Did I Overreact by Kicking My Friend’s Fiance Out of My Birthday Dinner?

All girls birthday party
Unsplash | Rendy Novantino

A woman planned a birthday dinner with just her girlfriends, but her friend's fiance showed up uninvited. She had specifically asked her friend not to bring him, as it was meant to be a girls-only event. When the friend and her fiance arrived, the hostess asked them to leave, causing the friend to become angry and stop talking to her. The hostess is now questioning whether she was being unreasonable and has asked for opinions on whether she was in the wrong. Many people are divided on the issue, with some saying that it was rude to ask them to leave, while others believe that the hostess had every right to have a girls-only event and that her friend should have respected her wishes. What do you think? Was the hostess an a**hole for kicking her friend and her fiance out of her birthday dinner?

Spotting red flags in friend's engagement, did I overreact? 🤔

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Third wheeling all the time? 🤔 Boundaries need to be set.

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Fiance shows up uninvited to all-girl birthday dinner 🙅‍♀️

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Surprise guest at birthday dinner sparks conflict among friends.

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Girl's birthday dinner turns into a drama with fiance's presence 🎂

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Standing up for myself or being an a**hole? AITA?

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Overreacting or justified? Apologetic non-native speaker seeks advice 🤔

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

When the fiancé ruins the party before it even starts 🙄

caffeinexjunkie | caffeinexjunkie

Girls only birthday dinner ruined by friend's fiancé

When you plan a girls-only birthday dinner, you expect only your girlfriends to show up. But what happens when your friend's fiancé, who always seems to be around, shows up uninvited? This is the dilemma faced by one Redditor, who kicked her friend's fiancé out of her birthday dinner because she wanted it to be a girls-only affair.

Despite specifically telling her friend not to bring her fiancé, he showed up anyway, and the birthday girl was not having it. She asked them to leave, and now her friend isn't talking to her. Some of the other girls in the group think she overreacted, but she stands by her decision. Was she in the wrong or was her friend being disrespectful of her wishes? Read on to find out what Reddit thinks and share your thoughts in the comments.

Girls night out ruined by friend's controlling fiance, NTA.

CrystalQueen3000 | CrystalQueen3000

Setting boundaries is crucial. NTA for enforcing them 👍

ClothesQueasy2828 | ClothesQueasy2828

NTA kicks friend's fiance out of birthday dinner for girls-only night.

Glock212327 | Glock212327

Uninvited guest at birthday dinner? NTA for kicking out.

beautyofmemory | beautyofmemory

Women have every right to want to be in a female-only space. 🚺

imothro | imothro

Guest list dispute before the wedding 👰🏻‍♀️👀

TemptingPenguin369 | TemptingPenguin369

NTA and good on you for holding both accountable 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concerns raised about controlling behavior in friend's relationship. 🚩

dcoleski | dcoleski

Setting boundaries is important in any relationship 👏🏽

Ok_Sherbert_2750 | Ok_Sherbert_2750

Friend brings uninvited fiance, sounds controlling. OP not at fault.

No_Service2135 | No_Service2135

Girl's only birthday dinner becomes a relationship red flag 🚩

isitpurple | isitpurple

Standing up for religious friends = NTA. Clashing priorities = drama.

imankitty | imankitty

NTA for kicking out friend's fiance who brought unwelcome guest 🙅‍♀️

Gur_Weak | Gur_Weak

Girlfriend violated rules, NTA for kicking out; friend's attitude sucks 😒

skipadoodledoo | skipadoodledoo

Support for standing up for religious friend against entitled BF 👍

Straight-Singer-2912 | Straight-Singer-2912

Girls only birthday dinner is totally fine. NTA 👏

MouthwashAndBandaids | MouthwashAndBandaids

Concerns raised about friend's controlling fiance, advice given for discussion.

