Woman Refuses To Let Sister See Her Newborn Son Due To Past Conflict

Alfe Mercado
Unsplash | Nathan Dumlao

Bringing a new life into the world is supposed to be one of the happiest moments in a family's life, but for one young mother, it's become a source of contention. This Redditor's sister took on a parental role when their parents were unavailable, but instead of cherishing the bond they shared, she resented her younger sibling for 'stealing' her childhood. When the Redditor announced her pregnancy, her sister made hurtful comments about her future child and her ability to be a good mother. Despite countless apologies, the sister refused to accept responsibility for her actions. Now, with a newborn son, the Redditor is faced with the decision of whether to allow her sister back into her life. Her brother and parents think she should, but her fiancé and her own instincts are telling her otherwise. What would you do in her shoes?

Sisterly love or jealousy? A strained relationship affects motherhood 🤰

redditorusern | redditorusern

Sibling conflict and resentment over past issues impacts family bonds.

redditorusern | redditorusern

Sibling rivalry and mom-shaming: How to deal with toxic sisters?

redditorusern | redditorusern

New mom stands her ground and bars sister from seeing baby 👶

redditorusern | redditorusern

Family drama over newborn sparks conflict and tough decisions

redditorusern | redditorusern

Sibling conflict over newborn visitation, seeking validation. 🤔

redditorusern | redditorusern

Sibling rivalry? Woman denies sister access to newborn son.

redditorusern | redditorusern

New mom refuses to let sister see newborn after years of resentment

Sibling rivalry is a tale as old as time, but what happens when it spirals out of control? For one new mom, the resentment between her and her older sister has reached its peak after years of criticism and blame. Despite apologizing countless times, the sister refuses to let go of the past and constantly reminds the new mom of how she ruined her childhood. When the new mom announced her pregnancy, her sister took the opportunity to once again bring up the past and criticize her ability to be a good mother. Fed up with the constant negativity, the new mom went no contact and is now facing pressure from her family to let bygones be bygones. But is she being an a**hole for not allowing her sister to see her newborn? Join the discussion in the comments below.

Sister's anger is misplaced and she should seek therapy. NTA.

Consistent-Leopard71 | Consistent-Leopard71

Parents encourage resentment between sisters, sister needs therapy for past trauma

Ghinou1204 | Ghinou1204

NTA, protect your child from sister's unresolved issues. Happy cake day!

CremeDeMarron | CremeDeMarron

Sister holds grudge against OP for parents' mistake. NTA.

mckinnos | mckinnos

Sibling roles questioned in NTA's refusal to let sister visit newborn 🤷‍♀️

Duukt | Duukt

Blame game: commenter points out misplaced anger and parental responsibility 👀

Superb-Building-8701 | Superb-Building-8701

Sibling conflict over babysitting turns into lifelong grudge. NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister blames OP for childhood, parents side with sister. NTA.

StrawberryAstre | StrawberryAstre

Sister's childhood trauma is not OP's fault, parents should apologize.

Hollow_Vegetable | Hollow_Vegetable

Trust issues with sister and baby, NTA suggests apology first 💁‍♀️

MandaDian | MandaDian

Sister needs therapy, parents are the real a**holes 💆‍♀️👴👵

Obakewriter | Obakewriter

Setting boundaries with family can be tough, but necessary 🤝

GothPenguin | GothPenguin

Blood doesn't determine toxicity. NTA for setting boundaries 👍

doodles2019 | doodles2019

Stand your ground! Your baby, your rules! 👏🏻

Elegant_Syllabub8608 | Elegant_Syllabub8608

Family drama and conflicting opinions, but OP is NTA 👍

Pavsters | Pavsters

NTA comment defends against unfair blame for childhood caretaking.

