Elderly Woman's Private Property Invaded By Strangers Who Threaten Her And Her Dogs

Alfe Mercado
Old woman
Unsplash | Andreea Popa

A woman in a new build area with the last large lot on her street had to kick strangers off her private property. She installed a big play area a few years ago for nieces/nephews/eventual grandkids, which people often mistake as a town park. Recently, a couple and their kid started playing on the playground, and the woman had to intervene. The situation escalated quickly, and the woman had to call the police. The couple threatened to post about her on Reddit and tell people where she lives. But was she justified in asking them to leave? Read on to find out.

When online threats become real life scares 😱

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Last big lot in neighborhood shrinks amidst rampant new builds 🏡

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Family's private play area mistaken for public park by strangers 🏞️

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Beware of Dogs: Elderly woman's private property invaded by strangers.

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Elderly woman's dogs defend her against violent strangers 🐕👵

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Friendly dog owner explains private property to strangers at park 🐶

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Angry strangers threaten woman and her dogs in public park 🐕

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Elderly woman stands her ground against rude trespassers 🏡🚫

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Woman falsely accuses elderly woman and threatens her and her dogs.

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Unwanted visitors threaten elderly woman and her loyal dogs 🐕👵

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Animal-loving woman stands up to threatening strangers invading property.

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Elderly woman threatened by strangers who invade her private property 🏠

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Elderly woman's plea for privacy in the digital age 🚫📷

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Protecting property without breaking the bank 💰

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Trespassing on private property? No worries, can't sue anyway 🏠

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

No attractive nuisance law here, but elderly woman's land invaded 🏠

privatepropertylady | privatepropertylady

Elderly woman's private property invaded by strangers and their threats 🐶

An elderly woman's peaceful morning turned into a nightmare when she discovered strangers playing on her private property. The woman's dogs, bred to guard and detain intruders, barked at the strangers, causing them to scream and yell. Despite the woman's attempts to explain that the area was her yard, not a public park, the strangers continued to argue and threaten her. The situation escalated to the point where the woman had to call the police. The strangers then threatened to post about the incident on Reddit, causing the woman to fear for her safety. While the woman's dogs may have scared the strangers, their yelling and threatening behavior was completely unwarranted. The woman's children are even questioning if their mother was in the wrong for wanting people to stay off her property. However, it is important to respect people's private property, especially when they have signs posted warning against trespassing. Stay tuned for the reactions and comments on this shocking incident.

Stand your ground! A privacy fence or gate is essential 🚧

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Use thorny landscaping or fence play area only. 🌵🐕

GreenLurka | GreenLurka

Clearer signs could prevent future invasions by park visitors 🚫🏞️

Portie_lover | Portie_lover

💡Consider landscaping property line with bushes/trees to define your space.

Buttercup303 | Buttercup303

Suggestions for a temporary fence to mark boundaries 🐓🚧

QuietlyRemains | QuietlyRemains

Suggesting entrance fee and waiver to protect property. 💰

Ecstatic_Being8277 | Ecstatic_Being8277

Protect your property with detailed signs or fence to avoid liability.

BackgroundPlum3410 | BackgroundPlum3410

Engage in NTA behavior, but fence your yard to avoid lawsuits 🚧

SamSpayedPI | SamSpayedPI

Protect your property: fence in any park-like areas 🏞️

CogginNoggin | CogginNoggin

Creative solution suggested to protect woman's property from intruders.

delusionaldork | delusionaldork

Defend your turf! 🐕🏠 More signage, less intruders. 🚫

Stranger0nReddit | Stranger0nReddit

Respectful homeowner chooses signs over fence to deter trespassers ✅🚫

marcvanh | marcvanh

Protect your property legally and physically 🚔🚧

coloradogrown85 | coloradogrown85

Protect your property and yourself from lawsuits with a locked fence 🔒

Jaded_Cryptographer | Jaded_Cryptographer

Proposed signage and landscaping to deter property invaders.


Neighborly advice: plastic chain fence to avoid future jerk encounters 👍

MiasmAgain | MiasmAgain

Set boundaries and get a fence to protect your property 🚧

Digital_Coyote | Digital_Coyote

Protecting your private property is a must in entitled times 🚪🚧🐶

ObviousArt7432 | ObviousArt7432

Protect your private property. Signs are enough. NTA 🚫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

independentwookie | independentwookie

Asserting property rights against entitled and aggressive strangers. 🏠🚫

brokeanail | brokeanail

Protecting private property with a fence and lock 🚨

3Heathens_Mom | 3Heathens_Mom

Protect your property and privacy. Dismantle or fence it.