doodleywootson | doodleywootson

Setting boundaries is important, NTA for enforcing them 👍

coolstorybroskiii | coolstorybroskiii

Strictly girls-only event, NTA for kicking out male attendee. 👍

Mouthtrap | Mouthtrap

Uninvited guests? 🤔 NTA takes action at birthday dinner

SataySue | SataySue

Girls night only, not fiance night 🚫. NTA 🙅‍♀️

smooch992 | smooch992

Setting boundaries and sticking to them. 🙅‍♀️

Dye_Harder | Dye_Harder

Setting boundaries: NTA kicks out friend's fiance from birthday dinner 💪

TruckOk7081 | TruckOk7081

Consider red flags in friend's fiance behavior. 🚩

Immediate_Refuse_918 | Immediate_Refuse_918

Friends feel uncomfortable around friend's fiance at gatherings 😕

MakeUpAName93 | MakeUpAName93

Setting boundaries and standing up for yourself. 👏

renaissance-Fartist | renaissance-Fartist

Setting healthy boundaries is key to avoiding drama 🙅‍♀️

CatsEatGrass | CatsEatGrass

Friend's fiance showing red flags with controlling behavior. 🤔

Hairy-Budget-6522 | Hairy-Budget-6522

Respect goes both ways 🤝

Jans47 | Jans47

Red flag alert! Beware of controlling and possessive partners 👀

bestaunty | bestaunty

Standing up for yourself is always the right move 💪

Junior_Performer3756 | Junior_Performer3756

When you clearly set boundaries and they get violated 😠🙅‍♀️ #NTA

FrequentEgg4166 | FrequentEgg4166

Girls only means girls only 🚫🧔‍♂️ NTA

Tasty_Doughnut_9226 | Tasty_Doughnut_9226

Girls only night was ruined by inconsiderate friend with veil.

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Sometimes it's okay to just have a girls' night 🎉💁‍♀️

Mo-2s2 | Mo-2s2

Girls only birthday dinner, kicking friend's fiance out. NTA 🚺

mellowcheddar | mellowcheddar

Setting boundaries and enforcing them, NTA 🚫💩

EducatedOwlAthena | EducatedOwlAthena

Girls only means girls only. NTA for setting boundaries.

Deana-Marie | Deana-Marie

Setting boundaries is important, NTA for standing up for yourself 👏

ForceAccomplished890 | ForceAccomplished890

You were clear about the invitation. NTA 🙌

RiverSong_777 | RiverSong_777

Setting boundaries and prioritizing comfort should be respected. NTA 🙅‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Friend's fiance's clinginess is a red flag 🚩 #NTA

DakiLapin | DakiLapin

Supportive comment, advising not to involve in friend's relationship.

Sad-Pipe-1044 | Sad-Pipe-1044

Worried about friend's relationship after NTA birthday dinner incident 🤔

mcntm4 | mcntm4

Respect goes both ways, and she has none 🤷‍♀️

a-_rose | a-_rose

Kicking out a creepy fiance from a birthday dinner 🎂

dect69 | dect69

Girls night out, not girls plus one. NTA for enforcing boundaries.

dart1126 | dart1126

Standing up for oneself 🙌

tmk | tmk

Friend disrespects birthday request, potential red flag in fiancé's behavior. 👍

Shoddy_Lifeguard_852 | Shoddy_Lifeguard_852

Friend prioritizes fiancé over friends, NTA for kicking him out 💁‍♀️

Spirit-Chan | Spirit-Chan

Discussing boundaries and motives for fiance's constant presence at events.

eyore5775 | eyore5775

Respect boundaries and veils, SO can't be there ALL time 🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respect is key 🔑, NTA for setting boundaries

Accomplished_Idea957 | Accomplished_Idea957

Protecting your space and friends, but also concerned for her safety.

crepuscularcunt | crepuscularcunt

Setting boundaries: NTA for kicking uninvited fiance out 💪

kelli-fish | kelli-fish

Girl only birthday dinner gets intruded by fiance. NTA 👍

Cybermagetx | Cybermagetx

Controlling partner costs her friendships, she needs to realize it. 🚫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

The__Riker__Maneuver | The__Riker__Maneuver

Isolating her from her friends? 🤨 Definitely NTA in this situation.

TherulerT | TherulerT

Setting boundaries is healthy, even in relationships 👍

PrestigiousWedding36 | PrestigiousWedding36

This NTA comment raises a red flag for potential abuse.

asuwest | asuwest

This commenter agrees that you're not the a**hole 🙌

KnittedWhit | KnittedWhit

Setting healthy boundaries with friends can be tough 😢

imnotyourproblemyet | imnotyourproblemyet

Friend's fiance kicked out of birthday dinner, commenter supports OP

veni_vidi_dixi | veni_vidi_dixi

Healthy boundaries make for healthy friendships 💪

Affectionate-Match67 | Affectionate-Match67

A controlling relationship? This NTA comment thinks so 👀

bunnybunny690 | bunnybunny690

Standing up for boundaries and friends. NTA 👏

MarigoldCat | MarigoldCat

Religious respect matters, and NTA for standing up for it.

DaLoCo6913 | DaLoCo6913

Clear boundaries set for girls night, NTA for enforcing them 👍

Resagarden | Resagarden

Leave your fiance at home 🏡👋 NTA

jazzyx26 | jazzyx26

NTA, but bringing spouses everywhere is annoying AF 😒

tangysushi | tangysushi

Dealing with a selfish friend who always invites extra people 😒 NTA.

celex_bell | celex_bell

Girls' night out, not boys allowed! NTA 🚫👨‍❤️‍👨

Momo-kkun | Momo-kkun