Man Tells Italian Girlfriend to Move Back to Her Country for Not Learning Dutch

A man wearing sunglasses and a t-shirt.
Unsplash | Brooke Cagle

Living in a foreign country can be challenging, but what happens when your partner refuses to learn the language? That's the dilemma faced by a Dutch man and his Italian girlfriend. Despite living in the Netherlands for five years, she hasn't made an effort to learn Dutch. This has led to arguments and hurt feelings.

The latest fight ended with the man telling her to move back to Italy if she doesn't like the language. But was this too extreme? Should they find a compromise in this situation or is it time to call it quits? Read on to find out more.

Language barrier causing relationship troubles in the Netherlands

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Language barrier strains relationship as girlfriend refuses to learn Dutch

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Language barrier causing relationship troubles. Should partners share languages? 🤔

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Frustrated boyfriend asks Italian girlfriend to learn Dutch or leave.

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Communication breakdown leads to heated argument 💬🔥

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Dutch man demands Italian girlfriend to learn Dutch or leave

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Multilingual couple fights over language barrier, resulting in ultimatum.

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Language barrier causing relationship issues. AITA for overreacting?

bruvikmage | bruvikmage

Language barrier causes tension in Dutch-Italian relationship 🤔

A Dutch man is frustrated that his Italian girlfriend refuses to learn Dutch despite living in the Netherlands for 5 years. The couple got into an argument after he suggested showing her a part of the country she hasn't seen, to which she joked that she wants to go somewhere she doesn't have to hear Dutch.

He then asked her how she would feel if he moved to Italy and refused to learn Italian. The argument escalated, and in the heat of the moment, he told her she should move back to Italy. The man is wondering if he was in the wrong for saying that and for being upset about her lack of effort to learn his language.

While many Dutch people do speak English, he feels that it's important for her to learn the language of the country she's living in. This situation highlights the challenges that can arise in relationships due to language barriers, and the importance of communication and mutual understanding.

Stay tuned for the reactions and comments from our readers.

NTA for wanting girlfriend to learn Dutch, but comment section debates language beauty.

MmeHomebody | MmeHomebody

NTA insists girlfriend learn Dutch after 5 years together 🤔

PurpleWomat | PurpleWomat

NTA for expecting basic language skills, but relationship may suffer.

shadow-foxe | shadow-foxe

Learning a new language can be difficult but worth it 😊

betsycrocker | betsycrocker

NTA for expecting respect for culture and language. Language shaming isn't okay.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand up for yourself! You're not the a**hole in this situation 👏

kr0mb0pulos_michael | kr0mb0pulos_michael

Dutch locals share perspective on language and cultural respect.

JadieJang | JadieJang

Expecting someone to learn your language when they don't need to? ESH 💬

masofon | masofon

German Redditor sympathizes with Italian OP on language discrimination.

xLadyLaurax | xLadyLaurax

Italian girlfriend criticized for not learning Dutch, but job prospects and English-speaking expat community make the Netherlands a popular place to work. NTA.

extrabigcomfycouch | extrabigcomfycouch

OP's girlfriend is criticized for not learning Dutch, but calling the language 'ugly' is rude. ESH

mo2573 | mo2573

Culture clash: A heated debate on language barriers in relationships.

francaispascontent | francaispascontent

Expecting girlfriend to learn Dutch but not learning Italian himself. ESH.

Bigjoeyjoe81 | Bigjoeyjoe81

Discussion on Dutch language and cultural differences turns into accusations of xenophobia.

jobrummy | jobrummy

Language barriers in relationships can be tough. 🤔

Select-Anxiety-1557 | Select-Anxiety-1557

YTA told girlfriend to move back to her country for not learning Dutch

SpitefulBadger | SpitefulBadger

Communication is key! It's okay to feel shy/embarrassed when learning 🤐

worldwearypumpkin | worldwearypumpkin

A comment on language barrier and civility. 💬

Forsaken-Sherbet7252 | Forsaken-Sherbet7252

Partner's refusal to learn Dutch shows disrespect towards relationship 🤨

Wild_Butterscotch977 | Wild_Butterscotch977

Language barrier causing relationship issues? YTA, says commenter.

