I Refused To Give My Nephew My Son's Toy, Causing An Hours-Long Tantrum

Alfe Mercado
Toy trucks
Unsplash | Sandy Millar

Thanksgiving dinners can be chaotic, but mine turned into a nightmare. My brother and his family were guests, and my nephew couldn't get enough of my son's toy truck. When my brother asked if my nephew could take it home, I refused for two reasons. Firstly, my brother spoils my nephew, and secondly, I didn't want to reinforce the idea that taking things without permission is okay. My brother warned me that my nephew would throw a tantrum if I didn't give him the toy, and he was right. My nephew's tantrum lasted for hours, and my brother accused me of backseat parenting. Was I in the wrong?

Handling toy sharing during family gatherings 🤷

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Toddler toy tug-of-war causes family drama 😮

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Standing your ground on boundaries is important 🚫🧒

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Setting boundaries with family can be tough 😬

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Setting boundaries is tough but necessary 🙌

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Refusing to share toys: reasonable or selfish? 🤔

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Dealing with a stubborn nephew and parenting disagreements 😒

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Standing up to bad parenting, refusing to give in 👊

aita_toy_tantrum | aita_toy_tantrum

Toy trouble at Thanksgiving 😡

Thanksgiving is a time for family and giving, but what happens when a simple request turns into a tantrum? One Redditor faced this dilemma when their brother asked if their son's toy truck could be taken home by their nephew. The Reddit user refused, citing concerns about reinforcing bad behavior and enabling their nephew. The result? A three-hour car ride filled with inconsolable screaming and accusations of 'backseat parenting'. While some may argue that giving in to the request would have made things easier, the Reddit user stands by their decision to set an example and not reinforce bad behavior. Join the discussion and share your thoughts on this parenting predicament in the comments below.

OP stands their ground against nephew's tantrum, NTA.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Engaging with boundaries: NTA stands firm against entitled parents.

teresajs | teresajs

NTA. Brother's lack of boundaries led to hours-long tantrum.

asianingermany | asianingermany

Commenters criticize entitled brother and nephew's behavior 🤦‍♂️

BrandalieK | BrandalieK

Establishing boundaries: Nephew's tantrum over a toy.

EngineerGold5676 | EngineerGold5676

Commenter sympathizes with OP and predicts a difficult future for the child

grianmharduit | grianmharduit

Setting firm boundaries for good behavior is important. Don't cave. 🚫🧒🏻

GreekAmericanDom | GreekAmericanDom

Refusing to give toy was right, but berating parenting was wrong 😕

ninaa1 | ninaa1

The possibility of neurodivergence in the nephew's behavior is discussed.

MizStazya | MizStazya

Setting boundaries and saying 'no' is important, NTA. 🙅‍♀️

MikkiLake | MikkiLake

Suggesting to pick up something expensive at their home 😂🤑


Standing firm on denying a toy to a tantrum-throwing child 🙅‍♀️

The_Incredible_Rook | The_Incredible_Rook

Uncle not at fault for nephew's tantrum. Blame the parents 😒

Top-Bit85 | Top-Bit85

Could the nephew's 3-hour tantrum be related to neuro-diversity?

krankykitty | krankykitty

Commenter suggests child's behavior may be related to autism diagnosis 😔

Hellagranny | Hellagranny

Standing your ground against entitled parents. 🙅‍♂️

SassyWalabi | SassyWalabi

Toddler tantrum for hours over toy - relatable or concerning? 😩

Amythist35 | Amythist35

Understanding the cause of a 3-hour tantrum 🤔

MushroomPrincess63 | MushroomPrincess63

Spoiled kid throws tantrum, commenter defends parent accountability. 🧒👨‍👩‍👦

DannyBigD | DannyBigD

OP refuses to give nephew toy, Reddit calls YTA 🤦‍♂️

SassySavcy | SassySavcy

Understanding autism meltdowns and parenting challenges with limited information 🤔

Ordinary_Attention_7 | Ordinary_Attention_7

Standing up to entitled parents and spoiled children 🙅‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Defending ownership: NTA, toy belongs to child, not nephew. 🚫🧸

It_s_just_me | It_s_just_me

You said no to sharing the toy. NTA, stick to it. 👍

ThiccSteamboatWillie | ThiccSteamboatWillie

Stand your ground! 🙌 Not your kid, not your problem.

Professional-Row-605 | Professional-Row-605

Setting limits early on is important! You're NTA 🙌

del901 | del901

Empathize with the child's situation before you judge - YTA.

eilah_tan | eilah_tan

Teaching kids boundaries is important. NTA 🙌

Few-Entrepreneur383 | Few-Entrepreneur383

Setting boundaries with family🚫🚙💥

Middle_Plantain_8431 | Middle_Plantain_8431

Commenter calls out entitled behavior in parenting. 🙌

Far_Seat_2223 | Far_Seat_2223

Commenter calls out OP for not considering brother's parental choices 😬

geekgames | geekgames

Don't enable entitled behavior. Your son's belongings aren't stock 🚫🧸

[deleted] | [deleted]

Setting boundaries with family is tough but necessary. 👍

matadero22 | matadero22

Understanding neurodiversity: Is it a tantrum or a meltdown?

ringslingleader | ringslingleader

A judgmental uncle refuses to lend a toy to his overwhelmed nephew - YTA 🙄

DrCrypt | DrCrypt

Don't let others' parenting problems become yours. 🙅‍♀️

PolesRunningCoach | PolesRunningCoach

Setting boundaries with kids is important. 👍

AlgaeWafers | AlgaeWafers

When sharing toys, boundaries are important. NTA but proceed carefully.

genomerain | genomerain

Toys or family peace? Tough call, but maybe set future rules 😕🤷‍♀️

OneBeautifulDog | OneBeautifulDog

Stand your ground! NTA for not giving in to entitlement 👏

joanclaytonesq | joanclaytonesq

NTA stands their ground against toy-obsessed nephew 🧒🚫

flax97 | flax97