Teen REFUSES to Go on Long-Awaited Camping Trip If Dad's GF's Son Comes Along! 😠

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🏕️ Buckle up, folks! We've got a camping conundrum on our hands! 😱 Our 17-year-old protagonist has been planning the ultimate post-graduation camping trip with his dad for YEARS. 🌄 Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming - the works! 🗺️ Even little bro Jed is tagging along for some quality bonding time. 👨‍👦 But wait, there's a plot twist! 😲 Dad's got a new girlfriend, Bonnie, and her 10-year-old son, Toby, might just crash the party. 🎉 Is our hero an a-hole for putting his foot down and refusing to go if Toby tags along? 🙅‍♂️ Let's dive in and find out! 🕵️‍♂️

🏕️ A Camping Trip Years in the Making! 🌄

throwitout102 | throwitout102

🗺️ Exciting Destinations Await! 🏞️

throwitout102 | throwitout102

👨‍👦 Brotherly Bonding Time! 🤜🤛

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🏕️ Planning the Perfect Adventure! 🗺️

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👩 Enter Bonnie and Her Son, Toby 👦

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😲 A Surprise Invitation! 🏕️👦

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😕 Hesitation Sets In... 🤔

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🙅‍♂️ Putting My Foot Down! 🚫

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😤 An Ultimatum is Given! 🏕️❌

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🤷‍♂️ Jed Follows Suit 🚶‍♂️

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🤔 AITA for Sticking to My Guns? 🔫

throwitout102 | throwitout102

😱 Family Drama Unfolds Over Epic Camping Trip! 🏕️🔥

Well, well, well! Looks like our protagonist is in quite the pickle! 😅 He's been dreaming of this epic camping trip with his dad and bro for ages, only to have his dad's new girlfriend's kid potentially crash the party. 😒 Talk about a buzzkill! 🙄 Our hero puts his foot down and says it's a no-go if Toby tags along, but his dad's not having it. 😤 Even mom gets involved, trying to convince him to just suck it up and go. 🙏 But our guy's not backing down! 💪 He's sticking to his guns, even if it means missing out on the trip of a lifetime. 😢 So, what does the internet think? 🤔 Is he being a total a-hole for refusing to bond with his potential future stepbro, or is he justified in wanting to keep this trip sacred? 🙊 Let's see what the masses have to say! 📢

Don't force bonding on someone. OP deserves a special camping time.

starvinartist | starvinartist

NTA commenter empathizes with teenager's decision to exclude dad's GF's son.

RedForTheWin | RedForTheWin

Dad's plan backfires as commenter suspects. NTA 👍

Evilbadscary | Evilbadscary

Adding a stepbrother changes the nature of the camping trip. 😰

Myobright2344 | Myobright2344

Bonding trip with dad shouldn't include dad's gf's son. NTA 👍

holiestcannoly | holiestcannoly

Graduation trip hijacked by dad's GF's son. NTA.

Minute_Box3852 | Minute_Box3852

Graduation trip should not be used for other purposes. NTA.

Decent_Ad6389 | Decent_Ad6389

Dad's GF's son not wanted on camping trip. NTA wins.

stubborn_mushroom | stubborn_mushroom

Parent prioritizes girlfriend over family, NTA for refusing inclusion. 🙄

Takeabreak128 | Takeabreak128

Don't ruin a special trip for a stranger's kid. #NTA 🙂

breathemusic14 | breathemusic14

Graduation trip hijacked by dad's GF's son, NTA comment agrees

World_Explorerz | World_Explorerz

Celebrate your OG family. NTA for wanting dad & brother.

Fartbox15 | Fartbox15

Graduation trip drama with dad's girlfriend's son. Stand your ground. ✊

Comfortable-Worth-82 | Comfortable-Worth-82

Teen stands up to manipulative father insisting on unwanted guest. 💪

WillLoveCoffee4Ever1 | WillLoveCoffee4Ever1

Last family trip before college, dad's GF's son not welcome 😍


"Let us have this trip. We're saying not for this one." 🏕️

OsaBear92 | OsaBear92

Dad prioritizes GF's son over his own? NTA for refusing.

bwb888 | bwb888

Sibling bonding > New girlfriend's son. NTA. 👍

FriedScrapple | FriedScrapple

Protective commenter questions dad's girlfriend's son joining camping trip.

WholeCollection6454 | WholeCollection6454

Dad's GF's son invited on camping trip without consent. NTA stance.

invomitous-rex | invomitous-rex

User sympathizes with commenter's amusement park struggles and supports their decision to not go on camping trip with dad's girlfriend's son. Encourages solo trip in future. 🌎

Necessary_Net_7049 | Necessary_Net_7049

Teen opts out of camping trip to avoid catering to 10-year-old.

Middle_Purpose_3550 | Middle_Purpose_3550

A 10-year-old may get homesick on a 2.5-week camping trip 😕

jjjjjjj30 | jjjjjjj30

Quality time with dad should be just you two! 😊 #NTA

LeReineNoir | LeReineNoir

Teen rightfully called out dad for bad planning. 💪

yachtiewannabe | yachtiewannabe

Camping trip ruined by unwelcome surprise guest 😠

s1m0n_s3z | s1m0n_s3z

Camping with someone who can't keep up? NTA for backing out! 😠

FitOrFat-1999 | FitOrFat-1999

Strong opinion against Dad bringing GF's son on trip.

