Will Ben Willoughby Succeed In Flirting With Leigh-Ann Smith On 'Below Deck'? See The Exclusive Clip!

Dani Sanders
Ben & Leigh-Ann
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In the upcoming episode of Below Deck, tensions rise as Ben and Leigh-Ann's attraction becomes more palpable, and Katie urges Ben to come clean to Camille. As the crew prepares for the next charter, the atmosphere on the yacht is tense, and the question remains: will Ben and Leigh-Ann prioritize their jobs or pursue their attraction?

Season Drawing To a Close

The charter season is drawing close to an end. However, Below Deck still serves up its trademark blend of stunning destinations, high-maintenance guests, glamorous luxury, and lively crew members.

Reappearance Of The Much-Loved Captain Lee Rosbach

With the reappearance of the much-loved Captain Lee Rosbach and the arrival of Stewardess Leigh-Ann Smith, the motor yacht St. David is fully staffed and primed for adventure. But as seasoned viewers know, fresh faces often bring troubles to the yacht crew dynamic.

Deckhand Ben Willoughby’s Confession

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A few episodes back, Lead Deckhand Ben Willoughby made a sheepish confession that he and Stewardess Leigh-Ann Smith had matched on Tinder. They also shared some provocative messages and photos. 

Can’t Help But Feel Drawn

Can’t Help
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He is currently involved with former Deck/Stew Camille Lamb, who has since been fired. However, Ben cannot help but feel drawn to Leigh-Ann. 

Ben Downplaying His Relationship 

Despite being advised by Deckhand Katie Glaser and others to come clean with Leigh-Ann, Ben has chosen to downplay his relationship with Camille (to his detriment).

Exclusive Clip

This exclusive clip glimpses the undeniable spark between Ben and Leigh-Ann. In the scene, Ben and Leigh-Ann share a flirtatious dance on the deck during a lively party with charter guests.

Charter Guests Amused

Following dinner, Saint Lucian vocalist Teddyson John and his dancers make their grand entrance to amuse the charter guests. They urge the guests to soak up the ambiance and feel the energy.

Leigh-Ann Busy

Meanwhile, Stewardess Leigh-Ann is busy pouring shots of Don Julio for the revelers, while Chef Rachel Hargrove and Bosun Ross McHarg tidy up in the galley. "I'm beyond exhausted. I've consumed at least five Red Bulls," Chef Rachel laments. "I'm convinced I'll never sleep again!"

Katie and Ben Coaxed Into Dancing 


The lively party rages on the deck. The charter guests coax Katie and Ben into joining them for some dance moves.

Ben Pulls Leigh-Ann to the Dance Floor 

Shortly after, Ben spots Leigh-Ann behind the bar and pulls her onto the impromptu dance floor. "I'm glad I convinced you to come out here," Ben whispers to Leigh-Ann as they sway to the rhythm.

Katie Notes Intimacy 

Meanwhile, from the dancers' opposite end, Katie notes their apparent intimacy. The question on everyone's mind: Who will be the first to come clean to Camille about what's been happening- Katie or Ben?

Chemistry Progresses With The Night

As the night progresses, the chemistry between Ben and Leigh-Ann becomes more palpable. They steal glances at each other and exchange flirty banter while attending to the guests' needs.

Crew Winds Down

But as the party dies down, the crew begins to wind down and reflect on the evening's events. In the crew mess, Katie confronts Ben about his behavior with Leigh-Ann.

Katie Confronts Ben


"You need to tell Camille what happened," she says sternly. "It's not fair to her, and it's not fair to Leigh-Ann either." 

Ben’s Response

Ben sighs and admits that he's been struggling to come clean. However, he says that he knows he needs to do it soon.

Leigh-Ann Confides in Second Stew 

Meanwhile, Leigh-Ann confides in Second Stew Courtney Veale about her feelings for Ben. "I know it's complicated, but I can't help how I feel," she says, looking down at her hands. "I just wish he would be honest with me about where he stands."

Tensions High Next Morning

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The next morning, as the crew prepares to disembark the charter guests, tensions are high. Ben knows he needs to tell Camille the truth, but he's unsure how to approach the conversation. 

Ben Initiates Conversation with Camille

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As they load the guests' luggage onto the tender, Ben pulls Camille aside for a private conversation." Camille, there's something I need to tell you," he begins, his voice shaky. I matched with Leigh-Ann on Tinder before I met you, and we exchanged some messages and photos. I know I should have told you sooner, but I didn't want to hurt you." Camille's face falls, and she looks away.

Camille’s Response 

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"I don't know what to say, Ben," she says finally. "I'm hurt and disappointed, but I appreciate you telling me the truth." With that, she walks away, leaving Ben to reflect on the consequences of his actions.