MIL Tells Pregnant DIL World Doesn't Revolve Around Her

Pregnant DIL
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Planning a family vacation can be stressful, but what happens when a pregnant DIL's demands clash with the rest of the family's plans? One mother-in-law found herself in a difficult situation when her DIL expected special treatment simply because she is pregnant. Despite offering accommodations and compromises, tensions rose as the DIL continued to make demands. Who is in the wrong here? Click to read the full story and weigh in on the debate.

MIL shares experience with pregnant DIL and family dynamics

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

Step-MIL struggles to accept DIL's pregnancy 🤰🏻

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

Pregnancy doesn't give her the right to be demanding 🤰🏻

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

MIL criticizes DIL's food choices and parenting decisions 🙄

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

Family's dream vacation plans for new 3-floored house this summer

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

Fun-filled trip sparks tension between MIL and pregnant DIL 🎢🏊‍♀️

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

Pregnant DIL not allowed to ruin MIL's vacation plans 🏖️

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

MIL brushes off DIL's pregnancy concerns about partying 🍻

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

MIL throws fit over bedroom, accuses of favoritism 🙄

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

MIL accuses pregnant DIL of being entitled. Rental suggestion backfires.

newhomeprobs | newhomeprobs

Pregnant DIL wants the world to revolve around her 🌎

A mother-in-law seeks advice after her pregnant daughter-in-law has become increasingly difficult in the lead-up to the birth of her grandchild. The MIL is struggling to navigate the expectations of her DIL, who seems to believe that everyone should cater to her needs because she is pregnant. The MIL is finding it difficult to know how to respond to her DIL's demands, especially when it comes to planning a family vacation. Read on to find out what advice the internet has for this frustrated MIL.

NTA comment and replies discuss entitlement of pregnant women and need for handicapped parking spaces.

mattyhayes | mattyhayes

DIL accused of entitlement for being barely pregnant. 🤷🏼‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Being pregnant doesn't make you the center of the universe 🌎

here_wegoagain55 | here_wegoagain55

Pregnancy doesn't equal royalty. MIL gives reality check 👑

dannybee3 | dannybee3

Commenters criticize pregnant woman for being demanding and unappreciative. 🤰

emr830 | emr830

Pregnant DIL's entitlement to dictate others is BS. 🙄

superflex | superflex

Pregnant DIL can't participate in planned activities; MIL complains anyway.

typicalaquarius | typicalaquarius

Pregnancy can be tough - empathy is key. 🤰

strandedinaber | strandedinaber

Is there more to the story? Family pressure and drinking concerns.

SamSLenore | SamSLenore

Pregnant DIL not the a**hole for wanting freedom on family vacation 🤰

RamenNoodles620 | RamenNoodles620

Lack of support from husband turning into everyone's issue. 😔

MidnightTL | MidnightTL

MIL demands pregnant DIL accommodate her, commenters speculate passive-aggressive behavior.

thedutchess- | thedutchess-

Pregnant DIL's dietary requirements not met, MIL's drinking habits questioned 😕

AundaRag | AundaRag

Pregnant DIL may be struggling with alcohol or trust issues 🤔

jennatar | jennatar

ESH, but MIL should have talked to her son instead 😕

pinxyou | pinxyou

DIL's pregnancy concerns dismissed by MIL, causing unnecessary tension 😒

jhuskindle | jhuskindle

Supportive comment reminds dad-to-be to step up and share parenting.

Lucia37 | Lucia37

Pregnancy hormones don't justify policing others' activities. NTA 👍

herreramom31 | herreramom31

DIL may be worried about the rowdiness and drinking around baby 🍼

Unhappy_Pitch_2524 | Unhappy_Pitch_2524

Pregnant DIL's in-law trip expectations vs COVID-19 concerns 🤰🚫🦠

Just_here2020 | Just_here2020

Commenter calls out bad behavior during pandemic with swearing.

killerbee1120 | killerbee1120

Pregnant DIL jealous of stepmom, but NTA for setting boundaries. 🤰

iam-X | iam-X

Pregnant DIL's concern about husband's drinking around siblings 🍺

AuntJ2583 | AuntJ2583

Support for DIL's MIL frustration with pregnancy restrictions.

Spotzie27 | Spotzie27

Confusion reigns as commenter's post history is questioned 🤔

nooutlaw4me | nooutlaw4me

Seeking information on Kurt's drinking problem 💬🍺

StellaGreenXXX | StellaGreenXXX

Good relationship between MIL and DIL despite current disagreement 😊

JayneD-oh | JayneD-oh

Pregnancy doesn't justify self-absorption. 🤰🙅

OrneryFish8 | OrneryFish8

Pregnant DIL faces NTA judgement amidst MIL's entitlement and bitterness 😬

Beautiful_mistakes | Beautiful_mistakes

Suggest creating a list of pregnancy-friendly activities to enjoy together 🤰🏻

scrollsalot | scrollsalot

Consider hiring a babysitter for DIL to join activities ❤️

thestarchildhere | thestarchildhere

Pregnancy ≠ Sun ☀️ MIL needs to chill 😎

Alert-Potato | Alert-Potato

Dealing with a difficult MIL while pregnant. NTA for setting boundaries.

missguided8811 | missguided8811

Pregnant DIL feels excluded from family activities planned around drinking 🍸

Rhomya | Rhomya

Grandma not obligated to save money for grandchild or plan vacation

Responsible_Hope_831 | Responsible_Hope_831

A bit of ESH, but son should support wife's pregnancy requests 🤰

Rinn_Rebel | Rinn_Rebel

Acknowledging the NTA, but pregnant DIL isn't being unreasonable 🤰

boobsmcgraw | boobsmcgraw

ESH MIL expects DIL to conform, but parties every night is unreasonable 🙅🏻🎉

austenworld | austenworld

Setting boundaries with MIL 👍

Moist-Von-Lipvig | Moist-Von-Lipvig