AriDiamondGold | AriDiamondGold

Stick to your decision! Don't let guilt ruin your trip. 😊

Mishy162 | Mishy162

Standing your ground on a special trip? NTA 👏

Will_Spiegal | Will_Spiegal

Choosing between family and new gf's son on camping trip 😬

Why_r_people_ | Why_r_people_

Don't force relationships with future step-siblings. NTA 👍

throwaway-983527 | throwaway-983527

Forced sibling bonding on a long camping trip? NTA, OP.

Nani65 | Nani65

Dad prioritizing his GF's son, NTA for refusing to go 🙌

Lilitu9Tails | Lilitu9Tails

Dad's GF's son ruining father-son camping trip. NTA stands firm.

ceruveal_brooks | ceruveal_brooks

Dad prioritizing GF and her son over his own child 😢

supremely_nat | supremely_nat

Speculation that Dad's girlfriend forced unwanted guest, NTA for refusing.

strangr55 | strangr55

Respect boundaries and say no to uncomfortable situations. 🙏

PolyDoc700 | PolyDoc700

Stand your ground and prioritize spending time with your family! 💪

SoleMurias | SoleMurias

Son wants a dad-son bonding trip, not an amusement park visit. 😎

OpinionatedAussieGal | OpinionatedAussieGal

Dad's not considering lifelong memories with Jed. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teen's dad prioritizes GF's son over his feelings. NTA.

PrestachioTree | PrestachioTree

Graduation trip isn't the right move for bonding with Toby 🚫

schmitty9800 | schmitty9800

Teen explains why it's not cool to bring dad's GF's son on an important father & sons trip. NTA 😎

ummyea---Iguess | ummyea---Iguess

Dad's GF's son on MY post-grad trip? NTA for refusing! 😠

breathofari | breathofari

Graduating teen asserts boundaries for camping trip with dad and brother 🌲

Girlwithemotions_ | Girlwithemotions_

Dad's willing to trade in a lifelong memory for a *might*?

GroundbreakingLuck94 | GroundbreakingLuck94

Quality time with family matters. NTA for wanting it.

Electronic_Ad5751 | Electronic_Ad5751

Last father/son trip before college, dad shows favoritism. NTA 👏

Dusty_Fluff | Dusty_Fluff

NTA comment defends teen's camping trip plans.

Rapidbetryal | Rapidbetryal

Graduation trip drama: Teen refuses dad's GF's son. NTA wins.

SarcasticFundraiser | SarcasticFundraiser

Graduation gift camping trip sans dad's GF's son. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging comment about travelling without parents to go camping.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Father-son camping trip only, don't budge. NTA 👍

Jallenrix | Jallenrix

Father's decision could make or break family bonding time. 🤔

Pettyfan1234 | Pettyfan1234

Refusing a camping trip for a stranger? NTA, not obligated.

yradbam | yradbam

Stand up for yourself and plan a trip with Jed! NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful NTA teen sets boundaries for bonding with dad's girlfriend's son.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sweet perspective on why dad's GF's son shouldn't come along 😍

HIBunbun | HIBunbun

Teen rightfully defends desire for special family time. 💪

Sufficient-Gur-1150 | Sufficient-Gur-1150

Teen refuses to go camping with dad's GF's son. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Graduation trip is for me and bro, not Dad's GF's son 🎓🏕️

dheffe01 | dheffe01

Teen refuses to go on camping trip with dad's GF's son. NTA.

Due-Yogurtcloset-699 | Due-Yogurtcloset-699

Family bonding vs. outsider. NTA for not wanting GF's son.

JennaFarce | JennaFarce

Teen refuses to camp with dad's GF's son, asks for advice 🏕️

Coco_Dirichlet | Coco_Dirichlet

Camping trip hijacked by new family member? NTA for refusing! 🌲

Mea-fae_Owl73 | Mea-fae_Owl73

Teen refuses to bond with dad's GF's son on camping trip. NTA.

ItsWetInWestOregon | ItsWetInWestOregon

Sassy comment calls out dad's girlfriend's motives and supports OP. NTA 👏

shiralor | shiralor

Dad shouldn't forcefeed GF's son on camping trip. NTA 👍

charlotta98 | charlotta98

Dad prioritizing new GF's son over his own - NTA

CantEatCatsKevin | CantEatCatsKevin

Last family trip before college, NTA for wanting just family. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad puts teen in a tough spot with his GF's son 😔

glt1988 | glt1988

Teen rightfully refuses dad's last-minute addition to long-awaited camping trip 😠

CanIPleaseTryToday | CanIPleaseTryToday

Bonding with dad is important, but camping trip is duo/trio.

Longjumping_Insect78 | Longjumping_Insect78

Planning a camping trip with dad's GF's son, YTA move

Disastrous_Lunch_899 | Disastrous_Lunch_899

Graduation trip promise broken for stepfamily. NTA, hold firm.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bonding doesn't have to happen on this camping trip 😊

tarmagoyf | tarmagoyf

Teenager objects to dad bringing girlfriend's son on camping trip.

AirAggravating8714 | AirAggravating8714

No kids on adult camping trips. OP deserves his planned trip.

nursehotmess | nursehotmess

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