Bridesmaid Calls Off Jewelry Swap At Wedding, Branded As Rude

Alfe Mercado
Pieces of jewelry
Unsplash | Carmen Lopez

Weddings are a time for celebration and unity, but what happens when a simple request turns into a full-blown argument? A bridesmaid shares her story about a necklace that caused a rift with the bride and the other bridesmaids. Was she being selfish for wanting to keep her personal jewelry on during the wedding? Or was the bride being unreasonable for asking her to remove it? Read on to find out more about this wedding day dilemma.

Feeling left out as a bridesmaid? Here's a relatable story.

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid's necklace swap drama at wedding explained 🤔

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid drama! 😱 Jewelry swap gone wrong.

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid's jewelry swap request causing drama at wedding 🙅‍♀️

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid demands jewelry swap, bride stands her ground 💍

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid refuses jewelry swap, faces backlash from bride and party.

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid regrets calling off jewelry swap, seeks advice from community 💍

blueroses95 | blueroses95

Bridesmaid's necklace swap refusal causes wedding drama 😭

A bridesmaid faces backlash for refusing to swap her opal necklace with the bride's on her wedding day. The bridesmaid's fiancé gifted her the necklace for their 5th anniversary and she wanted to wear it to complement her bridesmaid dress. When the bride saw the necklace, she asked to swap it with hers, but the bridesmaid refused politely. The bride and other bridesmaids insisted, causing the bridesmaid to stand her ground. The incident caused tension and cold shoulders throughout the ceremony and reception, leaving the bridesmaid feeling guilty. She wonders if she was in the wrong, but stands by her decision to keep the necklace on to share the wedding photos with her fiancé. Have you ever been in a similar situation or do you think the bridesmaid should have swapped the necklace? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Bride demands bridesmaid's necklace for photos, gets upset when denied 🤦‍♀️ NTA

Zestyclose_Meeting_8 | Zestyclose_Meeting_8

A fabulous necklace everyone wants to see, including me! 💍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Wedding entitlement: a bridesmaid says no to jewelry swap. NTA.

bamf1701 | bamf1701

Bridesmaid backs out of jewelry swap, deemed rude. NTA.

Grouchy-Maximum9527 | Grouchy-Maximum9527

Bridesmaid defends wearing her own necklace, receives NTA judgement.

1001labmutt02 | 1001labmutt02

Groom's watch vs Bridesmaid's necklace: What should matter more? 🤔

westernfeets | westernfeets

Envious bridesmaid cancels jewelry swap, deemed rude by guest. NTA

TheRealGreatPumpkin | TheRealGreatPumpkin

Bridesmaid's entitlement over sentimental jewelry, NTA commenters agree

Barbed_Dildo | Barbed_Dildo

Supportive comment calls out bridezilla and offers advice, NTA 🙌

926dr | 926dr

Bridesmaid rightfully avoids jewelry swap with Bridezilla 👰💎

BeneficialDark1662 | BeneficialDark1662

Sentimental necklace sparks debate over wedding etiquette 🤔

Aletak | Aletak

Bridesmaid tries to steal bride's jewelry; called out for rudeness 👀💍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bridesmaid accused of confiscating jewelry at wedding 🤔

ehidkaboutthis | ehidkaboutthis

Wedding madness! Bridezilla demands bride's necklace. NTA saves day! 💍

lareinadelsarah | lareinadelsarah

Bridesmaid and bride both have a small YTA but bride is worse 🤷‍♀️

RegretOk194 | RegretOk194

Bridesmaid defends herself for not wanting to swap jewelry at wedding 💍

piccapii | piccapii

The necklace in question was small, but the drama wasn't.

coygobbler | coygobbler

Bridesmaid criticized for valuing fiancé's opinion over bride's feelings 💍

OrindaSarnia | OrindaSarnia

Wedding jewelry swap gone wrong, NTA predicts necklace disappearance 👀

BibiQuick | BibiQuick

NTA stands up against rude jewelry swap demand 👊✨

LittleRedCarnation | LittleRedCarnation

Wedding necklace drama: To lend or not to lend? 💍

Prairie_Crab | Prairie_Crab

Stand your ground! 🙅‍♀️ No means no, and boundaries matter.

ghostforest | ghostforest

Friend refuses to compromise on jewelry swap, called selfish 👎

CakeisaDie | CakeisaDie

Standing up for yourself is always the right move 💪

teresajs | teresajs

Bridesmaid stands up for herself, hailed as NTA 👏

Illustrious_Big_8485 | Illustrious_Big_8485

Bridesmaid criticized for not removing necklace at wedding, but is she really the a**hole?

Familydrama99 | Familydrama99

Bridesmaid criticized for wanting to wear bride's sentimental necklace. NTA.

Rumpelteazer45 | Rumpelteazer45

Petty but hilarious response to jewelry swap debacle 😂💍

Wattaday | Wattaday

Bridesmaid's reasonable request turns into a wedding debacle 😕

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

Bridesmaid's jewelry demands cause rift, but necklace is tiny 🙄

jacquilynne | jacquilynne

Breaking down the tradition of 'something old, something new' 💍

cassity282 | cassity282

Comment section full of bridezilla accusations 😬👰

One-Awareness9491 | One-Awareness9491

🚨 Someone's not happy with Mary...

Relevant-Passenger19 | Relevant-Passenger19

Wedding jewelry swap called off, deemed rude. NTA comment agrees.

elo0004 | elo0004

Bridesmaid called off jewelry swap, everyone sucks here. 🤦‍♀️

Zihark12345 | Zihark12345

Bridesmaid tries to steal jewelry, gets called out. NTA wins.

Catatomical | Catatomical

Opal necklace saved bride from widowhood, bridesmaid branded rude.😁

TequilasLime | TequilasLime

Jealousy is an ugly accessory. NTA wins the day! 💍

Maxxxie74 | Maxxxie74

Bridesmaid refuses to share necklace, but wears it to photo shoot. ESH.

Early_Prompt6396 | Early_Prompt6396

Bridesmaid criticized for not swapping jewelry at wedding, YTA.

BearOnALog | BearOnALog

Bridesmaid demands necklace swap but gets shut down. NTA 🙅‍♀️

hey-demons-its-me-ya | hey-demons-its-me-ya

Bridesmaid keeps necklace on for photos, conflict ensues 💍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bridesmaid's reasonable request denied, bridezilla strikes 👰🏼💎

mysticalmac99 | mysticalmac99

Bridesmaid and bride both have a point 🤷‍♀️

cvlcver | cvlcver

Wedding drama over necklace: commenter defends bride's friend

Illustrious-Band-537 | Illustrious-Band-537

Stand your ground and keep your jewelry. You're not rude 💍

QuietlyRemains | QuietlyRemains

Commenter is NTA but leaves us hanging, what happened?

Good_Boat8761 | Good_Boat8761

Bridesmaid wants jewelry swap, bride refuses, both could compromise. ESH.

Kakfins | Kakfins

Wedding jewelry swap drama calls for compromise 👰💍

swordfish2021 | swordfish2021

NTA. People need to learn to accept "no" and be happy with what they have 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]