Muslim Woman Asked to Remove Hijab for Conservative Family's Wedding

Unsplash | Ifrah Akhter

A Muslim woman in the US has turned to an online forum to ask if she was the a**hole for refusing to remove her hijab for a wedding. The woman, who lives in the south of the US, wears a hijab as part of her religious beliefs. Her friend, who is marrying into a conservative American family, asked her to take off her hijab for the wedding ceremony. The woman refused, saying that she would not compromise her religion for anyone. The woman's friend was upset by her refusal, and other friends also weighed in on whether or not she was in the wrong. The woman, who is a freelance makeup artist, had also promised to do her friend's makeup for free, leaving her friend in a tough position with the wedding only a month away. Read on to find out what advice the online community had for this Muslim woman.

Anonymous user shares experience of discrimination at family wedding.

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Navigating Muslim identity in conservative southern USA 🤖

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Navigating cultural differences in weddings: a Muslim woman's experience 👰

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Dealing with politics at a wedding, opinions can clash 💬

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Navigating conservative events as a Muslim woman 🦋

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Navigating micro-aggressions at conservative weddings 😑

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Feeling unwelcome at a wedding for wearing a hijab 😔

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Muslim make-up artist asked to remove hijab for wedding 🧕🏻

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Muslim woman stands up for her beliefs against conservative family.

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Offering free makeup was inappropriate, but is she the A-hole? 🤔

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Celebrating a first award with gratitude 🥰🙏

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Grateful for kind and diverse insights on controversial hijab issue.

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Standing up to religious intolerance at a family's wedding 💪

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Navigating racism and cultural sensitivity in wedding dress codes. 🧕

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Empathy for POCs facing worse racism than hijab incident.

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Gratitude expressed for support shown in difficult situation ❤️

klutzy_doubt_8749 | klutzy_doubt_8749

Muslim woman asked to remove hijab for conservative wedding 😱

A Muslim woman in the southern USA was asked by her friend to remove her hijab while doing her makeup for a conservative American family's wedding. The woman refused and her friend got offended, leaving her in a difficult position. This incident raises questions about religious freedom and cultural sensitivity. Some people may argue that the woman should have compromised for her friend's sake, while others may argue that the request was inappropriate and disrespectful. As we move towards a more diverse and inclusive society, it is important to have open and respectful conversations about different cultures and religions. In the next section, we will explore some of the reactions to this incident and discuss how we can promote cultural understanding and tolerance in our communities.

Sarcastic comment wins internet approval in hijab debate 😂

GlitterGaff | GlitterGaff

NTA for refusing to do makeup for friend's racist in-laws' wedding.

TallChick66 | TallChick66

Defend your right to wear your hijab, you're NTA 🧕🏼✊🏽

JanusIsBlue | JanusIsBlue

Friend demands religious change for wedding, still wants free makeup

Kyjira | Kyjira

Supportive comments from people of different beliefs. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Muslim woman asked to remove hijab for wedding, friend defends NTA

Decent_Ad6389 | Decent_Ad6389

Friend asks Muslim woman to remove hijab for wedding, disrespects religion

sequingoddess | sequingoddess

Muslim woman called out bigotry and rejected inappropriate suggestion.

DinaFelice | DinaFelice

Commenter admires hijabs and supports OP's refusal to compromise. 😍

twirling_daemon | twirling_daemon

Standing up against racism: Muslim woman called NTA for refusing

[deleted] | [deleted]

Engaging response shuts down racist in-laws, brings joy 😂

SubRedditLurker08 | SubRedditLurker08

Standing up for her beliefs 💪🏽🧕🏽 #NTA

MssDare | MssDare

Racists acting like they're in a spy movie? 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️ Major NTA for standing up to their entitlement. 😎

Caalcu_Ieraas | Caalcu_Ieraas

Defend yourself! 🙅‍♀️ Muslim woman stands up to racist family.

ChallengeAfraid2319 | ChallengeAfraid2319

Comment defends woman wearing hijab, calls out racism. 🙌

Weizen1988 | Weizen1988

Comment section on racism and cultural insensitivity at weddings 💍👰

TenaciousTiger666 | TenaciousTiger666

Standing up to racism with a resounding NTA 👏🏽

Borageandthyme | Borageandthyme

OP praised for not backing down on beliefs ❤️

Kairenne | Kairenne

Short and sweet. NTA speaks for itself 👍

Myorangecrush77 | Myorangecrush77

Respectful refusal to remove hijab for wedding garners support 👍

thirdtryisthecharm | thirdtryisthecharm

In-laws' intolerance revealed in wedding hijab request. 🤯

MarlonRando55 | MarlonRando55

Support for Muslim woman's decision to wear hijab to wedding.

