Pregnant Aunt's Babysitting Drama: A Tale of Boundaries and Snarky Nieces 🤰👧

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Diply | Diply

Ever had to deal with a snarky, inquisitive 9-year-old while you're 8 months pregnant? One woman did, and it's a tale filled with drama, boundaries, and a dash of humor. 😅 Let's dive into this rollercoaster of a story.🎢

Two Pregnancies, Two Different Paths 🤰🤰

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Babysitting Duties and a Snarky Niece 👧

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The Inquisitor Strikes! 🕵️‍♀️

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Christmas Tree Controversy 🎄

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Eavesdropping and Financial Queries 💸

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The YouTube Incident 📱

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The Ultrasound Dilemma 🤔

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Clashing Appointments 📅

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The Final Straw 🐪

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Aunt vs. Niece: Who's the Boss? 🥊

Our pregnant protagonist finds herself in a pickle, juggling her own health, appointments, and the responsibility of watching her inquisitive niece. The 9-year-old, known for her snarky comments and nosy nature, seems to have her own set of rules, leading to conflicts. From Christmas tree controversies to YouTube incidents, each day brings a new challenge. The final straw? A clash of appointments and a refusal to babysit during her own important meeting. Will our protagonist stand her ground? Let's see what the internet has to say about this family drama! 🍿

NTA, not your responsibility. They're taking advantage of you. 🙅

i-Ake | i-Ake

Setting boundaries with snarky niece and clueless parents. 🙌

nannylive | nannylive

Conflicting waiting room rules: NTA, but confusing situation 😔

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"NTA. Set boundaries with niece. Adults need to enforce rules."

justalittlestressed | justalittlestressed

"NTA. Just say 'No, that won't work for me.' 🙅🏼👍 Don't let them guilt trip you!"

Laquila | Laquila

"NTA. Set boundaries and teach her common courtesy and manners." 👍

tritoeat | tritoeat

NTA - Snarky child, snarky comment, and some punny humor 🤣

rollercoaster_fan | rollercoaster_fan

NTA, child wants to be treated like an adult, engage her

ZugTheMegasaurus | ZugTheMegasaurus

NTA: Parenting drama escalates with snarky comment and sarcastic reply 😂

4kids | 4kids

Curious about the different waiting room rules for attorney vs OB?

LimitedCorri | LimitedCorri

Fiery comment sparks debate over babysitting boundaries and judgments 🤰👧

Vacant_a_lot | Vacant_a_lot

Shutting down snarky nieces with a clever legal bluff 😎

SincerelyCynical | SincerelyCynical

Setting boundaries with snarky nieces, NTA! 👧

Samsassatron | Samsassatron

NTA- Free childcare unappreciated? Take a break from babysitting! 👧

HellaHighAtHogwarts | HellaHighAtHogwarts

"NTA, but implement 'My house, My rules' policy." 💪

TentaclesAndCupcakes | TentaclesAndCupcakes

NTA. Boundaries are important. 🚫👶

-Maj- | -Maj-

Teaching boundaries vs punishing: Who's responsible? 👨‍👧

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Fixing snarky attitude: NTA takes charge, sparks babysitting drama 🤰👧

henchwench89 | henchwench89

NTA. Teach her about privacy now, before her peers hate her 😊

WritPositWrit | WritPositWrit

Putting yourself first and setting boundaries 💪

jarofmayanaisse | jarofmayanaisse

Respectfully declining babysitting request at 8 months pregnant 🤰👧

Goofball412a | Goofball412a

ESH: Parents need a babysitter, OP needs to set boundaries 😂

hellobequiet | hellobequiet

Mods... c'mon.. Validation posts are allowed now 🙄

Pm_Me_Gifs_For_Sauce | Pm_Me_Gifs_For_Sauce

"NTA. Set boundaries with snarky niece's parents. They need to parent 👇"

