When Office Gossip Turns into a Friendship Fiasco: A Tale of Trust and Betrayal 🍿

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We've all had that one friend who just can't keep a secret. But what happens when their loose lips cost them a job opportunity? 🤐💼 Meet our storyteller, a mature student turned professional, and her friend Leah, the gossip queen. Their friendship, which started at university, takes a dramatic turn when office politics and a romantic relationship come into play. Let's dive into this roller-coaster of trust, betrayal, and job hunting. 🎢

The University Friendship 🎓

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Love Blossoms in Academia 💕

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When Trust is Broken 🕵️‍♀️

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The Fallout of Loose Lips 🗣️

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A Fresh Start 🌱

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The Gossip Queen's Downfall 👑

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A Difficult Decision 🤔

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The Truth Unveiled 🕵️‍♀️

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The Aftermath ⚡

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The Accusations Fly 🗣️

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Standing Firm 💪

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The Final Confrontation 😡

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Office Drama or Justified Actions? You Decide! 🎭

In a whirlwind of office politics, friendship, and romantic entanglements, our storyteller found herself in a difficult position when her gossip-loving friend Leah applied to her workplace. After experiencing the fallout of Leah's gossiping at their previous job, she decided to be honest with her supervisor about Leah's behavior. Leah didn't get the job, and the blame game began. Leah accused our storyteller of sabotage, demanding a retraction of her statement. But our storyteller stood her ground, refusing to retract her words. So, who's in the right here? Let's see what the internet has to say... 🌐

NTA. Honest reference, drama-free work culture, and no loss of friendship. 👍

jacquilynne | jacquilynne

Don't let her drive you out of a job again! NTA 🙌

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NTA... Toxic gossip in the workplace makes things miserable! 😱

RedJW87 | RedJW87

NTA: Forgiving doesn't mean wanting more. Awkward, but understandable reasons. 👍

rich-tma | rich-tma

NTA for recommending someone, but now dealing with consequences 😳

lochnessrunner | lochnessrunner

Leah used your name as a reference without permission 😮

Mirianda666 | Mirianda666

Friendship fiasco: Trust betrayed, job lost. NTA, prioritize your career! 🍿

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NTA. Awkward encounter with ex's mistress at work, dodged a bullet 🍿

Artistic-Rich6465 | Artistic-Rich6465

NTA. Beware of toxic 'friend' who could ruin your reputation. 🤯

rudebish | rudebish

NTA, but did Jamie ruin your relationship? Find out here! 🤔

BUTTeredWhiteBread | BUTTeredWhiteBread

Friendship fiasco: NTA for standing up to toxic coworker 🤪

pcnauta | pcnauta

Lesson learned: Keep your mouth closed! 🙈

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Friendship fizzles out. Not the a**hole.

Amara_Undone | Amara_Undone

Friendship fiasco: NTA, she's not entitled to your help 👍

Joylar7 | Joylar7

Honest reference leads to friendship fiasco 🍿

raerae6672 | raerae6672

"NTA, but a little white lie could've saved the friendship."

Calmandwise | Calmandwise

NTA. No trust, no change. Friendship fiasco with a twist.

scrappy8350 | scrappy8350

NTA. Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the shittiest friend of all? 🤷‍♀️

Zombiesquirrel57 | Zombiesquirrel57

NTA. Inconsiderate friend put you down as reference without asking 💯

Arinen | Arinen

Gossiping has consequences. Not the a**hole. 🚩

LeReineNoir | LeReineNoir

NTA: Honesty is key, she needs to learn some boundaries 🙅

BDThrills | BDThrills

Friendship fiasco: NTA, she asked for it 🙄

SettingNice8853 | SettingNice8853

"NTA. It's disrespectful to put a friend down as a reference."

