Transgender Person Screams at Parents After They Went Through Phone While Asleep

checking phone
Unsplash | freestocks

This is a story of betrayal, invasion of privacy, and a person pushed to the brink. A transgender individual woke up to find their parents had gone through their phone while they slept. The parents used derogatory terms and belittled their child for being transgender. When the child confronted them, all the anger from the past few months came pouring out in a heated confrontation. This story is an example of how even the most personal parts of our lives can be violated, and the toll that can take on our mental well-being. Read on to find out if the child was in the wrong or rightfully angry.

💥 Transgender person's angry reaction to parents invading privacy

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Dreams of moving out thwarted by pandemic and quarantine 😔

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Struggling with quarantine responsibilities while caring for immunocompromised parent.

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Outed transgender person confronts family, shares painful experience. 💔

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Trans person overcomes abusive parents with therapist's help 🌈

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Trans person's phone privacy invaded, defends humor in LGBT community

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Lost phone leads to drama in this transgender person's life

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Parents invade privacy, cause uproar: Transgender teen speaks out 🔒🔎

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Transgender person's parents mistake memes for unholy content 😂

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Parental snooping leads to heated confrontation about 'evil' content 😡

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Invasion of privacy! 😡 Transgender person expresses anger after parents invade their privacy while they were asleep.

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Transgender person explodes in anger towards parents in confrontation 🔥

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Transgender person confronts parents after betrayal with emotional outburst 😡

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Transgender person confronts parents over phone invasion of privacy.

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Redditor asks for judgement after reading transgender person's texts.

thedepressionoftrees | thedepressionoftrees

Transgender person confronts parents after invasion of privacy 😡

A transgender person was left furious after their parents went through their phone while they were asleep. The person had been planning to move out of their home since February 2020, but the pandemic made it difficult for them to do so. They were then forced to stay at home and help with chores due to their mother's immunocompromised health. The person had also been struggling with their identity and had only recently come out as transgender, which their parents did not take well. They were borderline abusive for two months until the person sought help from a therapist. However, things escalated again when the person's parents took their phone and went through their private content. The person exploded into a rage and confronted their parents about their invasion of privacy, revealing the extent of the emotional damage they had suffered. Was the person justified in their outburst? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Daily physical labor due to messy house and garden maintenance 🏋️‍♂️🌿

EngineeringOwn2299 | EngineeringOwn2299

Support for someone experiencing family conflict and hoping for independence 🤗

soulsearxhing | soulsearxhing

Encouraging message of support and love for a transgender person.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Too many boundaries crossed. Leave for your own health.

raerae6672 | raerae6672

Leave for your safety! 🏃‍♂️💨 NTA

notahappybunny123 | notahappybunny123

Keep moving forward. Don't let anyone break your spirit 👏

MissJew | MissJew

Don't let anyone use religion to justify cruelty 😡🙏 Stand strong! 💪

daddysangelfire | daddysangelfire

A helpful step-by-step guide to moving out 🚚

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment: 'NTA. Hope you find escape soon' 👏

Veilchengerd | Veilchengerd

Commenter explains why they can't move out due to mother's condition 💪

MdmeLibrarian | MdmeLibrarian

Empathetic support for transgender person's violated privacy and abusive parents. 💜

Eatitwhore | Eatitwhore

Standing up for yourself is never easy, but it's necessary 💪

esmoves | esmoves

Privacy invasion or justified concern? NTA stands their ground 🔒

zucchiniwolff | zucchiniwolff

Defending against transphobic parents, NTA beyond all doubt 👏🏽

mikey_weasel | mikey_weasel

Protect your privacy! NTA for being upset.

ComfortableZebra2412 | ComfortableZebra2412

NTA, privacy is important even if they paid for it 💻

BeeRemarkable7670 | BeeRemarkable7670

Standing up against abusive parents takes courage. You're NTA 👏

Capital-Finger-5628 | Capital-Finger-5628

Struggling to move out due to immunocompromised mother and pandemic 🏠

GrWr44 | GrWr44

Protect your phone and move out ASAP with triple protection 📱🚪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Transgender person stuck in toxic home environment due to pandemic

Calm_Initial | Calm_Initial

Escaping religious zealots, find coping mechanisms and self care tools 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Struggling to move out, but planning to leave. NTA 👍

cuntliflower | cuntliflower

Supportive comment: Being accepted and respected is important ❤️👏

strangersareokay | strangersareokay

Supportive comment defends against abusive parents for invading privacy 🤝

Rose717 | Rose717

Standing up to abusive parents, NTA takes a bold step 🙌

BirdiesNerdy1313 | BirdiesNerdy1313

Transgender person shares past abuse, seeks validation and support 💪

DinosaurBabyDoll | DinosaurBabyDoll

👍 Parental invasion of privacy deserved strong response. NTA.

