Unbelievable! New Mom's SHOCKING Request to In-Laws Over Baby Gift 😱

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🤰 Attention all moms-to-be and gift-givers extraordinaire! 🎁 We've got a doozy of a dilemma on our hands today. Picture this: you're mere weeks away from welcoming your little bundle of joy 👶, and your well-meaning in-laws ask what you still need. Being the organized mama bear you are, you send them a link to the perfect playpen 🎠 - color, features, reviews, the whole shebang! But wait... what's this? 😱 They got you a different one, and it's just not cutting it. 😞 Buckle up, because we're about to dive into a wild ride of family dynamics, baby gear preferences, and the age-old question: WIBTA? 🤔

🍼 Baby on the Way, In-Laws at Play! 👶

crystallivi | crystallivi

🔗 The Perfect Playpen, Linked with Care 🎵

crystallivi | crystallivi

⭐ Near-Perfect Reviews, A Mom's Dream Come True! 🌟

crystallivi | crystallivi

😞 SIL's Surprise: Not Quite Right 🎁

crystallivi | crystallivi

🎯 Missing the Mark: Did They Even Try? 😕

crystallivi | crystallivi

😬 Awkward Gratitude, But True Feelings Hide 🙏

crystallivi | crystallivi

🤔 WIBTA: Requesting a Return for the Right One? 🔄

crystallivi | crystallivi

💰 It's Not About the Money, Honey 🍯

crystallivi | crystallivi

❓ Why Ask If You Won't Listen? 🤷‍♀️

crystallivi | crystallivi

📞 FaceTime Fail: Cute Over Practical 📱

crystallivi | crystallivi

😢 Hurt Feelings, Hidden Returns 🙈

crystallivi | crystallivi

💸 It's Not About the Benjamins, Baby 💵

crystallivi | crystallivi

🎁 What's Left on the List? 📝

crystallivi | crystallivi

😒 In-Laws' Preference Trumps Mom's Choice 🤨

crystallivi | crystallivi

🛍️ No Easy Returns, No Easy Solutions 😩

crystallivi | crystallivi

🍼 The Great Playpen Debacle: A Mom-to-Be's Dilemma! 😩

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of "I know what I want, but they got me something else" syndrome! 🙄 Our expecting mama bear did her research, found the perfect playpen, and even sent the link to her in-laws. But what did they do? They went rogue and got her a different one! 😱 Now she's stuck with a playpen that's not quite right, and she's wondering if she'd be the a-hole for asking them to return it. 🤔 It's not about the money, folks - it's about the principle! 💸 Why ask what she wants if you're just gonna do your own thing? 🤷‍♀️ Let's see what the internet has to say about this baby gear brouhaha! 🍿

Return the gift yourself and pay the difference. YTA 😑

HellaShelle | HellaShelle

Entitlement alert! OP shamed for expecting gift refund from in-laws 🤦

joywaveee | joywaveee

Don't bite the hand that feeds you 🤪. YTA's request backfires.

Doxendrie | Doxendrie

Be grateful for the gift and buy what you want yourself 🙏

The_ShadyLady | The_ShadyLady

New mom wants to return baby gift, but would she be TA? 🤔

punnymama | punnymama

Returning unwanted baby gift: NTA for returning, YWBTA for asking in-laws.

Mission_Range_5620 | Mission_Range_5620

First-time mom called out for ungratefulness over baby gift 🤔

Artistic_Leader_4800 | Artistic_Leader_4800

Validating the effort put into researching baby items is important. 👍

zOMGLasers_PewPew | zOMGLasers_PewPew

Redditor calls out entitlement in gift-giving etiquette 👀

000-Hotaru_Tomoe | 000-Hotaru_Tomoe

Being polite while getting what you want with a gift receipt 👍

photosbeersandteach | photosbeersandteach

Redditors agree: Asking in-laws to exchange gift is rude 😒

galsquishness | galsquishness

Opinionated mom defends unpopular view on baby gifts 🤔

Usrname52 | Usrname52

Controversial opinion sparks debate on baby shower gift etiquette 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Baby shower isn't a chance to get everything you want 😒

Riker1701E | Riker1701E

Mom wants what she registered for, NTA for returning gift 👍

Deep-Ruin2786 | Deep-Ruin2786

Reconsider your entitled request to in-laws for pricey gift 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Navigating family dynamics when it comes to baby gifts 🤔

Hyacathusarullistad | Hyacathusarullistad

New mom gets called out for being selfish with gifts 😒

Ihavelostmytowel | Ihavelostmytowel

Spend more or not? One comment says YWBTA with reasons.

GlassSandwich9315 | GlassSandwich9315

Return the gift yourself, don't be a YTA 😒

Interesting-Two946 | Interesting-Two946

Accept the gift or return it, don't act entitled 🙄

Immediate_Refuse_918 | Immediate_Refuse_918

New mom not satisfied with playpen gift. NTA for wanting better.

pro_conser333 | pro_conser333

New mom receives pricey gift, rejects it and gets called YTA

msdu5276769 | msdu5276769

Ungrateful new mom called out for entitlement over baby gift 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

One gift or two? YWBTA if you asked for more.