Lopsided-Shallot-124 | Lopsided-Shallot-124

Is this a real story or a clever clapback post? 🤔


Stand firm in your beliefs and values! 🙏✊

hydrochloric_bukkake | hydrochloric_bukkake

Standing up against racism and religious discrimination. You go, girl! ✊

Pepper_777 | Pepper_777

Doubting friend's loyalty, NTA keeps hijab on at wedding 💄

ziaVirgi | ziaVirgi

Calling out racism and hypocrisy 👏👏

OrangeCubit | OrangeCubit

Standing up against bigotry and Sally's lack of support 💪

MoreCleverUserName | MoreCleverUserName

Comment section filled with sarcasm and solidarity 💪

Significant-Set8457 | Significant-Set8457

Standing up to hate at weddings 🌈

Circle_K_Hole | Circle_K_Hole

Stand for your faith, not for others' opinions. 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive reply condemns bigotry and offers sympathy with profanity.

hzella | hzella

Bride marrying racist, commenter not doing her make-up. NTA.

ijustwanttoaskaq123 | ijustwanttoaskaq123

Friend wants hijab off for bigots at wedding? NTA! 💪

Slugdirt | Slugdirt

Empowering response to racist request to remove hijab at wedding 💪

Winter-Traveler | Winter-Traveler

Stand up for yourself! You don't need discriminatory friends 🚫🙅‍♀️

Dangerous_Leek_5754 | Dangerous_Leek_5754

NTA. Friend asks Muslim woman to remove hijab for wedding makeup.

silentsnarker | silentsnarker

Controversial suggestion for hijab at conservative wedding 🤔

SirDerpingt0n | SirDerpingt0n

Defending cultural and religious identity in the face of bigotry 👊

Demented-Alpaca | Demented-Alpaca

Be proud of who you are! 🙌🏽 Hijab is part of your identity. NTA.

AKlife420 | AKlife420

Supportive comment calling out racism and lack of allyship 👏🏽

S-Dutch | S-Dutch

Standing up to enablers as a niqabi in the south 🥺

CookieBeanNXX | CookieBeanNXX

The hijab is worn for strangers regardless of gender 🧕

devcal1 | devcal1

Stand up for what's right! 👍

PriorLawfulness6870 | PriorLawfulness6870

Standing up against cultural insensitivity 💪

TheDreadPirateJeff | TheDreadPirateJeff

Respect religious traditions, don't infringe on rights. NTA 🙏

taylor914 | taylor914

NTA. Friend should value your sacred practice and lay down the law at her wedding. 🙅‍♀️

bottomofastairwell | bottomofastairwell

Not the a**hole for refusing to take off hijab for friend's wedding 👍

Pcgoddess | Pcgoddess

Standing up for oneself is never inappropriate. 👏🏼

ghostwriter623 | ghostwriter623

Standing up for oneself against unreasonable requests - NTA 👍

HunterDangerous1366 | HunterDangerous1366

Respect for personal beliefs and boundaries. 🧕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't change who you are for someone else. You're NTA ❤️

926dr | 926dr

Empowering response to wedding hijab request ✊🏽

Universal_Anomaly | Universal_Anomaly

Standing up for oneself against cultural insensitivity. 🙌

PreviousMood3563 | PreviousMood3563

Standing up for one's beliefs even in difficult situations. ✊

photosbeersandteach | photosbeersandteach

Friend's in-laws demand hijab removal for wedding: commenter says NTA

No_Pineapple6086 | No_Pineapple6086

Friend's true colors revealed: NTA gets support from commenter.

lockerpunch | lockerpunch

Friend asks makeup artist to remove hijab for racist in-laws. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending your religious beliefs is never being an a**hole 👍

Geeklover1030 | Geeklover1030

Dodging a bullet 💥: Friend's last-minute request to remove hijab

ur_mom_cant_get_enuf | ur_mom_cant_get_enuf