T1s1phon3Aaronz | T1s1phon3Aaronz

Run away from abusive and insane parents invading privacy 🏃‍♂️

Silence0FTheLAN | Silence0FTheLAN

Commenter reveals age, sheds light on situation 🤔

AxePagode | AxePagode

Commenter sympathizes with transgender person and advises them to leave.

Adventurous_Geek259 | Adventurous_Geek259

Reclaimed phone, no a-hole here 😊

Let_Me_Explain_1996 | Let_Me_Explain_1996

Standing up against parental abuse. You're NTA 👏

Doris_Useless | Doris_Useless

Commenter supports OP's reaction to invasive parents with humor 🚽💩

Tinkerrific | Tinkerrific

Empathetic response to toxic situation, wishing the commentator good luck 🤞

Trouble-94 | Trouble-94

Tough love or too harsh? Commenter advises moving out 💔

Beardrac | Beardrac

Suggests moving out as a way to escape parental abuse. 🤔

cigarmanpa | cigarmanpa

Insensitive comment promotes harmful behavior during pandemic 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Asserting independence: OP paid for phone, parents still invaded privacy.

the_jenerator | the_jenerator

Supportive comment defends immunocompromised sibling against invasive parents 🙌

Boberoo2 | Boberoo2

Commenter sympathizes with abuse victim, offers support and heart emoji.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive bi commenter suggests meme material for parent's snooping.

ROclimbingbabeCK | ROclimbingbabeCK

Supportive comment encourages financial independence and self-care ❤️

avril-the-bean | avril-the-bean

Supportive comment urges escape from abusive, religious household. 👍

jeslblan | jeslblan

Finding support as a transgender person can be challenging 😔

elamb127 | elamb127

Escape the toxicity! 🏃‍♂️💨 NTA, move out soon.

Izzy4162305 | Izzy4162305

Validation and support for transgender person against invasive parents. ❤

MasterYehuda816 | MasterYehuda816

Supportive comment defends child's privacy against invasive parents 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending against abusive parents is always NTA 💪

dismurrart | dismurrart

Empathetic support for a transgender person dealing with abusive parents 💛

[deleted] | [deleted]

Escape the toxicity 💨

PaintedLady5519 | PaintedLady5519

Privacy invasion, theft, and denigration - NTA screams back 👊👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Justified NTA comment after months of abuse from transphobic parents 👏

cillianellis | cillianellis

Empowering response to entitled parents. 🙌

CatPawSoup | CatPawSoup

"NTA. Snarky response after privacy violation. 🤷‍♀️"

Sweet_other_yyyy | Sweet_other_yyyy

Supportive comment replies to justified actions. NTA 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging comment to move out and prioritize personal well-being 💪

Quicksilver1964 | Quicksilver1964

Not the a**hole, and everyone agrees.

No_Name_Necessary | No_Name_Necessary

Short and to the point. Got it.

Rose_Illusion | Rose_Illusion

👍 Move out ASAP! NTA, your parents crossed a line.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for yourself is always a win! 🙌🏼

el_gilliath | el_gilliath

Supportive comment, hope for a better future 🌈

FlutteringFowler | FlutteringFowler

Stay safe and don't fall for emotional manipulation tactics! 💪

hardcorefuzzybunnies | hardcorefuzzybunnies

Betrayed trust. Move out ASAP. You're not the a**hole.

athynz | athynz

Supportive comment condemns parents' actions and offers advice to poster.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter advises victim of abuse to seek help and leave home

Cardabella | Cardabella

Supportive comment defends child's identity against invasive parents 🏳️‍🌈

scootypuffs9 | scootypuffs9

Empathetic reply offers advice for self-reflection and self-care ❤️

What-is-in-a-name19 | What-is-in-a-name19

Supportive comment for a transgender person facing parental invasion of privacy 🏳️‍⚧️

Airregaithel | Airregaithel

Escape the nightmare! Use safe apps for privacy. You deserve better 😔📱

Bubblegrime | Bubblegrime

Supportive comment encourages leaving abusive situation. 👏

Dumpster_fff | Dumpster_fff

Religious hypocrisy called out in comment section 🤔🙏

zoomzoom42 | zoomzoom42

Commenter praises parent for enduring abusive behavior from child.

PrismaticChaos | PrismaticChaos

Supportive comment suggests leaving toxic household for safety 🙌