Woman Seeks Refuge, Finds Flat-Earther: Will She Snap?

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In a world where we're all just trying to find our peace, imagine landing in a safe haven only to be bombarded by conspiracy theories. Our heroine, a 29-year-old woman, recently escaped a toxic living situation and found refuge with her best friend. But there's a twist: her friend's partner, James, is a flat-earther. While she's grateful for the shelter, the constant debates are wearing her thin. Let's dive into this peculiar tale of refuge, friendship, and flat-earth theories. 🌍🚫

Escaping Toxicity, Finding Refuge 🏠

odd_novel | odd_novel

A Friend in Need, A Friend Indeed 💕

odd_novel | odd_novel

The Flat-Earther in the Room 🌍🚫

odd_novel | odd_novel

Debates: A Love-Hate Relationship 🗣️

odd_novel | odd_novel

A Battle of Wills, A Test of Patience 🤯

odd_novel | odd_novel

To Snap or Not to Snap? 🤔

odd_novel | odd_novel

A Glimmer of Hope, A Step Towards Peace ✨

odd_novel | odd_novel

Gratitude Amidst the Chaos 🙏

odd_novel | odd_novel

Finding Peace Amidst Flat-Earth Debates: A Test of Patience 🌍🚫

Our heroine is caught in a whirlwind of change and challenge. After escaping a toxic environment, she finds herself in the midst of heated debates with her best friend's partner, a passionate flat-earther. As she tries to navigate this new situation, she wonders if she'd be the villain for asking for peace and quiet. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as they agree to respect each other's space. Amidst the chaos, she finds solace in the kindness and advice she receives, reminding us all of the power of empathy and understanding. 😌

NTA, but maybe consider not telling to "shut the f**k up"... He's being a d**k trying to drag you into a conversation you've said you don't want to have for his entertainment, but it's his house so maybe consider potential consequences. You can be right and still lose. 😬

cyfermax | cyfermax

YWNBTA if you tell him to back off. 😱 A debate he could easily find online. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Engaging with a flat earther: YTA or NAH? 🌍

thiswasyouridea | thiswasyouridea

NTA - Politely ask him to stop debating, use tears if necessary 😢

SammyLoops1 | SammyLoops1

NTA. Seek advice on r/qanoncasualties or r/qultheadquarters for dealing with a flat-earther. 🤔

Kakebil321 | Kakebil321

Debate with a flat-earther after escaping abuse? NTA, totally annoying!

weewooooooooo | weewooooooooo

🤔 Seeking refuge from a flat-earther: finding common ground instead?

Dad_pancakes | Dad_pancakes

NTA. Frustrated with a flat-earther roommate? Time to set boundaries! 🌍

ifyouknowyouknow4 | ifyouknowyouknow4

Navigating a flat-earth debate with your supportive flatmate 🌍


Navigating a flat-earther's denial: creative strategies for self-preservation 😅

[deleted] | [deleted]

ESH. James is relentlessly serving up his flat-earth beliefs, bullying the woman seeking refuge. She needs to assertively yet calmly address the issue before walking away. 😡

[deleted] | [deleted]

Rent-free refuge with a flat-earther: NTA or ESH?

earthtoeveryoneX | earthtoeveryoneX

Navigating a difficult living situation with a pushy flat-earther 🤔

maskid40 | maskid40

🤔 Think twice before confronting the flat-earther. Risky fallout awaits.

sedcab | sedcab

Engaging in conversation requires mutual interest and respect. 🗣️

dtanmango | dtanmango

Putting mental health first: NTA, but maybe be kinder? 😊

emgaila | emgaila

"NTA. Shut down the flat-earther and reclaim your personal space! 🌍"

Vivid_Wings | Vivid_Wings

Engaging with a flat earther and virus hoax believer. NTA!

char11eg | char11eg

Set boundaries with the confused flat-earther 🌍🔒

Jadefeather12 | Jadefeather12

NTA: Stand up for yourself and shut down his ignorance! 🙌

spicy-listerine | spicy-listerine

NTA. Flat-Earther debate takes toll on woman's mental health. 👎

TeAforempires | TeAforempires

Setting boundaries with a flat-earther friend during a tough time 😣

faenyxrising | faenyxrising

NTA seeks debate with flat-earther; recommends r/Melbourne for intense discussions 😄

mintisthebestcolour | mintisthebestcolour

Setting boundaries with a stubborn flat-earther: 🌍 vs 🌟

tnscatterbrain | tnscatterbrain

Guest vs Flat-Earther: Tactful response or room exit? 🤔

soph_lurk_2018 | soph_lurk_2018

NTA: Embracing the F-word in the face of relentless pursuit 😤🤬

GlitterDrunk | GlitterDrunk

Dealing with a stubborn friend who doesn't respect boundaries 😤

LimitlessMegan | LimitlessMegan

NTA, kindly ask for personal space without getting aggressive. 🙏

Last_Butterscotch_63 | Last_Butterscotch_63

Dealing with a Flat-Earther: Keep calm and avoid confrontation ✌️

BestUserName510 | BestUserName510

NAH - Seeking refuge from a Flat-Earther: Noise-cancelling headsets to the rescue! 🎧

AllysWorld | AllysWorld

Engagingly shuts down flat-earther with clever conspiracy theory comeback 🌍🚀

bowedacious22 | bowedacious22

NTA, but be diplomatic. Tell him to drop it politely.