LasVegasNerd28 | LasVegasNerd28

Encourage therapy and apologize before expecting a reconciliation with family 🧘‍♀️

EnvironmentalAd4264 | EnvironmentalAd4264

Sibling conflict unresolved, therapy recommended for projecting anger. 👥

Ehsumtub | Ehsumtub

Setting boundaries with family, NTA wants apology before reconciliation.

sroxod | sroxod

Sibling conflict over newborn sparks family drama 🤔

-my-cabbages | -my-cabbages

Sister's past harassment justifies keeping her away from newborn. NTA 👍

Michael_Chandra | Michael_Chandra

Sibling conflict and therapy: NTA for not letting sister visit 👍

kvs90 | kvs90

32 and still holding a grudge? 🤔 NTA wins.

SilverHammer123 | SilverHammer123

Commenter sympathizes with sister but calls out misplaced anger.

BMOEevee | BMOEevee

Sister wants to see your newborn but didn't even reach out personally? Stay NC 🚫

sneeky_seer | sneeky_seer

Sibling conflict over newborn. NTA prioritizing baby's safety 🍼

doublestitch | doublestitch

Sibling conflict over newborn sparks debate on apologies and blame

kevin_k | kevin_k

Sibling conflict and maturity: NTA comment thread. 👏

Yelo_Galaxy | Yelo_Galaxy

Sibling conflict over newborn, with a sarcastic reply.

SettingNice8853 | SettingNice8853

Sister raised OP but blames her for lost childhood. NTA 🚫👶

WaywardAnus | WaywardAnus

Family pressures new mom to reconcile with unsupportive sister 🤔

Jatulintarha | Jatulintarha

Deciding to forgive is a personal choice, you're NTA 🙌

Dszquphsbnt | Dszquphsbnt

Sibling conflict over childhood responsibilities, NTA takes the heat 🔥

iluvcats17 | iluvcats17

NTA for not wanting to reconcile with unapologetic sister.

itsJussaMe | itsJussaMe

Commenter shares personal experience; advises OP not to apologize. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Debating the real issue: Is the sister a bad mom?

DoreyCat | DoreyCat

It's your child, your rules. NTA 👍

litcanuk | litcanuk

Don't let toxic family members ruin your joy! 🙅‍♀️

Impressive_Big3342 | Impressive_Big3342

Choosing forgiveness is a personal decision. NTA for protecting baby 💖

Spiritual-Phoenix | Spiritual-Phoenix

NTA, sister should direct anger at parents, not innocent you 😔

R_Mack | R_Mack

Protect your baby and your peace. NTA 👏

rebbystiltskin19 | rebbystiltskin19

Protecting your baby from toxic family? NTA, take care! 🙌

fbombmom_ | fbombmom_

Don't let your sister guilt-trip you for her childhood trauma 🙅‍♀️ NTA

fribblelvr | fribblelvr

NTA. Sister needs therapy to let go of the past 🙏

SpookySugarSkull | SpookySugarSkull

Setting boundaries with toxic family members is important. 🚫

ahamel13 | ahamel13

Stand your ground and don't let toxic family in ❤️

GenevievetheThird | GenevievetheThird

NTA, sister blaming you for parents' actions, needs to let go 🙌

sun1079 | sun1079

Sibling conflict over newborn, commenter defends NTA stance.

Scoutt9 | Scoutt9

NTA! Don't let her play happy auntie without apologizing 🙌

emf5176 | emf5176

Sibling conflict over newborn, commenter advises standing firm with sister

helluvahoe | helluvahoe

Sibling drama over newborn. NTA stands firm with emoji 👋

noodlewok | noodlewok

Protecting your child from toxic people. ✅

Unsre4evr | Unsre4evr

Defending new mom's decision to not let toxic sister visit. 🙅‍♀️

bela666lugosi | bela666lugosi

Family conflict blamed on parents, commenter takes no fault. 🤷‍♀️

Spare-Pair3641 | Spare-Pair3641

Defending against unfair blame for childhood trauma. 👊

GeneralAce135 | GeneralAce135

Encouraging therapy for sister, NTA handled with care 🙌

WriterMelodic713 | WriterMelodic713