SignificantOrange139 | SignificantOrange139

Self-inflicted damage, enabling the work gossip. NTA 👍

NotYourMommyDear | NotYourMommyDear

Teaching workplace etiquette: NTA, she sounds like a bad friend 🙅

diskebbin | diskebbin

NTA defends against malicious gossip and unauthorized reference request. 🙌

randomnurse | randomnurse

NTA, but be cautious. Leah may gossip about you now 🤔

loudent2 | loudent2

NTA, she would have caused more drama and rumors at work 😱

juicebox_o21 | juicebox_o21

Friend asks for reference, blows up over sensitive topic. NTA

elephasmaximus | elephasmaximus

Forgiveness doesn't erase memories. 👍

sassycassy042 | sassycassy042

NTA - Friend betrayal, snap back with a truth bomb 💥

TheBigJDizzle | TheBigJDizzle

Forgiveness without forgetting. You're definitely not the a**hole. 🙌

badboringusername | badboringusername

Lesson learned: Always ask before using someone as a reference! 👍

Say_when66642069 | Say_when66642069

NTA for the reference, but A for how you handled it. 🗳️

flax92 | flax92

NTA. Trust betrayed: using you as reference after job sabotage? 😱

GrizeldaLovesCats | GrizeldaLovesCats

NTA for putting your name as a reference without asking 😱

Scribb74 | Scribb74

Block Leah and live your best life! 🙌

LilythOfValley | LilythOfValley

Cut ties with the gossiper 🚫🐜 Find a better friend 🤝

kaedemi011 | kaedemi011

Ongoing gossip leads to friendship fiasco. Trust betrayed 🍿

MrJ_Sar | MrJ_Sar

NTA, but be cautious giving bad references 🤔

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NTA: Trust betrayed by continued gossip. 😭

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NTA. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Prevention is key 🛠

FlashLightning67 | FlashLightning67

Questioning a questionable friendship 🤔

Yallneedjesuschrist | Yallneedjesuschrist

NTA: Stand up for yourself and cut off toxic friendships. 👏

chlo3chlo8803 | chlo3chlo8803

Missed opportunity: A friendship tested by a hesitant recommendation. 😔

xmagicx | xmagicx

Cut ties with her. NTA. 🚫

Previous_Magician_85 | Previous_Magician_85

"Consequences of actions: Friendships tested, lessons learned. 🙏"

TheRealRaemundo | TheRealRaemundo

Honesty vs. Friendship: When work and friends collide 👍

boho_carrot | boho_carrot

Quit job because of her, now don't want her at new workplace. NTA.

cosmicmermaidmagik | cosmicmermaidmagik

Standing up for yourself at work 💪

affluence_of_incohol | affluence_of_incohol

A friendship turned sour: trust betrayed and careers jeopardized. 😱

bujakaman | bujakaman

NTA. Trust shattered. Friendship turned sour. Betrayal at its finest. 🤯

Kayliee73 | Kayliee73

Forgiving but not forgetting: The key to moving forward 👍

IntergalacticPigeon | IntergalacticPigeon

Cut ties with her, she's not a friend. 👋

loup06 | loup06

Debating the definition of 'mature student' at different universities 🤔

averagelygay | averagelygay

Friendship fiasco: Did your input affect her application? NTA

Aviendha3711 | Aviendha3711

Cut ties with the toxic friend and move on 👋

MissMurderpants | MissMurderpants

Friendship fiasco: Entitled drama queen ruins your blessed friendship 😱

isfpfish | isfpfish

NTA. Your honesty saved you from another job disaster 🙌

No_Proposal7628 | No_Proposal7628

NTA. You were honest, Leah's behavior is unacceptable. 🙅

Pretend-Panda | Pretend-Panda

Remembering the bastards: NTA's unforgiving yet satisfying revenge 🍿

-Marrick- | -Marrick-

No a**hole here. Trust and betrayal in office friendships 🍿

Aggressive-Sample612 | Aggressive-Sample612

Inverted commas gone wrong: The 'friend' who isn't really a friend 😱

u_212 | u_212

Leah's AH move backfires as OP stands up for themselves 😊

prairiecloverbaby | prairiecloverbaby

NTA, drama queen friends? 🤷‍♂️

kvetcherkit | kvetcherkit

Gossip queen applies for job, lists you as reference. 😱

razumny | razumny

Using references without asking? Not the a**hole, obviously! 😎

HeyItsLane_SL | HeyItsLane_SL

Op cuts ties with toxic friend, no big loss 👍

Avebury1 | Avebury1

Forgiving ≠ Forgetting: A Not the A**hole Perspective 🍿

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NTA. Office gossip and betrayal, a cautionary tale of trust 🍿

starienite | starienite

Forgiving ≠ forgetting. Honesty reflects well. NTA for being honest.

KDDragon | KDDragon

Leah: The coworker you definitely want to avoid 🙄

On_The_Blindside | On_The_Blindside

NTA. Who needs friends like that? 🙄

CrackWiseMag | CrackWiseMag

NTA. Let go of that toxic friendship 💯 and move on!

Izzy4162305 | Izzy4162305

NTA forgave, but doesn't want to be betrayed again 🙅

sortacurious | sortacurious

NTA regrets sending email, but it's too late now 👎

tman01969 | tman01969

Truth-telling: The ultimate defense against friendship fiascos 👌

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