Jayybirdd22 | Jayybirdd22

Be grateful for any level of help you receive from family 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

First-time mom's perfectionism vs gratitude for baby gift

Happycatlady1982 | Happycatlady1982

Entitled new mom gets called out for being a YTA 😑

EntireInitial272 | EntireInitial272

Entitled new mom faces backlash for asking in-laws to pay more 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom wants two baby gifts. YTA for returning one? 🤔

Bitter-Conflict-4089 | Bitter-Conflict-4089

Focus on practicality, not aesthetics. Valid point 👍

TiniestMoonDD | TiniestMoonDD

User calls out entitlement of new mother over baby gift 🤔

apolsen | apolsen

Be careful what you wish for when it comes to gifts 😑

Jolly_Tooth_7274 | Jolly_Tooth_7274

Don't be dismissive of their earnest desire to help 👏

El_Ren | El_Ren

Don't jump to conclusions. Consider alternative reasons for the gift.

RiriTomoron | RiriTomoron

Polite YTA comment receives helpful suggestion for gift exchange 🎁

TheRedSkittle4 | TheRedSkittle4

Red flags? Commenter thinks OP is TA for baby gift request.

catlady226 | catlady226

Ungrateful new mom criticized for entitled attitude towards baby gift 😒

SeveredHead1983 | SeveredHead1983

Experienced parent gives frugal baby tips with a touch of humor 😂

theboblobear | theboblobear

A thoughtful comment suggesting a solution to the gift issue 👍

PerformanceAwkward30 | PerformanceAwkward30

Be grateful and return the gift - YTA comment.

Forward_Interest_218 | Forward_Interest_218

The joy of gift-giving is in the giver's choice. YTA. 🎁

gussmith12 | gussmith12

New mom slammed for demanding expensive baby gift 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Return gift yourself or ask in-laws to return it. 🎁

Classic-Savings7811 | Classic-Savings7811

Don't be entitled, return the gift yourself. YTA. 😒

slaveofacat | slaveofacat

NTA stands their ground on unwanted baby gift 👶


Mom faces backlash for expecting others to pay for baby item

The_Asshole_Judge | The_Asshole_Judge

Gift rejection etiquette explained. Gratitude over entitlement. 🙏

Old_Sheepherder_630 | Old_Sheepherder_630

Practical tip for repurposing unwanted baby gift 🙌

pizzasauce85 | pizzasauce85

How to handle unwanted baby gifts without being TA 🤷‍♀️

WayMoreCowbell | WayMoreCowbell

Don't act entitled! YTA should return the gift politely 😒

Mlady_gemstone | Mlady_gemstone

Researching baby gear isn't important? Yikes 🤔

Hereforthelaughs8888 | Hereforthelaughs8888

NTA for wanting what you researched and knew you wanted 👍

kemicel | kemicel

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, YWBTA 😑

finny_d420 | finny_d420

Yikes! Harsh criticism for entitled mom's request for playpen 🤨

hayleybeth7 | hayleybeth7

Pregnant mom-to-be stands up for practical and aesthetic choices 💪

Entorien_Scriber | Entorien_Scriber

Don't be the a**hole for asking in-laws to return gift 🙄

Scroogey3 | Scroogey3

Baby gift color complaint called out for being entitled 🤒

isitpurple | isitpurple

New mom called out for entitlement over baby gift 😱

Grandfeatherix | Grandfeatherix

Recipient receives baby gift, calls in-laws YTA 🤬

Happyperson25 | Happyperson25

User suggests asking for cash instead of gifts. YTA according to them.

lanceypanties | lanceypanties

New mom wants practical gift, YTA for handling poorly 🤔

PnkRngr | PnkRngr

Respect your kid's wishes or RIP the joy. 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

A portable playpen can be a useful accessory for parents 👨🏻‍🎤

CynicallyCyn | CynicallyCyn

Etiquette reminder: Gift card is always a safe choice 👍

sometimes_snarky | sometimes_snarky

Petty but justified 🤷‍♀️ NTA keeps unwanted gift

FineFold6804 | FineFold6804

Supportive comment defends FTM's desire for specific baby gear 👏

BizzyLi | BizzyLi

New mom gets called out for being ungrateful 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Clear request ignored, NTA stands their ground on gift.

omensandpotential | omensandpotential

Grandma shuts down entitled new mom's gift request 👏

LegitimateStar7034 | LegitimateStar7034

Mom gets called out for being too picky with baby gifts 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

New mom receives harsh judgement for requesting a better gift 🤷‍♀️

Dontfollahbackgirl | Dontfollahbackgirl

Gratitude over entitlement: a reminder to appreciate what's given 🙏

ThatOneChickMeg | ThatOneChickMeg

Entitled new mom gets called out for unappreciative behavior 😒

WaywardMarauder | WaywardMarauder

Ungrateful new mom gets called out for her entitled behavior 😒

sawta2112 | sawta2112

Parenting advice: Laugh, cry, keep going, and appreciate help 😊

coastalAntisocial | coastalAntisocial

Accept and return for store credit, YTA.

Trin_42 | Trin_42

"YTA" Comment: Gratitude over entitlement, don't bite the hand. 🚫

Individual-Fail4709 | Individual-Fail4709

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