Man Goes On Dream Trip With Family, But Leaves Wife Behind

Alfe Mercado
Father and child on vacation
Unsplash | Derek Thomson

A man was recently surprised by his parents with a dream ski trip for him and his siblings. Although his wife was invited, she couldn't afford to go. The man's parents offered to pay for his expenses, but not his wife's. This has caused tension in the couple's relationship, and the man is now wondering if he's the a**hole for going on the trip without his wife. Should he cancel the trip or leave his wife behind? Read the full story to find out.

Dream trip with family, but wife left behind. 💔

throwawayl8rbye | throwawayl8rbye

Man's dream trip with family turns into financial burden for wife.

throwawayl8rbye | throwawayl8rbye

Family pays for dream trip, but leaves wife behind 😕

throwawayl8rbye | throwawayl8rbye

Unfair treatment of wife on family trip sparks outrage among readers

throwawayl8rbye | throwawayl8rbye

Husband's dream trip excludes wife, causing hurt and resentment.

throwawayl8rbye | throwawayl8rbye

Leaving spouse behind for dream trip, AITA? 😔

throwawayl8rbye | throwawayl8rbye

Dream trip causes family drama 😔❄️

A man was surprised with a dream ski trip by his parents for him and his siblings, but his wife was left behind. Despite his parents offering to pay for his wife's expenses, the man and his wife could not afford it due to the trip being close to Christmas. The man's parents have a history of excluding his wife from trips and events by only paying for him and not his wife. While the man tried to limit trips to avoid hurting his wife, he decided to go on this once in a lifetime trip. His wife is upset and hurt, feeling purposefully excluded by the man's parents. The man wonders if he is in the wrong for choosing to go on the trip and leaving his wife behind. The situation raises questions about family dynamics and financial responsibility. In the next section, we will explore the comments and reactions to this complicated situation.

OP's wife is intentionally excluded from family vacations, YTA.

prairiemountainzen | prairiemountainzen

OP prioritizes dream trip with parents over wife's feelings. YTA 😒

descentbecomesafall | descentbecomesafall

Excluding your wife from a family trip? YTA and AH.

Key-Bit1208 | Key-Bit1208

Leaving your wife behind for a 'family' trip? YTA 😠

FreshwaterOctopus | FreshwaterOctopus

Man's wife excluded from dream trip, husband prioritizes parent's feelings. 😒

thefixx27 | thefixx27

OP's wife is being excluded by his family, YTA for not standing up for her 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Excluded wife sparks outrage, commenters call out family's behavior 🤬

Regular-Tell-108 | Regular-Tell-108

OP's in-laws causing trouble by excluding wife from family trip. YTA 😒

JeepNaked | JeepNaked

Leaving wife behind for dream trip? YTA according to commenters 😒

Slight-Bar-534 | Slight-Bar-534

Parents vs. Spouse. Who will he choose? 🤔 YTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand up for your wife or lose her. YTA 😒💔

cynical-mage | cynical-mage

Commenter calls out OP for leaving wife behind. 💔

thisagain098 | thisagain098

OP's parents treat wife poorly, causing tension about future children.

Bitter-Conflict-4089 | Bitter-Conflict-4089

Man plans dream trip, leaves wife behind. Commenters call out AH behavior.

catsthis | catsthis

Leaving your spouse behind? YTA and so is your family 🤨

Shiney2510 | Shiney2510

Man chooses parents over wife, gets called out for it 😒

Yogi-and-BooBoo | Yogi-and-BooBoo

Don't leave your spouse behind on a dream trip 😒

AbroadTemporary5359 | AbroadTemporary5359

Man leaves wife behind on dream trip, labeled YTA by commenters 😕

SnooPets8873 | SnooPets8873

Toxic in-laws exclude wife, husband doesn't care. 🚫💰👎

dart1126 | dart1126

Man seeks validation on Reddit, but can't escape wife's judgement 😬

Significant_Win6431 | Significant_Win6431

Putting your parents before your wife? That's a**hole behavior. YTA 🤦‍♂️

UsuallyWrite2 | UsuallyWrite2

Wife left behind on dream trip. Commenters call husband a jerk. YTA 🤦‍♂️

francesknows | francesknows

Don't leave anyone behind! YTA for excluding your wife 👎

ShowUsYaNungas | ShowUsYaNungas

Commenter calls out selfish behavior, snarky reply ensues 🙄

ladysquirrel1 | ladysquirrel1

Stand up for your wife. 🙅‍♀️ Don't let your family exclude her. YTA.

Slyvester121 | Slyvester121

Family finances can be tricky 🤔

Frosty-Mall4727 | Frosty-Mall4727

Commenter suggests divorce after man excludes wife from dream trip.

Chemical_Enthusiasm4 | Chemical_Enthusiasm4

Man leaves wife behind on dream trip, labeled YTA 👎

Life_Is_Good199 | Life_Is_Good199

Commenter calls out selfish behavior in marriage ❤️

Jmm1272 | Jmm1272

Commenter calls out OP for excluding spouse. 💔

Odd-End-1405 | Odd-End-1405

User calls out OP and parents for leaving wife behind. YTA 😠

[deleted] | [deleted]

Man prioritizes parents over wife on dream trip - YTA verdict

AntiAndy | AntiAndy

Leaving your wife behind on a dream trip? YTA indeed 🤦‍♂️

goingthrushit | goingthrushit

OP's dream trip turns into a nightmare for his wife 😔 YTA

Hail666atann | Hail666atann

Split the bill with family instead of expecting in-laws to pay 💰

Novel_Telephone_646 | Novel_Telephone_646

Commenters unanimously agree: OP is the a**hole. 🔥

pastelpixelator | pastelpixelator

Leaving your spouse behind on a family trip? YTA 😒

Banksbear | Banksbear

Leaving your wife behind on a family trip? Not cool. 😒 YTA

veni_vidi_dixi | veni_vidi_dixi

Commenter calls out man for disrespecting wife on dream trip 👎

Randotron-80085 | Randotron-80085

NAH verdict for dream trip without wife during Christmas 🎄

Kla1996 | Kla1996

Don't be the a**hole husband who left his wife behind! 😡👎

deadninbed | deadninbed

Commenter calls out OP for prioritizing parents over marriage 💔

Randotron-80085 | Randotron-80085

Don't be a selfish partner. YTA for leaving her behind.

Bowtie2017 | Bowtie2017

Leaving your spouse behind on a family trip. YTA 🤨

sylssw | sylssw

Putting your parents before your spouse is not okay 🙅

stretchdawretch | stretchdawretch

Commenter calls out selfish husband for leaving wife behind. 💔

lonnielee3 | lonnielee3

Red flags 🚩: Man prioritizes parents over wife for dream trip

9669throwaway | 9669throwaway

Commenter calls out entitled behavior in the comments section 💬

Maleficent-Road8680 | Maleficent-Road8680

Commenter calls out man for excluding wife from dream trip 💔

Nice-Ad-4462 | Nice-Ad-4462

Prioritize memories over presents, and never leave your spouse behind! YTA 😒👎

Mediocre_Sand_9906 | Mediocre_Sand_9906

Stand up for your partner 💪 Don't let others disrespect them.

Crazymar-vel | Crazymar-vel

Red flag alert: Parental exclusion of spouse, YTA behavior

bokatan778 | bokatan778

Don't leave your spouse behind! YTA according to comments. 💔

KatrinaVantasel | KatrinaVantasel