Child Prodigy's Arrogance Ruins His Chances with Crush

Arrogant teen
Unsplash | Norbert Kundrak

What happens when a child prodigy's intelligence gets to their head? This 13-year-old boy is constantly bragging about his achievements and talking down on others, including his crush. He attributes her dislike towards him to his superior intellect, but his sister overhears his interactions and knows otherwise. She finally tells him the truth about why his crush dislikes him, but their parents don't take it well. Is she the a**hole for being honest with her brother? Read on to find out.

Meet the 13-year-old prodigy who learns in higher ed 🤯

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

Arrogance of child prodigy ruins his chances with crush 😔

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

When a child prodigy faces rejection in love 💔

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

Arrogant child prodigy dismisses crush's ideas and aspirations 😒

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

Arrogant child prodigy complains about crush and belittles women 🙄

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

How a child prodigy's arrogance ruined his chance at love 💔

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

When arrogance overshadows talent, even a child prodigy fails 💔

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

How to deal with an arrogant child prodigy? AITA?

lovepresevering | lovepresevering

Child prodigy's arrogance costs him his crush 😢

Being a child prodigy comes with its perks but also its downsides. In this post, a Reddit user shares how their younger brother's arrogance and lack of modesty cost him his crush. The younger brother, who is known in academic circles and attends an institute of higher education, has become very arrogant and condescending to people he deems below him. He constantly talks about himself, dismisses other people's ideas and accomplishments, and even criticizes their career choices. He has a crush on a girl who is obviously uncomfortable with his behavior toward her. The post explains how the author finally told his brother that his personality was becoming a problem and that he needs to show some modesty if he wants to have a chance with his crush. The post also describes how the author's parents disagreed with him and thought it was horrible to say this to a 13-year-old. The introduction ends by leading into the comments and reactions of readers who share their opinions on whether the author was the a**hole or not for telling his brother the truth.

NTA- Teaching emotional intelligence is crucial for success. 🔍

genericname907 | genericname907

NTA. Brutal truth reminds us to cultivate social skills 🤝

Whiteroses7252012 | Whiteroses7252012

Raising a narcissistic monster: Commenters worry about child prodigy's future.

[deleted] | [deleted]

13-year-old's arrogance and blame-shifting could lead to incel mentality 🤦‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being the older sibling comes with tough love responsibilities ✊

Washed_In_Black | Washed_In_Black

Teen's arrogance called out, NTA for giving tough love 💪

InsanityIsFine | InsanityIsFine

Suggesting professional guidance and mentorship for arrogant child prodigy 🧑‍🎓🤔

aoife_too | aoife_too

Brother's entitlement unchecked by parents, sibling steps up to help 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Can violence really teach humility? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging NTA comment reminds sister to find mentor or therapist.

coastK8 | coastK8

Teaching humility early on can prevent future entitlement issues 😌

moodylunaa | moodylunaa

Siblings give honest advice, NTA 🤝

Princess__Nell | Princess__Nell

Kid's arrogance gets called out after failed attempt at love

IAmTAAlways | IAmTAAlways

Sibling's arrogance needs to be addressed before he becomes isolated 😕

PerfectlyAmiable | PerfectlyAmiable

Self-proclaimed nice guy is anything but. r/iamverysmart 👀

tardkinn | tardkinn

Insightful comment on the dangers of child prodigies 👨‍🎓🤔

AQualityKoalaTeacher | AQualityKoalaTeacher

Calling out bad behavior in kids, NTA gets the green light 👍

Miserable_Dinner_698 | Miserable_Dinner_698

Exploring the fine line between intellect and arrogance 🤔

Veridical_Perception | Veridical_Perception

Curious about the type of education institute mentioned 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling takes responsibility to correct brother's behavior 👍

ellsellsgg | ellsellsgg

Encouraging response to arrogant child prodigy's love life

ggfangirl85 | ggfangirl85

Teaching humility: How to avoid raising the next Sheldon Cooper 😏

Hrmm85 | Hrmm85

Calling out fake post suspicions 💭🤔

JudgeBlur | JudgeBlur

IQ doesn't matter when it comes to love 💓

CinnamonPumpkin13 | CinnamonPumpkin13

Don't burst his bubble, but child prodigies don't always succeed 😉

squirrels33 | squirrels33

Standing up to sibling's arrogance, NTA comment wins support 👍

evilhagfish | evilhagfish

Teaching a child prodigy humility: a delicate task 🤔

Head2Heels | Head2Heels

Book recommendation for prodigies and their arrogance. 📚

HunteronaLoop | HunteronaLoop

Brutal reality check for arrogant child prodigy in love.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Preventing future a**hole-ery. 🛑🍎

NiCommander | NiCommander

Sibling support and a reality check may fix little bro's ego 🤝

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling love! 🥰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Enabling toxic behavior: Parenting gone wrong 🙄

Wumbo-33 | Wumbo-33

Intelligence doesn't equate to emotional maturity 😔

Bri_IsTheLight | Bri_IsTheLight

Support for NTA comment, short and sweet 👍

HappyHighwayman | HappyHighwayman

Encouraging intelligence without correcting entitlement creates an insufferable child. NTA.

hazeybop | hazeybop

NTA supporter thinks child prodigy needs a reality check 👀

knittedjedi | knittedjedi

Young love and emotional immaturity, NTA needs social skills 💔

re_nonsequiturs | re_nonsequiturs

Encouraging comment, advises on social skills and relationships.

Jasel84 | Jasel84

Valuing emotional intelligence is key for real-world success 🧠❤️

k0reo | k0reo