EvenTemperedChilds | EvenTemperedChilds

An NTA comment suggests fencing off the playground for safety 🐾

DishsUp | DishsUp

Protecting property is important. Consider fencing yard for safety 🐕

DisneyBuckeye | DisneyBuckeye

Protect your property! 🚫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand your ground! Homeowners have the right to protect property 🚨

Zealousideal-One2406 | Zealousideal-One2406

Private property, beware of dogs sign ignored by invaders 🚫🐶

Bledwards25 | Bledwards25

Install a fence to stop people from invading private property 🚧

Affectionate_Ice_658 | Affectionate_Ice_658

Reddit mix-up leads to humorous comment confusion 😄

comicallylargeboy | comicallylargeboy

Standing up for yourself can have legal consequences. 🚫🔑

HoldFastO2 | HoldFastO2

Property invasion is not okay, but securing it is important 🚪🔒

Nielleluvzu628 | Nielleluvzu628

Protect your property with fencing or better signage 🏠🚧

unspoken_arrangement | unspoken_arrangement

Elderly woman confronts trespassers on private property to protect dogs 🐕

onlysomanynames1298 | onlysomanynames1298

Sympathetic commenter suggests low-cost fence alternatives 🌳🏖️

AngryWriterGrr | AngryWriterGrr

Standing up to aggressive strangers who invade your property 💪

Comfortable_Fun_9872 | Comfortable_Fun_9872

Neighbor suggests blocking playground view, NTA for defending property.

FromundaCheesecake | FromundaCheesecake

Protecting your property doesn't have to break the bank ☂

epithet_grey | epithet_grey

Protect your property with a fence to avoid future trouble 🚫🐶

SatelliteBeach123 | SatelliteBeach123

Protect your private property with low fencing or playset cover 🏠

TheRealSkeeter | TheRealSkeeter

Protect your property! 🚫👀 Install cameras and no trespassing signs.

mabsmash7 | mabsmash7

Respect private property! 🚫👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Chrysania83 | Chrysania83

Enforce your rights, age is just a number 🚫👴

thewhiterosequeen | thewhiterosequeen

Protect yourself with a camera and avoid confrontations. 📹

Murderbunny13 | Murderbunny13

Respecting private property is crucial 🚫👥. Cheaper solutions exist? 💭

macbookwhoa | macbookwhoa

Stand your ground! But a fence might save you trouble 😕

Anizziepluto | Anizziepluto

Asserting property rights with grace and caution 🏠🚫

samtbkrhtx | samtbkrhtx

Debate over liability laws for trespassers on private property 🤔

TaliesinWI | TaliesinWI

Protect your property by investing in better signage and security.

joe_eddie_13 | joe_eddie_13

Commenter suggests Rambo-style booby traps to protect property 🐕

sweet_and_sour_01 | sweet_and_sour_01

Protect your private property with clear signage 🚫🏡

The__Riker__Maneuver | The__Riker__Maneuver

Protect your playground and potential lawsuits with a fence 🏡

capphasma92 | capphasma92

Protect your property 🏡, NTA for keeping trespassers out.

Jeronus | Jeronus

Protecting private property with signs and a gate 🚫🐶

FunHippo3906 | FunHippo3906

Suggestion to move the playground due to safety concerns 🤔

Suckerforcats | Suckerforcats

Ignoring signs and threatening elderly woman and dogs? Not cool. 👎

Zach_203 | Zach_203

Fencing just the playground could be a cheaper solution 💰

PepperBun28 | PepperBun28

Protect your turf! NTA for defending your property 💪

Sensitive-Coconut706 | Sensitive-Coconut706

Protective fence suggestions to avoid legal troubles and injuries ✅

mizfit0416 | mizfit0416

Build your own and respect others' property 🏠👍

4cougs | 4cougs

Respectful NTA comment suggests alternative to expensive fencing 🤔

simplylisa | simplylisa

Commenter defends homeowner against intrusive and abusive family.

PizzaInteraction | PizzaInteraction

Protecting your property with a sprinkler system? 💦💦

doryfishie | doryfishie

Protect your property, demand respect. 🏡🚫

Evilbadscary | Evilbadscary

The internet's support may not be enough, but it helps 🙌

3wordname | 3wordname

Respect private property! NTA calls out entitled neighbors 🚫🏠

jynxy1105 | jynxy1105

Respecting private property: NTA advises to put up a fence 🚫👀

RoyallyOakie | RoyallyOakie

Seeking legal advice for NTA situation 👀

Wurthnada | Wurthnada

Protect your property with a fence 🚧🐶

AITAcommentingaccout | AITAcommentingaccout

Commenter hilariously wants to follow the investigation 😂

Environmental-Crow11 | Environmental-Crow11

Fencing might be a costly but safer solution. 🤔

DarkAthena | DarkAthena