Stepmom Tells Stepson 'Thems the Breaks!' When He Can't Afford College 😠

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Diply | Diply

🎓 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a doozy of a college conundrum on our hands! 😱 Meet Catie, the golden child 👸 whose rich daddy is footing the bill for her fancy-schmancy education, and Nick, the unlucky stepson 🙍‍♂️ who's gotta scrape by on his dad's meager savings. 💸 When the truth comes out about the uneven playing field, tensions rise and accusations fly! 🚨 Did stepmom put her foot in her mouth with her "thems the breaks" comment? 😬 Let's dive in and unpack this family drama! 🍿

🎓 A Tale of Two College-Bound Teens 👧👦

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

💰 Daddy's Little Princess Gets a Free Ride 👸

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🙍‍♂️ Meanwhile, Stepson Struggles to Scrape By 💸

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🤷‍♀️ Tough Luck, Kid - Mom's Not in the Picture 🖼️

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

💸 Laying Out the Cold, Hard Facts 🧮

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🤐 Mum's the Word on the Moolah Situation 🤫

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

😡 Stepson Sees Red Over Stepsister's Sweet Deal 🚨

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🤝 A Proposition: Share the Wealth, Stepmom! 💰

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🤷‍♀️ Stepmom's Verdict: Thems the Breaks, Kid 🤷

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

😠 Stepson Sees Red, Hubby Calls Stepmom an A-hole 🍑

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

✍️ The Fine Print: A Longer Look at the Convo 🔍

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🙏 Trying to Keep it Real, Yo 💯

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

😬 Did Stepmom Put Her Foot in Her Mouth? 🦶👄

collegefundsarentfun | collegefundsarentfun

🎓 College Costs Cause Family Feud: Is Stepmom the A-hole? 🍑

😱 Whoa, talk about a college conundrum! Catie's living the dream with her rich daddy footing the bill, while poor Nick's gotta make do with his dad's meager savings. 💸 When Nick finds out about the unfair situation, he's seeing red and demanding a piece of the pie! 🍰 Stepmom tries to let him down gently, but her "thems the breaks" comment has hubby calling her an a-hole. 🍑 Did she cross the line, or is Nick just being a brat? 🤔 Let's see what the internet has to say about this family feud! 🍿🔥

Stepmom's lack of empathy towards stepson's college debt (YTA).

[deleted] | [deleted]

"Thems the breaks!" is dismissive and uncaring. YTA. 🤷‍♂️

CanterCircles | CanterCircles

A commenter relates to the stepson and supports the stepmom's approach.

KronkLaSworda | KronkLaSworda

Stepmom reminds stepson life's not fair when paying for college 😒

Cryptographer_Alone | Cryptographer_Alone

Stepmom criticized for insensitive comment towards stepson's education. 😕

Rude_Vermicelli2268 | Rude_Vermicelli2268

Stepmom refuses to hand over daughter's college fund to stepson 😠

No-Locksmith-8590 | No-Locksmith-8590

NTA commenter advises caution and quotes Yellowstone's John Dutton on fairness 😎

chuckinhoutex | chuckinhoutex

Regretful NTA shares college debt & parental advice 🎓

BioGirl956 | BioGirl956

NTA commenter defends stepmom's choice of words with tact advice.

Nobeernotvsmthgsmthg | Nobeernotvsmthgsmthg

Stepmom tells stepson 'thems the breaks' and gets called out for lack of empathy 😒

sjsyed | sjsyed

Teaching kids that life isn't fair 😠

robiatortilla | robiatortilla

Stepmom not responsible for stepson's college expenses. NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being honest about college finances - NTA 👍

Zazzog | Zazzog

Mixed family finances cause college financial disparity. NTA offers solutions. 💪

HootblackDesiato | HootblackDesiato

NTA stepmom gets support for not being able to pay for stepson's college 💰

OctopussQueen | OctopussQueen

Different familial situations, tough luck for stepson 😠

cuervoguy2002 | cuervoguy2002

Stepmom's offer to pay for half of education deemed fair 👍

tre_chic00 | tre_chic00

Military and GI Bill can help with college costs. NTA.

zdstormwolf | zdstormwolf

Stepmom praised for being a good parent and giving options 👍

HRHtheDuckyofCandS | HRHtheDuckyofCandS

NAH comment provides helpful advice for both stepson and stepmom 👍

scarybottom | scarybottom

Self-made success: Commenter encourages hard work and financial aid.

Celestia-Messenger | Celestia-Messenger

Stepmom refuses to pay for stepson's college, NTA.

JuliaX1984 | JuliaX1984

Parenting is tough - saying no firmly is necessary sometimes 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Life isn't fair, 'thems the breaks' for stepson's college funds 😠

Sorry_Lawfulness_221 | Sorry_Lawfulness_221

Encouragement for finding alternative paths to afford college 🎓

[deleted] | [deleted]

Paying for college is tough but honesty is important. 🙏

katieleehaw | katieleehaw

Being honest with children is important. 'Them's the breaks!' 😠 NTA.

baneline2 | baneline2

Stepmom not the a**hole for being blunt about college costs 😊

ImaginaryStandard293 | ImaginaryStandard293

Stepmom doesn't owe stepson college support, NTA 👍

nkbee | nkbee

Confused commenter questions vague financial explanation for stepson's college.

