Babysitter Quits Before Important Business Trip & Child Is Injured

Alfe Mercado
Unsplash | charlesdeluvio

A babysitter worked for a wealthy family and had a set schedule of 20 hours per week. However, a misunderstanding occurred with the dad, and the babysitter was accused of not caring for the children. The babysitter quit on the spot, but the next day, the parents fired her and accused her of child endangerment. The situation escalated when the older child, who was attached to the babysitter, fell down the stairs and was severely injured. The babysitter feels guilty and asks Reddit if they were the a**hole for leaving the family in this situation. Read on to find out what Reddit thinks.

Flexible hours but at what cost? Babysitter shares experience 🔍

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Uncertainty about schedule causes stress for babysitter 🤯

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Miscommunication leads to chaos for babysitter and family 🤦‍♀️

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitting job turns into a nightmare due to miscommunication.

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitting job gone wrong: Babysitter called 'useless' by employer.

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitter faces unrealistic demands and gaslighting from employer.

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitter stands up for herself against unfair request 🙅‍♀️

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Client insults babysitter, blames her for child's injury. 😠

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitter quits abruptly, child gets injured. 😔

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitter fired and underpaid after child's injury, unfair treatment?

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitter quits, important trip canceled, kids upset. Dad explodes 😡

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Heartbreaking incident: Child breaks hand and face in panic fall 😔

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Redditor feels guilty for quitting as babysitter before business trip.

collegekit13 | collegekit13

Babysitter quits abruptly, child gets injured. AITA?

A babysitter working for a wealthy family quits abruptly after being insulted by the father. The next day, she receives a letter of termination and is accused of child endangerment. The babysitter feels guilty after the older child suffers injuries in a fall down the stairs. Was the babysitter in the wrong for leaving? Read on to find out Reddit's verdict in the comments below.

Fired and expected to work? NTA for leaving.

Sure-Maintenance7002 | Sure-Maintenance7002

NTA for leaving after abuse and manipulation. Not responsible for child's injury or missed business trip.

TinyRascalSaurus | TinyRascalSaurus

Proactive babysitter quits after insult, not to blame for injury 👍

TiniestGhost | TiniestGhost

Babysitter quits after abusive behavior from parents and child injury.

poeadam | poeadam

Babysitter accused of 'child endangerment' over 5$ pay? 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Father offers 1/5th pay during 2-week business trip. Laughable. 😂

teeny_gecko | teeny_gecko

Former nanny shares experience with entitled parents and doubts child's injury.

sydneyannebristow | sydneyannebristow

NTA babysitter quits after abusive behavior, concern for child's safety.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Miscommunication and panic led to unfortunate injury of child 😔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for yourself 🙌 Glad to see justice served.

Threwawaiiii | Threwawaiiii

Babysitter praised for standing up to abusive father 👏👏

Zorgas | Zorgas

Former babysitter feels guilty but not responsible for child's injury.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Babysitter quits, child gets injured, and chaos ensues. NTA.

cassowary32 | cassowary32

Prioritize yourself first. You're not a slave. #NTA

psyduck2319 | psyduck2319

Babysitter quits, child injured, NTA comment suggests dad is unstable 😬

Pfred0 | Pfred0

Standing up for yourself as a babysitter. 🙌

Sheamuis | Sheamuis

Parent's behavior raises red flags, babysitter quits. NTA confirmed.

iiDreamer99 | iiDreamer99

Underpaid and fired after a child's injury, NTA nanny vents 😠

kkfluff | kkfluff

Miscommunication leads to babysitting mishap. 🤦‍♀️

pnutbuttercups56 | pnutbuttercups56

Babysitter quits after being treated like a servant. 💪

anonymousblonde6 | anonymousblonde6

Defending parental rights with a clear NTA stance 🙌

I_might_be_weasel | I_might_be_weasel

Standing up to abuse at work! 🙌 NTA

xchakrumx | xchakrumx

Babysitter quits and gets blamed for child's injury - NTA 👍

MeowGirly | MeowGirly

Commenter calls out unacceptable behavior with strong language 💥

bunkbedgirl1989 | bunkbedgirl1989

A babysitter quits, child is injured and someone has no shame 😂

geoinnowhere | geoinnowhere

Standing up against bullying and objectification of people 👊

fliponymousredux | fliponymousredux

Stand up to abusive boss and warn others 💪

lauchieorsumn | lauchieorsumn

Commenter accuses post of being made up 🤔

JahRoddenberry | JahRoddenberry

Commenter questions father's behavior and suggests parents have alternatives.