MercDante | MercDante

Language barrier causing relationship issues. NTA for setting boundaries.

coreysnaps | coreysnaps

Discussing language expectations and future plans in relationships 📖

usernameandsomeno | usernameandsomeno

Expats weigh in on whether girlfriend needs to learn Dutch. ESH.

Tricky_Disk_5919 | Tricky_Disk_5919

Half-Dutch commenter calls out OP for being the YTA 🤦‍♂️

CleanCucumber620 | CleanCucumber620

NTA for expecting respect towards language and culture 🙌

thoughtfulspiky | thoughtfulspiky

Italian girlfriend refuses to learn Dutch, gets sent packing 🚪🇮🇹

[deleted] | [deleted]

Learning Dutch can be tough, but it's necessary for immigrants. ESH.

Hurricane74mph | Hurricane74mph

Learning the language of the country you're living in? NTA wins!

Amara_Undone | Amara_Undone

Relationship advice needed. 🤔

FunOnAita | FunOnAita

Italian defends not speaking Dutch fluently in Switzerland, NTA.

FreddThundersen | FreddThundersen

Dutch language debate in relationship: YTA for asking her to leave 🤨

pleasenonotnow | pleasenonotnow

Partner insults native language, NTA for asking them to leave 🤪

Glad_Description1851 | Glad_Description1851

Partner's refusal to learn language and disrespect for culture causes argument.

TriZARAtops | TriZARAtops

NTA tells Italian girlfriend to leave for not learning Dutch 😬

Andromeda_Monroe | Andromeda_Monroe

Learning the basics of the local language shows respect 👍

Too_Tired_Too_Old | Too_Tired_Too_Old

Learning Dutch is fun! But should language proficiency end a relationship?

babsieofsuburbia | babsieofsuburbia

Sounds like he dodged a bullet. Not the a**hole.

FunStorm6487 | FunStorm6487

Language expectations: fair or unfair? 🤔

Conscious-Fold-9976 | Conscious-Fold-9976

Yikes! 5 years and no basics learned. #NTA

Kiwimami12 | Kiwimami12

Learning basic pleasantries in a foreign country is common courtesy 😊

TheFilthyDIL | TheFilthyDIL

Clear judgement, no a-hole here! 👍

Kawachi18 | Kawachi18

Intercultural relationship struggles: YTA told Italian girlfriend to leave 🤦‍♂️

Personal_Shoulder983 | Personal_Shoulder983

Learning the local language is polite 🗣️

TennisKitty | TennisKitty

Debate on language learning and cultural respect in relationships 🤔

FaithAngelMonster | FaithAngelMonster

Engage with your guests through cute Dutch words! 🐶 NTA.

Web_Most | Web_Most

Heritage insulted, Dutch speaker tells Italian girlfriend to leave. NTA.

Ok-Mode-2038 | Ok-Mode-2038

Learning the language is a must when becoming a resident 🗣️

Pale_Cranberry1502 | Pale_Cranberry1502

Learning Dutch is manageable, communication is key. NTA.

Delicious_Green7931 | Delicious_Green7931

Encourage her to learn Dutch, but also understand her perspective 💬👨🏻‍💼🇳🇱🇮🇹

WRose287 | WRose287

Learning the local language is a must 👍🏼

Joey9221 | Joey9221

Dutch language insulted, but is OP still not the a-hole?

automeowtion | automeowtion

Learning local language is important. NTA for asking girlfriend.

inTheSuburbanWar | inTheSuburbanWar

Being an expat doesn't excuse not learning the local language. 🌍

ThisGirlNeverSleeps | ThisGirlNeverSleeps