Man Puts Padlock on Freezer after Wife Hoards All the Space

Frozen food
Unsplash | Victoria Shes

A husband has had enough of his wife's constant freezer-hoarding and takes matters into his own hands. After buying a separate freezer for his own use, he finds his wife has filled it with her own frozen dinners. He throws everything away and locks it up, causing his wife to storm out of the house. Was his reaction justified or was he being controlling? Read on to find out what happened and decide for yourself.

Frozen out ❄️ Man locks freezer due to wife's hoarding

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Frozen food hoarding reaches new heights, man padlocks freezer 🔒

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man puts padlock on freezer due to wife's hoarding habits 🔒

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man takes matters into his own hands with new deep freezer 💪

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man defends his freezer territory against wife's food hoarding 🍗

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man locks up freezer to prevent wife's microwave dinner hoarding

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Husband locks freezer to stop wife's hoarding, chaos ensues 🧊

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man's attempt to solve freezer space issue backfires. 😬

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man locks freezer after wife hogs space, sparks ongoing arguments 🧊❌

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man faces wife's hoarding by locking freezer, but at what cost?

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Freezer feud: Man puts padlock on appliance to keep wife out

bigdreamssmallcock | bigdreamssmallcock

Man padlocks freezer after wife hoards it all 🥶🔒

A man has resorted to padlocking his own freezer after his wife filled it to the brim with frozen food, leaving him no space to store his own items. The man tried to solve the issue by purchasing a larger freezer, but this only encouraged his wife to buy even more frozen food. When he finally bought a separate freezer for himself, his wife still managed to fill it with her own items. In frustration, the man threw away all the contents of his personal freezer and padlocked it. His wife accused him of being controlling, but the man argues that he was justified in his actions. This ongoing issue has caused a rift in their marriage, with the wife refusing to speak to him. Was the man wrong for padlocking his freezer, or was it a necessary solution to a frustrating problem? Share your thoughts below.

NTA. Wife may have a hoarding issue. Suggestions for donations and therapy.

Haunting_Being | Haunting_Being

Freezer hoarding wife needs professional help, NTA for locking it.

GlassSandwich9315 | GlassSandwich9315

Wife's hoarding issue raises concerns, could be related to an eating disorder 🤔

harasume | harasume

Wife's food hoarding crosses the line, NTA for locking freezer 🧊

Teahouse_Fox | Teahouse_Fox

Wife's freezer hoarding raises bigger concerns about irrational behavior. 🤔

jwjnthrowawaykfeiofj | jwjnthrowawaykfeiofj

Managing frozen food space leads to wife's deeper issues. 😐


Understanding the root cause of hoarding behavior 🤔

Apprehensive-Fan-250 | Apprehensive-Fan-250

Understanding the root of the problem 🤔

oy-cunt- | oy-cunt-

Possible mental health issue behind wife's freezer hoarding 🤔

MargotLannington | MargotLannington

Wife's behavior could stem from past food insecurity or misguided prepping 🍲

LunaticBZ | LunaticBZ

Commenters joke about freezer's potential use for storing bodies 🧊💀

RequirementInfamous7 | RequirementInfamous7

Wife needs therapy and better communication, NTA. 🤷‍♀️

columbospeugeot | columbospeugeot

Supporting NTA who dealt with wife's food hoarding sensitively 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

🧊 Padlocked freezer exposes deeper relationship issues and lack of communication 🤔

there_is_no_why | there_is_no_why

Possible food insecurity issues, therapy may be needed. 👨‍🍳

TheDuchess5939 | TheDuchess5939

Frozen dinners get the cold shoulder ❄️

Tkote420 | Tkote420

Food hoarding may be a sign of trauma, talk to her.

kifferella | kifferella

Encourage therapy for spouse's hoarding problem. 🧐

Flashy-Butterfly7620 | Flashy-Butterfly7620

Couple's therapy may be needed for freezer space hoarding ESH.

Infamous-Wasabi-9007 | Infamous-Wasabi-9007

Generous solution but dealing with obsessive behavior needs professional help 🔒

paddywhack2319 | paddywhack2319

Don't let her obsession with hoarding food ruin your relationship! 🚫🍔

lyom1989a | lyom1989a

Encouraging response to spouse's hoarding behavior ❤️

AntiFacistBossBitch | AntiFacistBossBitch

Taking control of your freezer, NTA 👍🧊

BazTheBaptist | BazTheBaptist

Frozen food hoarding wife leaves husband puzzled. 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Locking up the freezer: NTA move or relationship red flag? 🤔

Short-Classroom2559 | Short-Classroom2559

Stand your ground 💪 Don't let her boss you around.

CheesecakeHungry923 | CheesecakeHungry923

OP is NTA for wanting space for frozen veggies, but ESH for not dealing with the root problem of hoarding. 😐

AgoraiosBum | AgoraiosBum

Suggesting therapy for a hoarding spouse, NTA but delicate situation 😬

11arwen | 11arwen

👀 Wife hoards freezer space, calls husband controlling for padlocking it

Simple_Trainer_7313 | Simple_Trainer_7313

Claim your territory! 🚪 NTA wins this round.

Impossible-Chasethis | Impossible-Chasethis

When freezer fights with spouses get out of hand 😅

Eastern_Category7875 | Eastern_Category7875

Freezer space causes marital issues. Wife needs help 😕

Sword_Of_Storms | Sword_Of_Storms

Freezer feud: Husband locks wife out of frozen food frenzy ❄️

SandrineSmiles | SandrineSmiles

NTA, but wife needs therapy for food hoarding behavior 🍴❄️

Grannywine | Grannywine

Supportive response to spouse's hoarding behavior, suggest therapy 💙

ExplanationMinimum51 | ExplanationMinimum51

Avoiding food waste is important, but what's the solution here? 🤔

Honibajir | Honibajir

Compassionate suggestion to seek counseling for wife's hoarding behavior ❤️

Bipolar_Bear_84 | Bipolar_Bear_84

🔒Man puts padlock on freezer after wife's food hoarding

BrownieZombie1999 | BrownieZombie1999

When sharing a freezer goes wrong 😬

Curious-Insanity413 | Curious-Insanity413

Freezer padlock causes marital issues. Therapy may be necessary.

Legion27_1 | Legion27_1

When love turns icy: Man's freezer woes and wife's obsession. 😕

External_College_284 | External_College_284

Locking the freezer won't fix the real issue 🙅‍♂️

Mag-NL | Mag-NL

Wife's hoarding causes husband to lock freezer 🧊❌

Asleep_Library_963 | Asleep_Library_963

Commenter jokes about their own kitchen Tetris skills 🤣

BresciaE | BresciaE

Compassionate response to spouse's hoarding of frozen food ❄️

faries05 | faries05

Lock and load: Husband secures frozen goods, wife needs counseling.

AppropriateEar06 | AppropriateEar06

Microwave dinners for the win! Not the a**hole.

Careful_Eagle_1033 | Careful_Eagle_1033

Teach her about canning food and free up space 🥫

Bodega177013 | Bodega177013

Commenter questions wife's love for frozen meals and suggests healthier options


Limit the freezers to two and make big meals together! 🍲

LogicalLady2021 | LogicalLady2021

Man takes action against freezer hoarding wife #NotTheAHole 🧊🔒


Commenter shares personal experience and recommends therapy for wife.

Gazorpazorpmom | Gazorpazorpmom