Fiancé's Goofy Face Triggers Engagement Photo Fiasco 😱📸

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We all know the importance of capturing the perfect engagement photos. But what if your fiancé refuses to smile for the camera and insists on making a goofy face instead? This couple's engagement photo session turned into a full-blown argument when the fiancé wouldn't drop his signature gaping mouth pose. 😒🤦‍♀️ Let's dive into this dramatic tale!

The Infamous Gaping Mouth Pose 😮

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

A Simple Request 🙏

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

No Fun Allowed? 🎭

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Frustration Builds 😤

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Trying to Compromise 🤝

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

The Argument Escalates 🌡️

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

One Nice Photo, Please! 📸

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Trying to Find a Solution 🕵️‍♀️

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Old Photos to the Rescue? 🔄

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Hypersensitive or Just Fed Up? 🤔

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

The Final Straw 🥺

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Overreaction or Justified? 💥

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

What Even Is That Face? 🧐

pleasejustsmile | pleasejustsmile

Engagement Photos Gone Wrong: Whose Side Are You On? 🤷‍♀️

This couple's engagement photo session spiraled out of control when the fiancé refused to take a single picture with a normal smile. Instead, he insisted on making his signature gaping mouth face, much to his partner's dismay. The argument escalated, culminating in a harsh comment about his maturity. Was the reaction justified or did they take it too far? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 💬🔥

NTA! Fiancé's goofy face is a red flag. Don't marry him 😬

Servantofbosco | Servantofbosco

Fiancé's refusal to compromise on engagement photo face is immature 🤦‍♂️

The-Last-American | The-Last-American

Replace your fiance with an attractive male friend for the photo 😏

acorns35 | acorns35

NTA for not wanting goofy 'soyboy' face in engagement photos 😱

SyCams | SyCams

NTA. Commenter points out insecurity may be a factor. Replies suggest boyfriend may be self-conscious about his smile.

Dr_Asshole_PhD | Dr_Asshole_PhD

NTA for wanting better photos, but insulting him wasn't helpful 😔

IMtheScooterB | IMtheScooterB

Commenter finds humor in NTA response to engagement photo fiasco 😂

Jasel84 | Jasel84

Fiancé's goofy face raises doubts about his commitment. 😕

purekittyluv | purekittyluv

NTA comment suggests photoshopping fiancé's open mouth with sandwich 🥪

Pondnymph | Pondnymph

Compromise reached, but is it fair to stifle his expression? 😕

Raw0nion | Raw0nion

Partner's lack of respect for feelings may lead to failed marriage 💔

Ishdakitty | Ishdakitty

Couple's photo fiasco sparks debate on communication and compromise. ESH.

bigmonmulgrew | bigmonmulgrew

Homophobic joke causes controversy in ESH comment section 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Recovered frat boy defends NTA OP's formal photo preference. 😎

mf9769 | mf9769

NTA stands up for herself, but offers advice for moving forward.

randomoverthinker_ | randomoverthinker_

NTA for being frustrated with fiancé's refusal to take nice engagement photos.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Self-conscious commenter dislikes photos, fiancé's goofy faces, and closed-mouth smiles 😬

lalagromedontknow | lalagromedontknow

Commenter calls out hypocrisy in engagement photo fiasco 🤔

temsik1587againtwo | temsik1587againtwo

Is his goofy smile a sign of insecurity? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Comment section turns heated over alleged homophobic retort 🤬

maranara23 | maranara23

Both parties are at fault, learn to fight like adults 🤷‍♂️ ESH

Impossible-Price | Impossible-Price

Disagreement turns to disrespect on both sides. ESH 😒

sunflowerpolkadot | sunflowerpolkadot

Commenter calls out bad behavior in engagement photo fiasco 🙅


Stand your ground and communicate openly with your fiancé 👍

OmnidirectionalJoy | OmnidirectionalJoy

Commenter imagines Attack on Titan in engagement photos, receives hilarious reply.

AkatsukiTenshi | AkatsukiTenshi

Goofy faces vs real life grown people stuff 😱📸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Fiancé's goofy face ruins engagement photos, commenter's ex does same. 😒

naughtyducklings | naughtyducklings

Cringey soy boy face causes engagement photo fiasco 😬

PrimePain | PrimePain

Fiancé's childish behavior deemed NTA by commenter.

donnwestt | donnwestt

OP's fiancee prioritizes his goofy face over their engagement photos 😒

flufferfucker | flufferfucker

Partner's immaturity ruins engagement photos, NTA for wanting better.

OverallDisaster | OverallDisaster

Stubbornness and bad jokes lead to engagement photo fiasco 😱

hyperhurricanrana | hyperhurricanrana

OP overreacts to fiancé's silly photo, gets called out. YTA.

Silly-Butterscotch65 | Silly-Butterscotch65

Fiancé's fake smile causes engagement photo chaos. NTA.

awkward-velociraptor | awkward-velociraptor

Commenter jokes about fiancé's goofy face in engagement photos.

qaisjp | qaisjp

Commenter defends goofy faces in photos, calls out inappropriate comment.

missgreyhound | missgreyhound

Age question reveals 2-year age gap 🤔

Sqube | Sqube

Let's see the face before making a final judgement! 😂

MrsBarneyFife | MrsBarneyFife

Engaged couple argue over goofy photo, both at fault 😑

holliehippotigris | holliehippotigris

👀 Controversial take on relationships in engagement photo section.

South_Cantaloupe2156 | South_Cantaloupe2156

Red flag alert! Commenter suspects fiancé doesn't want relationship. 😬

LuckOfTheDevil | LuckOfTheDevil

Partner's stubbornness over minor issue could lead to lifetime arguments 🤔

HarryTwigs | HarryTwigs

Commenter suggests not getting married due to photo fiasco 😱

PeterM1970 | PeterM1970

Wedding warning signs? Commenter supports NTA's decision with caution 🚨

NoeTellusom | NoeTellusom

Commenter calls out OP for insulting fiancé's appearance. 🔥

Ashx94 | Ashx94

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