Woman Faces Backlash for Not Financially Supporting Husband's Ex

A pile of $100 bills.
Unsplash | Giorgio Trovato

A woman, whose husband's ex-partner is struggling financially, is questioning whether she is in the wrong for not offering financial support. After her husband's income was reduced due to a car accident that left him disabled, the woman covered all expenses and child support payments.

However, when her husband's ex-partner's financial situation became dire, the couple decided they could no longer offer her additional financial support. The ex-partner took them to court, and a judge ruled that the ex-partner must pay child support and insurance reimbursements.

Despite the ruling, the ex-partner's family insists that the woman is at fault for not offering financial support, and they claim that they are facing eviction and repossession of their car.

Read on to see if you think the woman is in the wrong in this situation.

Stepmom struggles with financial expectations in blended family.

csasshole | csasshole

Generous husband shares bonuses with ex-wife, sparks controversy. 💰

csasshole | csasshole

Wife shoulders financial burden after husband's accident 🤕

csasshole | csasshole

Couple stops supporting husband's ex due to financial difficulties 💰

csasshole | csasshole

Teen buys own car, mom matches savings - responsible parenting 👍

csasshole | csasshole

Husband's ex's daughter gets a car, couple gets a bill 💰

csasshole | csasshole

When miscommunication leads to legal battles 🤷🏻‍♀️

csasshole | csasshole

Wife ordered to financially support husband's ex; backlash follows ⚖️

csasshole | csasshole

Family drama ensues after woman refuses to financially support husband's ex 👀

csasshole | csasshole

Husband's ex expects us to keep paying for her lease 😒

csasshole | csasshole

Navigating financial obligations with partner's ex, AITA judgment pending ⚖️

csasshole | csasshole

Woman faces backlash for not financially supporting husband's ex 🤯

A woman is facing backlash for not financially supporting her husband's ex-partner after her husband lost his job and had to take a significant pay cut. The husband had been regularly sending his ex-partner extra money from his commission checks and bonuses, but after the income loss, the couple explained that they could no longer afford to do so.

The ex-partner took them to court for child support, and the court determined that she was to pay $300 a month in child support and reimburse insurance. Despite this ruling, the ex-partner's family is now harassing the couple, claiming that they are playing favorites with their own child and causing financial hardship.

The woman is left questioning if she is in the wrong for not financially supporting her husband's ex-partner. Read on for the reactions and comments to this controversial situation.

NTA for not financially supporting husband's ex. Bio parents responsible for c.s. and she made her bed. 🤷‍♀️

Mrs_Callegari | Mrs_Callegari

NTA! Woman faces backlash for not financially supporting husband's ex.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman faces backlash for not financially supporting husband's ex. Commenter supports OP and advises to document all correspondence with K.

Able-Craft-5130 | Able-Craft-5130

Commenter defends OP's decision, suggests K may be lying 🤔

Global-Present8997 | Global-Present8997

Woman stands her ground against husband's entitled ex-wife 🙅‍♀️

FntasticJellyBabies | FntasticJellyBabies

Don't let the ex hold the purse strings 💰🙅‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Mom defends her decision not to financially support husband's ex.

Janetaz18 | Janetaz18

Commenter defends B for not financially supporting husband's ex, calls K out for bad decisions. NTA 🙅‍♀️

lapsteelguitar | lapsteelguitar

Commenter defends woman against husband's ex, calls her out.

FloridaPoodleSchool | FloridaPoodleSchool

Woman refuses to financially support husband's ex despite harassment.

empireOS | empireOS

Don't be a doormat, NTA. You already explained the situation 👏

PacifistWarFreak | PacifistWarFreak

Celebrating karma: Commenter supports not financially supporting husband's ex

sephwht | sephwht

Commenter finds situation amusing with laughing emoji.

Cheetosfingers69 | Cheetosfingers69

Financially supporting husband's ex? NTA, keep your promise 💰👍

perfectly_peculiar | perfectly_peculiar

NTA. K brought this upon herself by taking you to court for child support. Don't let her manipulate you into paying more. 💰💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Woman faces backlash for not supporting husband's ex financially. NTA.