PastelSpectre | PastelSpectre

NTA. Babysitting for free while 8 months pregnant? You're amazing! 🤰

c_c_c__combobreaker | c_c_c__combobreaker

Unnecessary context, but NTA. Drama and snarky nieces 😍

ash-leg2 | ash-leg2

Mom prefers snarky niece at lawyer's office over doctor's office? 😳

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A subreddit full of unbelievable stories about a**hole encounters! 🤰👧

Rex_Digsdale | Rex_Digsdale

NTA: Boundaries and disrespectful niece? They need to step up! 👧

theblondeslut | theblondeslut

Setting boundaries with snarky nieces: NTA for saying no, YTA for enabling disrespect 🙅

MyLadyBits | MyLadyBits

You're not the a**hole! Set your boundaries and stand firm.

Ciarallola | Ciarallola

NTA: Setting boundaries with snarky, entitled nieces. 🙌

PaineTanglewood720 | PaineTanglewood720

NTA: Dealing with snarky nieces and setting boundaries 🤰👧

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Setting boundaries with nieces: NTA, stop enabling their entitlement 🙏

Krodsonofkrod | Krodsonofkrod

"NTA. Just say, 'sorry! I can't this time!' 🙌. Ultrasound snarkiness! 😂"

lovejanis | lovejanis

Boundaries are key! NTA, but work on establishing them 👍

internetrobotperson | internetrobotperson

NTA, but prepare for a snarky niece showdown 😏

Asayyadina | Asayyadina

Firmly set boundaries with snarky niece and entitled parents. 🙌

mrsshmenkmen | mrsshmenkmen

Confidently say 'no' to babysitting during your maternity leave 🤰👧

mamamoats | mamamoats

NTA for not wanting to take snarky niece to appointment 😊

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NTA vs SIL: A Snarky Showdown 😏

Bobcatluv | Bobcatluv

NTA. Boundaries and gratitude are key in this situation! 🙌

FuntimeChris79 | FuntimeChris79

Free babysitting is a gift! Set boundaries and stand your ground. 👧

TKDavis07 | TKDavis07

Don't let them pawn off their snarky niece on you! NTA 🙌

stewbugx | stewbugx

NTA. Boundaries matter. Let's stop the snarky interruptions! 👏

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NTA. Boundaries crossed! Hypocritical family takes advantage of your kindness 😠

terrapharma | terrapharma

NTA!!! Stand your ground! Good manners are the grease 🤰👧

cranberry58 | cranberry58

"Annoying child defense" sparks snarky debate. Who's the a**hole here?

SlobBarker | SlobBarker

NTA: Setting boundaries with a snarky niece. You do you! 🙌

Typical_Dawn21 | Typical_Dawn21

NTA. Avoid her snarky comments at your legal appointment 👍

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Nostalgic for the days of removing validation posts 😢

itsaravemayve | itsaravemayve

NTA. Setting boundaries with snarky nieces and their impending baby.

Stormophile | Stormophile

NTA. Don't let them guilt you into babysitting their child 🙅

Pannydbz | Pannydbz

NTA - Boundaries are important for niece's social development 👧

Subject_Summer | Subject_Summer

NTA. Parenting struggles and the need for discipline. 🙏

SamaMamaaa | SamaMamaaa

Engage with Nosy Nora's prying by celebrating Orthodox Christmas 🎁

skizethelimit | skizethelimit

👶 YTA for not babysitting, but also for toxic behavior.

lizardtruth_jpeg | lizardtruth_jpeg

Setting boundaries: NTA stands firm against snarky nieces 👧

Bangbangsmashsmash | Bangbangsmashsmash

Parenting double standard? NTA calls out snarky niece's behavior. 😊

612marion | 612marion

Setting boundaries with snarky nieces. NTA, 'No' is enough! 🙌

bouncyandrea | bouncyandrea

The village steps in when parents fail to discipline kids.

theduderino123 | theduderino123

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