Husband Refuses To Help Wife After She Loses FORTUNE 💔

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🔥 Buckle up, folks! We've got a juicy tale of love, money, and crypto chaos that'll have you on the edge of your seat! 💸 When a poor guy ties the knot with a filthy rich gal, you know things are bound to get interesting. 💍 But throw in a prenup, some risky investments, and a dash of marital drama, and you've got yourself a recipe for a wild ride! 🎢 So, grab your popcorn 🍿 and let's dive into this story of wealth, separation, and a husband's nonchalant response to his wife's financial woes! 😮

💍 Tying the Knot: A Tale of Two Wallets 💰

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📜 The Prenup Predicament: Signing Away Rights 🖊️

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💸 Debt and Income: A Separation Story 🙅‍♂️

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🙋‍♂️ The Bootstrap Mentality: A Man's Determination 💪

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⏳ Five Years Later: A Wealth Disparity Persists 📈

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🪙 The Monero Misadventure: A Crypto Catastrophe 📉

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💸 From Riches to... Still Pretty Rich 🤑

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📊 Index Funds vs. Crypto: A Tale of Two Investments 🤔

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🚨 Warning Unheeded: A Husband's Concern Ignored 😕

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😐 "That's Rough": A Nonchalant Response? 🤷‍♂️

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💁‍♂️ Rich Despite Poor Choices: A Husband's Perspective 🤨

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🤔 AITA? A Question of Sympathy and Separation 🙋‍♂️

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💔 Crypto Chaos: A Marriage on the Rocks? 😢

Well, well, well... looks like this couple's prenup has come back to bite them in the a**! 😬 The wife's crypto investments have taken a nosedive 📉, and she's not too happy about her husband's lack of sympathy. 😒 But wait a minute, didn't she want to keep their finances separate in the first place? 🤔 Talk about a classic case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too! 🍰 The internet is buzzing with opinions on this one, so let's see what the masses have to say about this crypto catastrophe and the state of this marriage! 🗣️

Spouse lacks empathy after wife loses fortune 💔

Sufficient_Cat | Sufficient_Cat

User calls out husband's lack of support and possible grudge 🔥

Right_Count | Right_Count

Crypto investment gone wrong, but is the wife the AH?

alien_overlord_1001 | alien_overlord_1001

Man refuses emotional support to wife after prenup resentment. YTA 👎

MeanestGoose | MeanestGoose

Spouse refuses to support wife after investment loss 💔

landlocked_mermaid_ | landlocked_mermaid_

Spouse calls out YTA for not showing empathy towards wife 💔

Samael13 | Samael13

Lack of empathy but valid point. 🤔

sand-man11 | sand-man11

Don't be a selfish partner. Emotional support matters too 👍

almaco1998 | almaco1998

Money-focused husband gets called out for being dismissive. YTA 🤨

slang_tang_ | slang_tang_

Skeptical comment questions the authenticity of the story.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NAH judgement, empathetic advice and emotional support 👍

avickysayswhat | avickysayswhat

Doubts on the authenticity of the story, YTA for lack of emotional support 🤷‍♀️

karigan_g | karigan_g

Skeptical commenter questions wife's 'middle class' status with sarcasm

Gold-Tonight-6818 | Gold-Tonight-6818

Spouse refuses to console after financial loss. YTA 🤢

Saturn5100 | Saturn5100

Caller calls out husband for lack of emotional support. 😠

Harmlessoldlady | Harmlessoldlady

Spouse refuses emotional support after wife loses fortune. YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Husband criticized for lack of empathy towards wife's loss 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Money may be separate, but empathy and support are not. 😔

JKPhantom86 | JKPhantom86

Husband's lack of empathy towards wife's financial loss criticized 😒

christycat17 | christycat17

Supportive response to husband's financial decision. NTA 👍

DoozleWoozle | DoozleWoozle

Outsider thinks husband is a soft YTA for valuing money over wife 💔

HPNerd44 | HPNerd44

Marriage is about emotional support. YTA for not giving that.

Individual_Ad_9213 | Individual_Ad_9213

Husband lacks sympathy for wife's loss, both are at fault 👎

lil-peanutbutter | lil-peanutbutter

Be a husband, not just a banker 💰🤵🏻

Key-Raise9268 | Key-Raise9268

Husband's lack of emotional support after wife's loss triggers comments 💔

Free_Ad_7708 | Free_Ad_7708

User believes wife was arrogant and deserves no sympathy. 💼💸

Tamerlane_Tully | Tamerlane_Tully

User calls out elitist attitude and lack of spouse support 😒

Unr3p3nt4ntAH | Unr3p3nt4ntAH

User calls out husband's lack of sympathy towards wife. YTA 🙄

AllTheShadyStuff | AllTheShadyStuff

NTA celebrates losing fortune for $18M, living his best life 😎

sheetmetaltom | sheetmetaltom

Harsh criticism of husband's behavior and marriage, suggesting divorce.

