Wife Sleeps Naked To Stop Husband's Friend From Barging In

Alfe Mercado
Woman in bed naked
Unsplash | Annie Spratt

A woman posted on AITA about her husband's friend constantly invading their privacy by randomly walking in on her. After multiple attempts to speak up, the woman decided to resort to a drastic measure by sleeping on the bed naked whenever she was there. When her husband's friend walked in on her, chaos ensued. The husband scolded her and called her behavior sl*tty, causing a heated argument. The post has sparked a debate on who was really at fault. Read on to find out more!

Husband's friend keeps barging in, even when she's naked. 😳

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Privacy invaded by husband's friend barging in. 😒

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Wife's unique solution to husband's friend's late-night intrusion 🛌💤

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Wife sleeps naked to thwart husband's creepy friend 🐶

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Wife's attempt to deter husband's friend backfires, causing marital strife.

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Woman's privacy violated by husband's friend, called sl*tty. 😒

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Wife sleeps naked to protect her privacy from unwanted guests 😳

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Husband's friend barging in causing issues, AITA for setting boundaries?

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Woman fights against s*xist behavior from husband's friend 👊

betterday5097 | betterday5097

Wife sleeps naked to stop husband's friend from taking her privacy

A woman was fed up with her husband's best friend barging into their bedroom and taking his stuff. She tried talking to both of them but was ignored. One night, she decided to sleep on top of the bed fully naked, and when the friend walked in, he quickly left after seeing her. However, her husband was angry and called her behavior 'sl*tty.' They are still arguing about it. Read on to see what Reddit users think about this situation.

Husband's friend repeatedly barges into bedroom; husband insults wife's naked body. NTA.

cozynite | cozynite

Wife's privacy violated by husband and his entitled friend 🚫👀

Skizzybee | Skizzybee

Husband body shames wife for sleeping naked, NTA for setting boundaries 🚫👀

Dilly_Dally4 | Dilly_Dally4

Supportive comment section advises wife to get a lock 🔐

Mean_Macaroni59 | Mean_Macaroni59

Hilarious AITA reference sparks NTA agreement and shoe suspicion.

Momma2gingers | Momma2gingers

Husband's comment about 'horrendous sight' raises red flags 🚩

Intrepid_Text8707 | Intrepid_Text8707

Woman stands up against body shaming husband's friend 👏👏

prodrvr22 | prodrvr22

Protect your privacy and comfort, NTA. 🙅‍♀️

Big-Bug6427 | Big-Bug6427

Assert your boundaries, you have a say in your home 🏡❌👬

Darthkhydaeus | Darthkhydaeus

Stand up for yourself. You're NTA for setting boundaries 👊

jkymochi | jkymochi

Commenter expresses shock at husband's behavior and language 🤯

IndyWineLady | IndyWineLady

Suggests husband and friend should have their own 'special space'. 🙄

Fluffy-Edge-6065 | Fluffy-Edge-6065

Supportive comment calls out husband's bad behavior. NTA 👏

Jumpy_Feeling2355 | Jumpy_Feeling2355

Marinara sheets and art room vibes with a controversial twist 😜

UglyDucky_00 | UglyDucky_00

NTA for sleeping naked, but husband's comment is hurtful 😔

impurehalo | impurehalo

Sleeping naked to protect privacy - NTA wins!

nollamaindrama | nollamaindrama

Husband's friend barges in on naked wife, NTA seeks advice

Accurate-Ad-4905 | Accurate-Ad-4905

Comment section takes a hilarious turn with yogurt-making suggestion 🤣

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protecting his friend over his wife? 🤔 Definitely NTA

lemonstreudels | lemonstreudels

Husband's friend overstepping boundaries? Not the a**hole for setting limits 👍

dvnturb4dmnt | dvnturb4dmnt

Savage reply to husband's infidelity accusation 🙊

Korlat_Eleint | Korlat_Eleint

Savage suggestion to deal with a disrespectful husband 👀💥

Rewind2012 | Rewind2012

Commenter suggests divorce after husband's creepy friend incident. 💔

Cevanne46 | Cevanne46

Protecting your privacy is important, NTA. 🚪🙅‍♂️

NuketheCow_ | NuketheCow_

Body-shaming husband gets what he deserves. NTA wins.

FiendishGarbler | FiendishGarbler

Take off the rose-tinted glasses 👓💔

Far_Double_1529 | Far_Double_1529

Setting boundaries and respecting privacy is important. 🚪🛌

In_need_of_chocolate | In_need_of_chocolate

Commenter questions the odd living arrangement of the husband's friend.

TagGrayNacht | TagGrayNacht

Wife sleeps naked to keep husband's friend out, commenters support

thisistemporary1213 | thisistemporary1213

The husband's behavior is outrageous, you are NTA. 👌

Smart_Land_8955 | Smart_Land_8955

Privacy invasion? NTA. Wife goes naked to stop friend.