NYCQuilts | NYCQuilts

Commenter accuses father of child abuse and suggests reporting him. 😱

MonitorIllustrious45 | MonitorIllustrious45

Commenter sympathizes with the babysitter and criticizes the father.

Futurenazgul | Futurenazgul

Father's erratic behavior leads to babysitter quitting. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Babysitter reveals parents' neglectful behavior, still risks child's safety for discount 🙄

Crazy_by_Design | Crazy_by_Design

Babysitter quits, but OP not at fault for child's injury

SquareNeighborhood12 | SquareNeighborhood12

Commenter defends against blame-shifting with a NTA judgment 👍

narnarqueen | narnarqueen

Standing up for yourself like 👏🏼, NTA

Staceyrt | Staceyrt

Toxic work environment? No thanks. Good on you! 👍

nuts_n_bolts | nuts_n_bolts

Standing up for yourself and valuing your safety 💪

winter_fun4268 | winter_fun4268

Standing up to abuse: a babysitter's difficult decision 🤐💪

PattyAG | PattyAG

Rich, entitled parents try to guilt babysitter into working. NTA.

InBrightShadow | InBrightShadow

Not the a**hole, but what happened to the child?

Elfich47 | Elfich47

Babysitter quits after Dad treats them like trash. NTA 👍

JurassicParkFood | JurassicParkFood

Support for a babysitter who quit after child injury.

frankieandjonnie | frankieandjonnie

Nanny shares the harsh reality of being fired for no reason 😞

Diligent_Brick_5023 | Diligent_Brick_5023

Babysitting miscommunication turned opportunity to cut toxic relationships 💜

GladysKravitz21 | GladysKravitz21

Dad treated babysitter poorly, she quit and child got hurt 😞

nickis84 | nickis84

Commenter sympathizes with the injured child and criticizes the controlling father. 💩

[deleted] | [deleted]

Babysitter quits due to abusive father and low pay. NTA.

LavishnessGeneral | LavishnessGeneral

Parenting win: Babysitter quits, child safe with NTA parent.

Saladin1204 | Saladin1204

Communicating expectations is key to avoid misunderstandings. 🗣️

cerice2025 | cerice2025

Commenter defends babysitter, calls out selfish parents with sarcasm 🙄

spaceyjaycey | spaceyjaycey

Dad overreacts to miscommunication with babysitter. 😠

somethingmichael | somethingmichael

Doubts arise over babysitter's story. 🤔

FightOrFreight | FightOrFreight

Lessons learned about apologizing unnecessarily 😌

schmitty9800 | schmitty9800

Babysitter quits after mistreatment, parents blamed. 💥

GumpTheChump | GumpTheChump

Stand your ground 💪. You're not the a**hole here!

yuhju | yuhju

Standing up for yourself can be tough, but necessary 💪

digmachine | digmachine

Standing up for yourself is always worth it. 💪

Special-Cat7540 | Special-Cat7540

Babysitter fired for miscommunication feels guilty for child's injury 😔

Blackbird04 | Blackbird04

A blunt and defiant response. 💪🏼🔥

mufasaddai | mufasaddai

Standing up to abuse, NTA for quitting toxic job 👏👏

Cpt_Lazlo | Cpt_Lazlo

24/7 availability deserves retention fee 💰💼

csnadams | csnadams

Babysitter quits, child injured. Commenter not at fault. 🙌

commenter23450 | commenter23450

Not the a**hole! But why? 🤔

pscotto | pscotto

NTA, drama-filled 6 year old, toxic situation, hope baby ok 😬

SoloBurger13 | SoloBurger13

Get out while you can 🏃‍♀️, and investigate the injury 🤔.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for yourself in a toxic work environment. 🙌

copper-feather | copper-feather

Babysitter stands up for child's safety. 👏

Kitsumekat | Kitsumekat

Questioning the child's injury - NTA comment sparks debate 🤔

Damage-Classic | Damage-Classic