Teen's Cruel TikTok Prank Backfires: Phone Confiscated Forever? 😱

Diply Social Team
Diply | Diply

In today's world of social media, teenagers can sometimes take things too far in their quest for likes and followers. One 15-year-old girl learned this the hard way when she and a friend played a heartless prank on her friend's 8-year-old sister, filming it for TikTok. The prank involved pretending that the little girl's parents had died in a car accident, leaving her devastated. 😢 When the truth came out, the girl's parents were understandably furious, and her own mother decided to take matters into her own hands. But has the punishment gone too far? Let's dive into the story. 📖

The Cruel Prank Unfolds 🎭

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

Reactions and Consequences 😠

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A Mother's Disgust 😡

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The Punishment Continues ⏳

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A Father's Perspective 🤔

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

Reconsidering the Punishment? 🧐

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

Standing Firm on the Decision 💪

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

Questioning the Severity 🤷‍♀️

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

Update: A New Focus 🌱

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

Thanks for the Advice 🙏

comprehensivespare55 | comprehensivespare55

A Lesson Learned or Punishment Gone Too Far? 🤷‍♀️

While the 15-year-old's cruel prank on her friend's 8-year-old sister was undoubtedly heartless, the question remains: has her mother's punishment gone too far? After confiscating her daughter's phone and replacing it with a basic flip phone, the mother is now considering whether to return the phone based on her daughter's behavior. However, TikTok remains off-limits. With the internet divided on the severity of the punishment, the mother has decided to focus more on helping her daughter realize her wrongs and make amends. What do you think? Is this a fair punishment, or should the mother take a different approach? 💭

NTA, but daughter needs therapy after horrific prank on child 😱

pbc85 | pbc85

NTA parent punishes teen for traumatizing 8yo with TikTok prank 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending the 8-year-old victim, condemning cruel TikTok prankster 🔥

[deleted] | [deleted]

15-year-old's cruel prank receives rightful condemnation. 👏

Hazy-Hazel | Hazy-Hazel

NTA comment defends phone confiscation, replies disagree and mock.

potentialsmbc2023 | potentialsmbc2023

Parent questions daughter's remorse after TikTok prank gone wrong 🤔

Inconceivable76 | Inconceivable76

Parent seeks genuine remorse from daughter for cruel TikTok prank.

Benefit_Dense | Benefit_Dense

NTA commenter sympathizes with phone confiscation for cruel prank.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parent confiscates phone after cruel TikTok prank. NTA verdict.

runmuppet | runmuppet

Parenting done right: Taking away phone after cruel prank. #NTA

zisnotabird | zisnotabird

Parent suggests therapy and payment for phone cost after daughter's prank.

[deleted] | [deleted]

ESH but punishing indefinitely won't teach better behavior 🤷‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA suggests a clever punishment for a phone prankster 🤩

Beemzebub | Beemzebub

Punishment without rehabilitation causes resentment and recidivism. Show her why.

thedubiousstylus | thedubiousstylus

Parent expresses concern over toxic prank culture on social media.

VRS38 | VRS38

Commenter and reply agree: Pranks are already hated. 😒

ha_look_at_that_nerd | ha_look_at_that_nerd

Taking away a phone now like abandoning on a desert island 🌌

SolomonCRand | SolomonCRand

Curious about the punishment for the cruel prank? NTA parent.

Whoopsy-381 | Whoopsy-381

Supportive comment on parent's decision to confiscate phone. 🤳

Aravirus | Aravirus

Parent takes serious action after cruel TikTok prank. 💪

dragonfly825 | dragonfly825

NTA calls out cruel TikTok prank as worst case of bullying 😱

bevoxley | bevoxley

User questions phone confiscation duration, calls for empathy. 🙏

ultimate_hamburglar | ultimate_hamburglar

Parent's inconsistent punishment and lack of structure is problematic. ESH 😒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting done right! NTA. Creative punishment for cruel prank. 👏

inzillah | inzillah

NTA learns the hard way that tasteless pranks have consequences. 😱

MyMomIsAPlant | MyMomIsAPlant

Supportive reply receives no backlash, earns praise. 👍

jmenard129 | jmenard129

👍 Agreeing with the parenting decision to confiscate the phone.

randomalas | randomalas

Teaching consequences: How one family tackled a similar situation. 🤔

Angelic_Demoness | Angelic_Demoness

Teen's phone confiscated forever? NTA, but give it back for summer 📱☀️

i_am_a_beeee | i_am_a_beeee

Logical consequences for punishment, not making her pay for it. 👍

MilliesDeathBreath | MilliesDeathBreath

Parent praised for holding teen accountable for cruel TikTok prank. 👏

Melon_Slice | Melon_Slice

Sibling prank stories shared, agreement on punishment severity. 😄

Onto_new_ideas | Onto_new_ideas

Cruel prank leads to phone confiscation: ESH, but at what cost? 🤔

Thannis86 | Thannis86

Encouraging empathy and education to prevent future harmful behavior. 👍

Randyyoursticks1 | Randyyoursticks1

Commenter and reply share strict punishment ideas for phone prankster. 😳

apetr26542 | apetr26542

Empathy over punishment: Suggests therapy for TikTok prankster 👨‍🟫

pidgealone | pidgealone

Punishment for cruel prank - NTA and appropriate consequences 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parenting win: NTA for punishing sociopathic prank, raising empathy.

SwiggyBloodlust | SwiggyBloodlust

Parenting in the age of social media 👨🏻👩🏻‍💻: NTA for confiscating phone forever 👍

Twisted_Wrench | Twisted_Wrench

Teen's cruel TikTok prank condemned by commenter, supports phone confiscation 🚨

[deleted] | [deleted]

Parent warns against TikTok after cruel prank goes viral. 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom takes control of daughter's phone after cruel prank 🙌

Archums49 | Archums49

Heartbreaking story of sibling's death, NTA for being upset. 😢

Frost-King | Frost-King

Commenter calls out prank and questions its origin. 🔍

mcswiftino | mcswiftino

Parent suggests therapy and community service to teach daughter empathy. 💡

Dee332 | Dee332

Parenting advice: Treat the disease, not the symptom. 👨‍🎓

uuuuuuuugh1 | uuuuuuuugh1

Mom praised for teaching kids pranks are cruel and permanent 👍

Kab1212 | Kab1212

Teens need to learn actions have consequences. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Grieving commenter supports OP's decision to punish daughter. NTA

Mundane-Falcon1470 | Mundane-Falcon1470

Teaching kids common sense is more important than social media 🙌

Nutterkat | Nutterkat

TikTok blamed for bad behavior - 'going downhill over an app' 🤯

Rockerman666666 | Rockerman666666

Suggests fair punishment and therapy for prankster. NTA 👍

DinosaurBabyDoll | DinosaurBabyDoll

15-year-old's cruel TikTok prank on 8-year-old deemed unacceptable. #NTA 👏

FoodBabyBaby | FoodBabyBaby

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