ShelbiLee | ShelbiLee

Respectless friends barging in? Not the a-hole, NTA 🙅‍♀️

sherlocked27 | sherlocked27

Husband's friend barges in, wife sleeps naked to stop him. NTA.

embopbopbopdoowop | embopbopbopdoowop

Stand up for yourself and your space! 💪🏼

rapidedward | rapidedward

Sleeping naked to stop unwanted visitors? Risky business! 😳

siempre_maria | siempre_maria

Sharing is caring, but not in this case. 😂

CinnamonBlue | CinnamonBlue

Wife's solution to husband's friend crossing the line is reasonable.

Dandelionesssssss | Dandelionesssssss

NTA! 👏🏼 Stand up for yourself and your boundaries.

Least_Ad_4657 | Least_Ad_4657

Commenter advises leaving husband's friend's living situation without spouse.

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

Commenter calls out victim-blaming behavior in creepy situation 👏

Winter-Ad1853 | Winter-Ad1853

Asserting boundaries with a side of sass. 🙅‍♀️🔥

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respect your own comfort, NTA! 🚪🚫

Illbethejudgeinthat | Illbethejudgeinthat

Wife sleeps naked to stop husband's friend from barging in😳

Irish_beast | Irish_beast

Lack of respect from husband and friend. What a crappy situation 😒

East-Performance-344 | East-Performance-344

Savage response to husband's friend, with a hint of humor 😂

Prestigious_Leg3354 | Prestigious_Leg3354

Husband's friend using art studio as an excuse? NTA, obviously.

kaleidoscope_view | kaleidoscope_view

Supportive comment stands up for respect and privacy 🙌

_bluenebula | _bluenebula

Throwing boys out soon? 🤔 Not the a-hole, for sure.

JustBeingMe143 | JustBeingMe143

OP's husband prioritizes BFF over wife's privacy and comfort 🙄

DiTrastevere | DiTrastevere

Take control of your privacy and kick them both out 💪🏼🔒

Apprehensive_Cod4251 | Apprehensive_Cod4251

Wife sleeps naked to fend off husband's creepy friend 😳

SJoyD | SJoyD

Setting boundaries and standing up for yourself. 👊

Mysterious_Ad_3119 | Mysterious_Ad_3119

Commenter refuses to tolerate unwanted advances from husband's friend 👊

Crafty_Presentation7 | Crafty_Presentation7

Wife's solution to husband's friend's intrusion sparks debate.

ZootOfCastleAnthrax | ZootOfCastleAnthrax

Husband's friend barges in without knocking, wife sleeps naked to stop it. NTA.

Scar-Lux94 | Scar-Lux94

Stand your ground! NTA 🙌🏼

ArtemisLotus | ArtemisLotus

Husband's friend barges in, wife sleeps naked to stop it. NTA.

a_spicy_meata_balla | a_spicy_meata_balla

Husband's friend barges in, wife sleeps naked to stop him. NTA.

wittiestphrase | wittiestphrase

Commenter defends woman's right to privacy against misogyny 👏🏼

madeyousoup | madeyousoup

Husband's friend needs to learn boundaries 🙄

ThatAd2403 | ThatAd2403

Stand up for yourself and leave that disrespectful husband 🚪💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wife's privacy violated by husband's friend, sets boundaries. #consentmatters 🔒

mxcrnt2 | mxcrnt2

Setting boundaries and common sense prevail in bedroom invasion situation 🙅‍♀️

Double_Jeweler7569 | Double_Jeweler7569

Setting boundaries with guests - NTA for prioritizing privacy 😴

BeastOGevaudan | BeastOGevaudan

Sleeping naked in your own room is NTA. Husband's comment is unacceptable.

Few-Entrepreneur383 | Few-Entrepreneur383

Setting boundaries and standing up for oneself. 🙌

SmadaSlaguod | SmadaSlaguod

Get creative with an art room! Not the a**hole 👨‍🎨

LiosIsHere | LiosIsHere

Setting clear boundaries and respecting privacy is key. 🚪🙅‍♀️

JustARandomWeirdo17 | JustARandomWeirdo17

A supportive comment about the art room progress 🎨

iwantyoutoeat | iwantyoutoeat

Husband's friend 'barging in' while wife sleeps naked: NTA but husband is 🚩

AGirlThatYouDontKnow | AGirlThatYouDontKnow

Husband prioritizing friend over wife? Not cool 💯

[deleted] | [deleted]

Invasion of privacy and victim-blaming. NTA for setting boundaries 😡

Slytherin_Yangchen | Slytherin_Yangchen

Standing up for yourself against disrespectful husband and friend. 👏

GoldieOGilt | GoldieOGilt

Bold move to evict unwanted roommate 😂👀

NarwhalCommercial360 | NarwhalCommercial360