis. YTA approach not helpful.

TuxandFlipper4eva | TuxandFlipper4eva

ESH, but is a one-sided relationship fair? 🤔

Thick_Pomegranate_ | Thick_Pomegranate_

User suggests ADHD as a possible issue and advises communication 🗣️

Prydeb4thefall | Prydeb4thefall

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