Roommate's Shocking Confession Puts Liquor Cabinet in the Spotlight 😲🍷

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When two roommates moved in together, they discussed their drinking habits and agreed on a six-month lease. However, as one of them stocked up their liquor cabinet, the other roommate became increasingly uncomfortable. It wasn't until a shocking confession that the truth came to light: the roommate was a recovering alcoholic. Now, the roommate with the liquor cabinet is faced with a difficult decision: should they move their alcohol out of the apartment or find a middle ground?

The Lease Agreement 📝

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Discussing Drinking Habits 🍻

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Hindsight is 20/20 🤔

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

The Initial Conversation 🗣️

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Stocking the Liquor Cabinet 🍾

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Roommate's Reaction 😕

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Wine with Dinner 🍷

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

The Shocking Confession 😲

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Considering a Middle Ground 🤝

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

Weighing the Options ⚖️

flossingmulch | flossingmulch

A Delicate Dilemma: Support or Stand Ground? 🤷‍♂️

The roommate's confession about their struggle with alcoholism puts the other in a difficult position. They must decide whether to move their alcohol out of the apartment or find a middle ground, like keeping it in their room. While they want to be supportive, they also feel that their roommate should have mentioned this need earlier. As they weigh their options, the question remains: what's the right thing to do? Share your thoughts and reactions.

Roommate's unclear boundaries on alcohol leads to conflict. NTA.

neoteucer | neoteucer

Roommate is a recovering alcoholic and struggling not to relapse. Locking the booze up may be an option 🚩

390TrainsOfficial | 390TrainsOfficial

Miscommunication leads to incompatible roommates with different drinking habits. 🤷‍♂️

fudgeyboombah | fudgeyboombah

Recovering roommate bravely offers to pay for storage. NAH.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supporting a recovering roommate with alcohol addiction 👍

Editmypicplease | Editmypicplease

Daily drinking is serious and can lead to alcoholism 🚨

haveanapfire | haveanapfire

Different definitions of “serious drinking” cause misunderstanding 😕

GlassReverie | GlassReverie

Compromise on liquor cabinet placement to accommodate roommate's addiction. 👍

comingtogetyoubabs | comingtogetyoubabs

Respectful roommate advocates for himself, OP should remove liquor cabinet 🙌

Magrif_Gremlark | Magrif_Gremlark

Recovering alcoholic defends NTA verdict on liquor cabinet dispute 👏

Pocket-or-Penny | Pocket-or-Penny

Daily drinking is serious drinking, but NAH. Roommate should remove liquor.


Debate over roommate's drinking habits sparks discussion on substance use.

theworstherointown | theworstherointown

Roommate's alcoholism addressed with respect and understanding 🙌

Techmoji | Techmoji

Having an extensive drinks cabinet doesn't make you a serious drinker 🤔. Roommates need to communicate better 👍

trout227 | trout227

Hide the booze from your roommate to avoid temptation 🙈🍷

[deleted] | [deleted]

Communication is key for avoiding misunderstandings 📱

WebbieVanderquack | WebbieVanderquack

Clear communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings 👍

srslyeffedmind | srslyeffedmind

Recovering alcoholic accuses roommate of jeopardizing their own recovery.

Beardrac | Beardrac

Empathetic response to roommate's alcoholism sparks compromise 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Miscommunication and occasional drinking lead to roommate conflict 😕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate's heavy drinking habits cause concern for mental health 😔

NattyWon | NattyWon

Compromise reached with unreasonable roommate over liquor cabinet 🙌

WhatWouldScoobyDoo2 | WhatWouldScoobyDoo2

Respect your roommate's boundaries when moving in together 🙌

markroth69 | markroth69

Suggest compromise and avoid being TA with a mini fridge 😊

Philosopher_1 | Philosopher_1

Navigating a roommate's request for a dry household 🤔

imnotscarlet | imnotscarlet

Living with a recovering alcoholic: a tricky issue to navigate 😔

Flipe-Fandango | Flipe-Fandango

Compassionate approach to a roommate's alcoholism 👏

Gingrpenguin | Gingrpenguin

Daily drinking causes tension between roommates. Compromise needed 👍

Rumerhazzit | Rumerhazzit

To move or not to move the booze? That is the question. 🤔

electron-shock | electron-shock

Compromise is key in roommate's alcohol addiction recovery journey 👍

ThrowRAItAll | ThrowRAItAll

Move the liquor, don't be an a**hole 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Different perspectives on drinking habits within a family 🤔

loetou | loetou

Roommate questions drinking habits, but OP insists they're consistent 🤔

woman_thorned | woman_thorned

Roommate struggles with alcoholism, NAH suggests locking up liquor cabinet.

jemandtheholograms | jemandtheholograms

Roommate uncomfortable with nightly drinking, but could have communicated better. 😑

littledede | littledede

Misunderstanding about drinking habits leads to awkward conversation 😳

puddlejumper | puddlejumper

Roommate uncomfortable with alcohol in house, compromise suggested 🙂

WeirdCrazyCatLady | WeirdCrazyCatLady

Secure your liquor and keep the peace with a lock 🍸🔒

justcallmephil35 | justcallmephil35

Roommate's vague requirements cause liquor cabinet controversy. NTA.

chinookmate | chinookmate

Compromise is key in roommate's request to avoid alcohol 🙂

myscreamgotlost | myscreamgotlost

Roommate fails to communicate expectations, demands changes six months in. NTA.

Adalaide78 | Adalaide78

Be considerate of your roommate's recovery and find a compromise 🙏

chzmonstr | chzmonstr

Keep the peace and your wine safe with a compromise 🤑🍷

Dangerfyeld | Dangerfyeld

Living with alcohol available is tough for sober alcoholics 😢

ukulady11 | ukulady11

Navigating the delicate balance of alcoholism and roommates 👍

TechnoRat63 | TechnoRat63

Recovering alcoholic roommate asks for support, gets ridiculed instead 😢

[deleted] | [deleted]

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