Stand your ground! 💪 Your husband already did more than enough!

del901 | del901

Commenters agree: husband's ex shouldn't be financially supported 🙅‍♀️

AnyConference4593 | AnyConference4593

Husband's ex expects money for kids, woman says no. NTA 💰

throwawayag7 | throwawayag7

Supporting financially is not always the solution. 👍

MissTheWire | MissTheWire

Putting family first 👨🏻툀👨🏻툀👏: Response to husband's ex-wife drama.

earthlingalien1 | earthlingalien1

Spouse not financially supporting husband's ex. NTA, past is past 💰

Eastern_Amphibian385 | Eastern_Amphibian385

Leasing a car for a 16-year-old? NTA for opting out.

blitznB | blitznB

Hands off 👐, not your stepchild not your bankroll 💰

Nixie_D | Nixie_D

Commenter takes a stand, says woman not in the wrong 💪

bkuhn9787 | bkuhn9787

Commenter finds 'poetic justice' in husband's ex situation 💁‍♀️

entropificus | entropificus

Husband's ex's kids, not her problem. NTA.

Blairx6661 | Blairx6661

Fairness in parenting - commenter defends not supporting husband's ex.

FromTheBack6996 | FromTheBack6996

Commenter defends woman's actions amid backlash 💪

Swampbrewja | Swampbrewja

Supporting ex's kids not wife's responsibility, NTA 👏

RedditDK2 | RedditDK2

NTA for not supporting husband's spiteful ex. 🙅‍♀️

KimChiDiva | KimChiDiva

Commenter stands up against entitled ex and child 👍

pookguyinc | pookguyinc

Following the law doesn't make you NTA 🚫💰

aussietex | aussietex

Stand your ground 💪. No need to financially support exes.

WasPrettyFly1ce | WasPrettyFly1ce

Commenter defends woman's decision to not support husband's ex.

Coco_Dirichlet | Coco_Dirichlet

Official court agreements can prevent financial entitlement and conflict. 💰

azboxfta | azboxfta

NTA commenter advocates for legal threshold against ex's demands 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being a step-parent is hard, NTA for setting boundaries ❤️

Realistic-Animator-3 | Realistic-Animator-3

Taking responsibility for financial decisions is key. 💰

Calm_Initial | Calm_Initial

Hands off, no guilt! 🤚🚫

Bansidhe13 | Bansidhe13

Don't let *entitled* exes guilt-trip you into giving money 💸

ninja-gecko | ninja-gecko

Engaging offer to match with stipulations was declined, causing family conflict 😕

La_Murano | La_Murano

Communication is key. NTA for standing your ground.

Katy_moxie | Katy_moxie

Supporting husband's ex's financial irresponsibility? NTA, play stupid games! 🤷‍♀️

FckYeahUnicorns | FckYeahUnicorns

Step-mom faces backlash for unequal treatment of step-kids 🚫🚗💰

Jintess | Jintess

Supportive comment for not financially supporting husband's ex-wife.

eye_8_pi | eye_8_pi

Supporting the ex? Definitely NTA. Yikes, big red flag.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter defends woman's decision not to financially support husband's ex

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter defends woman's decision, clear NTA verdict 👍

zoned-out28 | zoned-out28

Unexpected bills? Not cool! 🙅‍♀️

Bangbangsmashsmash | Bangbangsmashsmash

Supporting husband's ex? Not your responsibility. NTA 👍

LavenderPearlTea | LavenderPearlTea

Ignore the haters, you're NTA 👍🏼

Bx2128822225 | Bx2128822225

Navigating child support can be tricky, even with good intentions 😬

flax97 | flax97

Commenter stands by their decision, using slang to emphasize it.

bparp1994 | bparp1994

Don't reward bad behavior! 🙅‍♀️ NTA for ignoring ex's requests.

Littleballoffur22 | Littleballoffur22

Commenter defends woman's decision not to financially support husband's ex.

Daedric1991 | Daedric1991

NTA. Not obligated to financially support stepkids or pay child support.

ManicPanicPeach | ManicPanicPeach

Don't expect financial support from new spouses, NTA 👍

Lullaby37 | Lullaby37

Stepmom defends not supporting stepkids financially, receives support.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Legal mess opened by commenter, but not their responsibility 🤷‍♀️

Traditional_Judge734 | Traditional_Judge734

No obligation to financially support husband's ex. NTA 👍

nevaneva21 | nevaneva21

Commenter supports woman's decision with a curse word and karma.

really_robot | really_robot

🤔 Questioning the decision to lease a car for a teenager

Daddy_Scrooge68 | Daddy_Scrooge68

Supporting husband's ex without discussion? NTA, but harsh language.

StapletonB | StapletonB

Financial struggles? Petition the court again! NTA 👍

Stunning-Hedgehog-30 | Stunning-Hedgehog-30

Don't be K's ATM! You already contribute 50% of everything. 💸

Icy-Cherry-8143 | Icy-Cherry-8143

Protect your finances and prioritize your family ❤️

heleninthealps | heleninthealps