Polina_m1 | Polina_m1

OP learns to let go of bitterness towards wife's fortune.

dbtl87 | dbtl87

YTA husband fails to emotionally support wife after financial loss 😔

namesaretoohardforme | namesaretoohardforme

NTA comment defends wife's risky investment decisions.

bunnycook | bunnycook

Misogynistic comment sparks backlash in the replies 👊

DifficultCockroach63 | DifficultCockroach63

Redditors are divided on who's the a-hole in this story 🤔

UsernameTaken93456 | UsernameTaken93456

Mixed feelings on wife's financial choices, but lack of empathy ESH 😕

bitchlessfrankcastle | bitchlessfrankcastle

Prenup protects husband. Commenter agrees NTA (not the a**hole). 👍

Message_Bottle | Message_Bottle

A blunt YTA comment shuts down the story's protagonist.

angelamia | angelamia

YTA refuses to help wife after losing fortune 💔

Aggressive_Today_492 | Aggressive_Today_492

"Pulling myself up by the bootstraps" misuse criticized 🤔

AnemosMaximus | AnemosMaximus

User calls out husband for being unsupportive after wife's financial loss

ParticularTangerine0 | ParticularTangerine0

NTA. Prenup clause to keep money for future kids reasonable 👍

ProfessionalCar6255 | ProfessionalCar6255

Toxic masculinity and selfishness, YTA 🤑💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Insensitive husband receives YTA judgment and criticism for lack of empathy 😔

netnet1014 | netnet1014

Crypto schadenfreude at its finest 😂

rwecardo | rwecardo

NTA. No sympathy for crypto dreams, invest in real things. 💰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Debate on whether wife deserves sympathy after losing fortune.

joseph_wolfstar | joseph_wolfstar

Marriage works better when worldly possessions belong to both of you ❤

Parrothead62 | Parrothead62

Wife seeks support from husband, gets called YTA. 😓

Throwingshadesofgrey | Throwingshadesofgrey

Listen to your spouse, YTA. 👅

grouchymonk1517 | grouchymonk1517

Partner prioritizes money over emotional support for struggling wife. YTA 🤢

Shylights | Shylights

Redditor calls out husband for lacking empathy towards his upset wife 💔

Ipswitch_the_Lock | Ipswitch_the_Lock

Gendered blame game over financial mistakes 🤦‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Investing in stocks and crypto: gambling or sound strategy? 🤔

Gralb_the_muffin | Gralb_the_muffin

Husband's lack of empathy towards wife's financial loss - YTA 😠

Mintblock_ | Mintblock_

Investing in crypto is too risky, better options available. NTA.

wtfvegas1 | wtfvegas1

NTA sympathizes but holds their ground on the crypto investment.

SaraAmis | SaraAmis

The commenter questions the wife's investment choices and inheritance value 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. She's still financially secure with $18 million 💰

copycat-xerox | copycat-xerox

OP's lack of empathy towards wife's financial loss is appalling 😠

myname2002 | myname2002

Partner disregarded warning about crypto investment, but NTA. Marriage lacking love?

Tinynanami1 | Tinynanami1

Husband criticized for failing to comfort wife after financial loss 💔

WIBTA5000 | WIBTA5000

Spouse refuses to comfort wife after financial loss, labeled YTA 😠

Nericmitch | Nericmitch

NTA fails to see emotional support is more important than money 💔

Honorthedead | Honorthedead

Spouses should provide emotional support regardless of separate finances. 😔

Upper_Fault_9761 | Upper_Fault_9761

Spouse refuses to comfort partner after financial loss. YTA.

Sweet_T_Piee | Sweet_T_Piee

Resentment over prenup? Consider therapy to work through feelings.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Marriage without emotional support is just glorified roommates 🙄

bnkay123 | bnkay123

Husband's lack of compassion during wife's stress deemed unacceptable. YTA 😠

Shanal183 | Shanal183

Lack of compassion for wife's crisis - YTA acknowledged.

apropo | apropo

Financial separation shouldn't excuse lack of emotional support. YTA 🤷

[deleted] | [deleted]

Both parties have issues, but relationship seems to work. 👍

jayjayell008 | jayjayell008

Empathy is key, even if you're rich 💔🤷🏻‍♀️

strangeswordfish23 | strangeswordfish23

Investing is a gamble. EHS for expecting pity, OP lacks empathy 🤷‍♂️

Nagadavida | Nagadavida

ESH but wife more than husband; she's upset he's not upset 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Investing in crypto requires caution, only invest what you're willing to throw away 🤷‍♀️


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