The_Wyzard | The_Wyzard

Stealing daughter's college fund for stepson makes them AHs. NTA.

Minute_Patient_8841 | Minute_Patient_8841

Encouraging comment reminds stepson he has options for college 💪

KirbyxArt | KirbyxArt

NTA comment defends parents' financial responsibility to their children. 🙄

Homeowner238 | Homeowner238

Stepmom defends not paying for stepson's college, says life isn't fair 😠

MagicianOk6393 | MagicianOk6393

One parent is funding college, NTA. Emotions aside, logical explanation.

Unknown-U | Unknown-U

NTA stands by 'Them's the breaks!' and agreement with ex.

Hyacinthus98 | Hyacinthus98

Stepmom faces inequality, tries to help stepson with scholarships. NTA.

Mirror_Initial | Mirror_Initial

Being a bit harsh, but NTA for teaching him the truth.

Tatertotsmagee | Tatertotsmagee

Stepmom's response to stepson's college expenses deemed unfair. YTA. 😠

EmmalouEsq | EmmalouEsq

Stepmom takes no blame for stepson's college funds 😒

abletofable | abletofable

Stepmom criticized for telling stepson 'Thems the Breaks!' but not the a-hole according to commenters. They suggest scholarships or using dad's saved money.

Usidore | Usidore

Stepmom's dismissive attitude towards struggling stepson earns her YTA judgement.

Electronic_Swing_887 | Electronic_Swing_887

Stepmom not obligated to pay. Suggests trade school over college. 👍

CivilSenpai69 | CivilSenpai69

Stepmom advised stepson well, but could have been warmer 😊

Potential_Honey_955 | Potential_Honey_955

Stepmom defends not paying for stepson's college, NTA 😏

CaptainBeverlyPicard | CaptainBeverlyPicard

A condescending phrase that irritates the commentator, 😒

jmaccccck | jmaccccck

Early discussions on college expenses could have helped the situation 🙏

Buying_Bagels | Buying_Bagels

Encouraging NTA comment suggests state and community college options 👍

notnotforreal | notnotforreal

Stepmom's insensitive comment causes family turmoil. YTA.

Sea-Smell-6950 | Sea-Smell-6950

Stepmom criticized for treating stepchildren differently in college funds 😠

Bludongle | Bludongle

Empathy matters, even when delivering tough news. Soft YTA. 🤓

OddNastySatisfaction | OddNastySatisfaction

Redditor calls out stepmom for insensitive comment about college tuition 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parental responsibility for college expenses, reasonable expectations and entitlement. 🙏

magicalseer | magicalseer

Struggling with student debt, tough to hear 'thems the breaks' 😢

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stepmom receives YTA judgement for insensitivity towards stepson's college issue 💁🏻‍♂️

AceHarleyQ | AceHarleyQ

Not responsible for stepson's college fees, NTA with explanation 😊

Darkweeper | Darkweeper

Stepson learns financial lesson from stepmom's tough love. NTA.

charlybell | charlybell

Student loans exist 💰 but stepmom's snarky 😠 response rated NTA.

BeaArt78 | BeaArt78

Don't be entitled to other people's money 👏

SammyLoops1 | SammyLoops1

Stepmom not responsible for stepson's college fund. NTA 👍

Slow-Medicine-7273 | Slow-Medicine-7273

Stepmom receives NTA judgment for college payment decision.

caliphaEna | caliphaEna

Encouraging hard work for scholarships and being understanding. 💪

TowerOfPowerWow | TowerOfPowerWow

Stepmom explains financial situation to stepson, NTA 👍

bkwormtricia | bkwormtricia

Stepson should be grateful for paid education, NTA wins 👍

pygmymetal | pygmymetal

Stepmom supports stepson despite financial difficulties. 👏

Neicy1204 | Neicy1204

NTA for not giving stepson extra money for college 💰

a-mathemagician | a-mathemagician

Stepmom not to blame for stepson's college expenses. NTA 👍

NoOutlandishness1099 | NoOutlandishness1099

Being upfront and rejoicing in others' success; volunteer reminder 🙌

RealTalkFastWalk | RealTalkFastWalk

Blunt responses may be warranted, according to this NTA comment.

rapshepard | rapshepard

Encouraging stepmom helps stepson find affordable college options 👏

shiuleong12 | shiuleong12

Stepmom refuses to pay for stepson's college, called ungrateful. 😒

queen0fgreen | queen0fgreen

Encouraging comment about applying for scholarships 👍

Prominenceburn | Prominenceburn

Don't hate the player, hate the game. NTA wins!

smurfandturf13 | smurfandturf13

Navigating student loans: 'NTA, like at all' 👍

tarc0917 | tarc0917

Stepmom's stepson can't afford college, commenters relate to situation.

watch-out-oh-n--- | watch-out-oh-n---

Stepmom advises stepson to explore other opportunities besides college 👍

Algebralovr | Algebralovr

Stepmom delivers tough love to stepson about college funds 😠

snarkastickat16 | snarkastickat16

Stepmom defends her daughter's college fund, internet agrees.

Multitrak | Multitrak

Stepmom not TA, but could offer alternatives to 'thems the breaks' 🙂

Softestpoop | Softestpoop

Stepmom receives soft NTA for denying stepson's college funds

falseGlitter | falseGlitter

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