ThrowRA_Diplomat | ThrowRA_Diplomat

"Hey James, I need a break from debating. Rain check?" 😅

Kriss1986 | Kriss1986

🌍🌎🌏 Flat-Earther denies science, sparks heated debate on conspiracy theories

busterrhymans | busterrhymans

Engagingly avoids debate with a flat-earther to prevent regrets 😅

Veridical_Perception | Veridical_Perception

"NTA, but there are more polite ways of phrasing it..." 😳

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, politely explain the need to conserve mental energy for now 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA, but build an out for debates to maintain relationship/living situation. 🤔

AugustNClementine | AugustNClementine

Engaging in a debate without consent is just brow-beating 😤

cogitaveritas | cogitaveritas

Seeking refuge from a flat-earther: a gentle debate hiatus 🌍

caddykitten | caddykitten

Living with a flat-earther: NTA but eviction imminent 🌍🔥

NoApollonia | NoApollonia

Silence is golden: Shutting down a flat-earther with a stare 👀

ZoggTheIneffable | ZoggTheIneffable

NTA. Set boundaries, find peace. Don't let ignorance ruin refuge. 🚫🌍

NorthrnSwede | NorthrnSwede

NTA- Woman seeks refuge, finds flat-earther: Will she snap? 😡

oldcreaker | oldcreaker

NTA, drown out the flat-earther with some tunes 🎧

FairyFartDaydreams | FairyFartDaydreams

Woman seeks peace but encounters a stubborn flat-earther. 🌍

Competitive_Tea2413 | Competitive_Tea2413

"Chill on the instigating, I'm not in the mood" 😤

unauthorizedbunny | unauthorizedbunny

Engaging in debates? Find relief and comfort without exploding! 🙌

youareloved1111 | youareloved1111

Avoid the flat-earther! Just say 'not interested' and ignore 🙉

spanishbanana | spanishbanana

Engage in open communication rather than avoiding the conversation. 🙌

pinkcat1810 | pinkcat1810

Avoiding conflict: When to keep quiet for a peaceful outcome 🤐

nervous-pangolin | nervous-pangolin

"Upsidedown life, no energy for usual conversations. Let's talk Brooklyn 99!"

eclectic-up-north | eclectic-up-north

NTA. No is a complete sentence. 💪

ormondhsacker | ormondhsacker

Polite ways to tell a flat-earther to *eff* off? 🌍

big_stinky_sockssss | big_stinky_sockssss

'NTA - Let's take a break from debates and enjoy each other 💕'

lizziebee66 | lizziebee66

Seeking refuge from toxicity, finding a flat-earther: a cruel twist 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Polite communication is key to avoiding conflict in this situation 😊

WritPositWrit | WritPositWrit

Engaging with a flat-earther: finding common ground through puzzles 🌍🧩

JessVaping | JessVaping

NTA seeks refuge with flat-earther: debate or respect? 🌍

lookingupfromhell | lookingupfromhell

NTA. Flat-Earther housemate won't let woman have peace. 🙄

[deleted] | [deleted]

Politely set boundaries with a flat-earther or tell him off.

SplitDowntown9917 | SplitDowntown9917

Escape the drama with a diplomatic migraine excuse! 🤕

bibbiddybobbidyboo | bibbiddybobbidyboo

NTA seeks refuge with a flat-earther: awkward conversations ensue 😅

lettersfrommeme | lettersfrommeme

Be diplomatic and avoid flat-earth debates to keep the peace 😊

satanicpastorswife | satanicpastorswife

NTA but OP, thread carefully. 🚧 It may be a misguided attempt on his end to distract you and try to make you feel better (at least for a little while) since he is seeing you so down. It may not be coming from a totally selfish place so don't burn bridges so quickly. Instead of telling him to STFU tell him you usually appreciate his enthusiasm but unfortunately you are not in a good place to joust words with him and would be thankful if he would leave you be for a little while. Tell him you'll be happy to debate with him when you feel better, but unfortunately won't happen now. Next time, simply tell him "I'm sorry, but not now James". Unless he is a total d**k, he should be able to get the hint. If he is a total d**k, do tell him to STFU but get ready to get out of the house and perhaps lose some friendly support. Still would NBTA.

Veneficus2007 | Veneficus2007

Engaging in debates to distract from issues: YWNTA, he should back off!

xneilbx | xneilbx

🤔 NTA: Why is your nice friend even with him? 🤷‍♀️

sleepytirdsloth | sleepytirdsloth

Annoying woman finds refuge, but is she really NTA?

Nostalicraft | Nostalicraft

NTA seeks refuge from flat-earther: no energy for debate 🚫💬

ghostforest | ghostforest

Seeking refuge from a flat-earther: NTA, but eviction looms. 😬

BrokenStringz | BrokenStringz

NTA uses clever tactic to shut down Flat-Earther 🤣

[deleted] | [deleted]

Choose your words wisely to avoid unnecessary conflict. 💬

Croutons36 | Croutons36

NTA seeks refuge from insufferable flat-earther. Time to grey rock! 😎


NTA seeks healthy debates with flat-earther, but needs boundaries 🌍🌟

throwaway17444400 | throwaway17444400

Set boundaries with your flat-earther friend to protect your sanity! 🌍

perpIndignant | perpIndignant

Refuge seeker encounters relentless flat-earther: Battle of beliefs! 🌍

PillowOfCarnage | PillowOfCarnage

NTA. Use your words, not insults, to avoid being AH. 🗣️

Cassinderella | Cassinderella

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