Gamer Wife Storms Out Over Newborn Nephew & Mass Effect Drama 😱🎮

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Diply | Diply

We all have our passions, but what happens when a shared love for a video game collides with a family milestone? One husband found out the hard way when his wife, a die-hard Mass Effect fan, had to choose between meeting their newborn nephew and playing the remastered edition of the game. The result? A whirlwind of emotions, a sulking wife, and a marriage on the rocks. 😳🎮👶

Mass Effect: A Love Story 🎮❤️

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

A Shared Obsession 🕹️😍

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Legendary Edition Excitement 🤩

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

New Nephew Arrives 🎉👶

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Family Visit vs. Gaming 🏡🆚🎮

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

A Reluctant Compromise 😒

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Tali's Cold Reception ❄️

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Gaming Troubles at Home 🏠🎮

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Frustration and Blame 😡

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

A Shocking Departure 😨

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Marriage on the Line 💔

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Love Lost Over a Game? 😢

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Seeking Internet Wisdom 🌐

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Update: Overwhelmed by Responses 📱

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Hope for Reconciliation? 💕

agoodshepard | agoodshepard

Gaming, Family, and a Marriage on the Brink 😲

In a story that's equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking, a husband's attempt to balance his wife's love for Mass Effect and the arrival of their newborn nephew leads to a dramatic showdown. With a sulking wife, a gaming disaster, and a marriage hanging in the balance, the internet weighs in on whether this husband is at fault. Can this couple find a way to reconcile their love for each other and their shared passion for gaming? Or will a legendary game release spell the end of their love story? 💔🎮👶

NTA comment sparks discussion on priorities and maturity 🤔

Candy2228 | Candy2228

NTA. Commenter shares personal experience and advises prioritizing family over video games.

foreverspr1ng | foreverspr1ng

NTA fellow gamer supports OP's decision; GF's priorities questionable 😕

Glacial11 | Glacial11

Commenter suggests wife's gaming addiction needs therapy, sparks discussion.

lolie973 | lolie973

NTA's spouse acts like a child, throws tantrums over video games 😡

hello_friendss | hello_friendss

Gamer wife prioritizes Mass Effect over relationship. NTA for OP.

Stoat__King | Stoat__King

Commenter suggests addiction management for gamer wife, sparks realization 👀

radleynope | radleynope

Commenter criticizes wife's behavior and priorities over video game 🎮

[deleted] | [deleted]

Gamer wife prioritizes video game over newborn nephew, NTA. 😱

snowdude11 | snowdude11

Commenter sympathizes with OP and calls out their partner's behavior 😱🤯

anabolic_beard | anabolic_beard

NTA's suggestion of counseling receives positive response 👍


Commenter sympathizes with OP's situation, calls out wife's behavior.

CaptNancy | CaptNancy

Gamer wife overreacts to Mass Effect drama, NTA, hilarious replies 😂

TootlesFTW | TootlesFTW

Gamer wife's addiction blamed for family drama 🤮

LennyBrisco01 | LennyBrisco01

Gamers unite! Commenters agree: NTA, wife's behavior pathetic 🤩

bek410 | bek410

Commenter sympathizes with gamer husband, calls out childish behavior 🤣

Bagheera_cat | Bagheera_cat

Gamer wife prioritizes game over family, husband reconsiders relationship. 🤔

MsBaseball34 | MsBaseball34

Comparing gaming to addiction sparks concern among commenters 🤔

Jonny-Pasadena | Jonny-Pasadena

Partner overreacted to Mass Effect game, NTA for prioritizing family 👍

jam_and_ham | jam_and_ham

Gamer wife chooses game over family, storms out with laptop 🤯

Mythicalvalley | Mythicalvalley

Commenter calls out wife's addiction and advises therapy. 💻🚫👶

[deleted] | [deleted]

Video games should not overshadow big moments. NTA.

ElbowSkinn | ElbowSkinn

Gamer defends not liking babies with Metal Gear humor 🎮👶

Fierce-Mushroom | Fierce-Mushroom

Commenter questions why gamer wife had to attend family visit.

The_One_True_Imp | The_One_True_Imp

Commenter calls out immature behavior in gamer wife. 🤣

Vampire_queen94 | Vampire_queen94

NTA for prioritizing video game over dramatic sister-in-law 🎮

gothsappho | gothsappho

4-year marriage questioned in gaming wife drama 🤔

calibagel | calibagel

NTA prioritizes meeting partner's nephew over Mass Effect drama. 👏

Lurky-Lou | Lurky-Lou

Gamer wife prioritizes game over newborn nephew, storms out. NTA.

lady_sagittarius | lady_sagittarius

Prioritizing family over video games, NTA wins the round 👏

XcarolinaXx | XcarolinaXx

Commenter clearly thinks the answer is obvious 🙄

Squinky75 | Squinky75

Gamer wife's addiction addressed in blunt NTA comment 🤔

CakeisaDie | CakeisaDie

Commenter calls out gamer wife's behavior as unacceptable. NTA.

Larock | Larock

Gamer husband prioritizes game over family, wife storms out. NTA comment.

Mediocre-Fondant | Mediocre-Fondant

Former gamer sympathizes with husband's frustrated reaction to wife's behavior 😬

CuriosiT38 | CuriosiT38

Delay in game delivery causes concern for OP's wife's behavior 😬

sterotocha | sterotocha

Commenter sympathizes with OP and criticizes wife's behavior. 👍

GatoMcwitch | GatoMcwitch

Dodged a bullet 💣 NTA. Let her go.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. A fellow ME fan gives perspective and support 👍

13Chimes | 13Chimes

Commenter suggests wife's gaming is an addiction and offers advice 🎮

evilwifeOG1 | evilwifeOG1

Concerned comment suggests gaming addiction intervention for wife. 🙏

Newauntie26 | Newauntie26

When Mass Effect comes between you and your loved one 😞

TheBlueCutlet | TheBlueCutlet

Age gap alert! 🚨 NTA comment calls out immaturity 👍

jerrysugarav | jerrysugarav

Gamer prioritizes video game over family event, sparks controversy. NTA.

CT0760 | CT0760

NTA comment suggests deeper relationship issues over a video game 🤔

malachai926 | malachai926

Gamer defends BioWare RPGs while questioning wife's priorities 🤔

realm_maker88 | realm_maker88

Gamer wife prioritizes video games over family, causing emotional pain 😱

Trash_Bucket2980 | Trash_Bucket2980

Is this real life or just fantasy? 🤔

workinkindofhard | workinkindofhard

Gamer husband prioritizes game over family, but fellow gamer agrees NTA 🎮

SirBellwater | SirBellwater

Gamer wife storms out over game delay, NTA for OP.

MinoritySoRacismAOK | MinoritySoRacismAOK

Commenter calls out immaturity of gamer wife, family tensions.

frannypanty69 | frannypanty69

Gamer defends himself after wife's overreaction to Mass Effect drama 🤔

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

NTA comment: Savage but true 😂

knintn | knintn

Mass Effect names add levity to NTA judgement 👍

Dogmeat-Dovahkiin | Dogmeat-Dovahkiin

Commenter sympathizes with gamer husband, calls out wife's priorities. 🤔

Lickable_Grass | Lickable_Grass

Balancing media consumption and reality. 🎮🌎

bowtothehypnotoad | bowtothehypnotoad

Commenter questions wife's maturity and priorities in humorous way.

Ginger_brit93 | Ginger_brit93

NTA. Spicy comment, but I can't disagree 😂

Randyfreakingmarsh | Randyfreakingmarsh

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