Pregnant Coworker Falls Asleep During Lunch Break, AITA For Not Waking Her Up?

Alfe Mercado
Pregnant woman sleeps at work
Shutterstock | 306172

Navigating cultural differences with sleeping coworker, language barriers complicate situation.

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Taking breaks is important for pregnant coworkers, let her rest 💤

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Unique lunch break schedule leads to pregnant coworker naptime 🤰💤

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Respecting coworker's autonomy: Understanding boundaries at the workplace.

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Unintentionally ignored pregnant coworker taking break, AITA? 😴

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Coworker falls asleep on break, gets warning from boss 😴⏰

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Coworker falls asleep, AITA for not waking her up?

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Empathize with pregnant coworker's exhaustion, apologize for misunderstanding.

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

ADHD coworker explains why they didn't wake up pregnant coworker 💤

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Boss searches for pregnant coworker during work, AITA?

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Coworker dozes off during lunch break, gets Reddit famous.

energetic_hyena6965 | energetic_hyena6965

Pregnant coworker falls asleep at work, AITA for not waking her?

A pregnant coworker falls asleep on the job and gets a warning from the boss. She accuses her coworker of being selfish and careless for not waking her up. Read on to find out who's in the wrong and what the commenters have to say.

Pregnancy doesn't excuse basic responsibilities. 🤷‍♀️

Extra-Restaurant8109 | Extra-Restaurant8109

NTA for not waking up pregnant coworker during lunch break.

Tai-Frasier | Tai-Frasier

Don't blame pregnancy for lack of responsibility 🤰🏼👎

Encartrus | Encartrus

NTA. The pregnant coworker should have set an alarm.

Potential_Speech_703 | Potential_Speech_703

NTA for not waking up coworker sleeping during lunch break 💤

dmbase | dmbase

Should OP have woken up their pregnant coworker? 🤔

Left-Car6520 | Left-Car6520

Setting an alarm costs nothing, but kindness goes a long way 🕰️

Ok_Solution_5744 | Ok_Solution_5744

Coworker falls asleep at lunch break, NTA for not waking.

Past-Ride-7034 | Past-Ride-7034

Don't be an a**hole, let her sleep 💤

tsukaimeLoL | tsukaimeLoL

Don't feel guilty, she's a grown woman 🤷‍♀️

Stranger0nReddit | Stranger0nReddit

Napping coworker not your responsibility. NTA 😊

abigolefloppywiener | abigolefloppywiener

Don't be Anne's impromptu parent, NTA for not waking her ⏰

Dragnia | Dragnia

Respect boundaries, don't wake up coworkers from their lunchtime nap 😴

absolutebeast_ | absolutebeast_

Pregnant coworker oversleeps, coworker faces backlash, NTA.

StonewallBrigade21 | StonewallBrigade21

What if she had permission? 🤔 NTA, you didn't know.

firefly232 | firefly232

Don't stress, NTA! Anne is a grownup and boss is TA 🤷‍♀️

skillz7930 | skillz7930

Respecting boundaries? NTA suggests adult responsibility 💤⏰

Limerase | Limerase

Don't be Anne's alarm clock ⏰. NTA for not waking her up 😴

conmeohaman | conmeohaman

Responsibility for waking up on time is on her, NTA 😴⏰

MrsActionParsnip | MrsActionParsnip

Let sleeping pregnant coworkers lie 😴 NTA wins!

b0arded | b0arded

Pregnant coworker blames OP for her own failing. NTA 👍

refill_lady | refill_lady

Don't feel guilty, she should have set an alarm ⏰😴

Pristine-Mastodon-37 | Pristine-Mastodon-37

Let her sleep 💤, NTA did the right thing.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Taking responsibility for your own nap - NTA! 😴

Missmimi888 | Missmimi888

Responsibility for actions on the pregnant coworker, not the commenter 🤷‍♀️

GreenRedCrescent | GreenRedCrescent

Responsibility for actions. NTA for not being a human alarm ⏰

Various-Bridge-325 | Various-Bridge-325

Is it common courtesy to wake up a coworker who falls asleep during lunch break? ESH 😴

Swampman5000 | Swampman5000

Taking responsibility for your own actions - NTA 🤰🏻💤

Such_Star3334 | Such_Star3334

Let her nap, you're not her nanny 🤷‍♀️

SaikaTheCasual | SaikaTheCasual

Respecting boundaries, NTA 🙌

mdthomas | mdthomas

Responsibility for coworker's nap? NTA, don't wake her up 😉

a-_rose | a-_rose

👍 NTA - Sleeping on the job? Set an alarm, folks!

Temporary-Tie-233 | Temporary-Tie-233

Respecting personal boundaries in the workplace, NTA 😊

4500Private | 4500Private

Pregnancy naps are real 🤰🏻, NTA for not waking her up ⏰.

morbid_n_creepifying | morbid_n_creepifying

Napping coworker gets a pass, even when pregnant 🤰

Thechellbob | Thechellbob

Setting an alarm is important, even during pregnancy. 😴⏰

PhantomStrangeSolitu | PhantomStrangeSolitu

Coworker snoozes, judgment-free wake-up not required. 😉

Aggressive_Cup8452 | Aggressive_Cup8452

Let her sleep, NTA. 🤰⏰

riotsquadgaming2 | riotsquadgaming2

Let her sleep, NTA. She's an adult with a phone 📱😴

Wwwweeeeeeee | Wwwweeeeeeee

NTA for not waking up pregnant coworker during lunch 🤷‍♀️

Spirited-Sign-319 | Spirited-Sign-319

Respect your coworker's space, NTA. 🤫

Zagriel55 | Zagriel55

Taking a nap at work is understandable, but it's her responsibility. NTA 😉

GhostFaced-Baddie | GhostFaced-Baddie

Being pregnant doesn't make you entitled to someone else's responsibility. NTA 👍

KarrieDarling | KarrieDarling

Sleepy coworker, not your problem 😴

TheBeesKneazles | TheBeesKneazles

Let her sleep 😴, NTA. She's a grown woman with a phone.

MuddyDuddles | MuddyDuddles

Responsibility for own schedule, NTA for not waking coworker 🤔

Lilmiss_sunshine17 | Lilmiss_sunshine17

Don't snooze, you lose! NTA for not waking her up.

Puppet_Fern | Puppet_Fern

Adults need to take responsibility. NTA for not waking her up.

DogsReadingBooks | DogsReadingBooks

Respecting boundaries: NTA for not waking up coworker 🙏

fowae | fowae

Setting boundaries and being considerate, NTA 🤍

Corduroycat1 | Corduroycat1

NTA for not waking up sleeping pregnant coworker 💤

Brief-Zucchini-1384 | Brief-Zucchini-1384

Respect boundaries: NTA for not waking up pregnant coworker 🙌

Typical_Bid9173 | Typical_Bid9173

No harm, no foul. NTA for letting her rest.

Still_Ad8530 | Still_Ad8530

NTA, but did OP have a responsibility to wake her?

thewhiterosequeen | thewhiterosequeen

Taking responsibility for your own actions 💤

scubagalrd | scubagalrd

Boss needs to be more considerate, pregnant coworker needed rest 💤

TrickyRickyDoo | TrickyRickyDoo

Taking responsibility for one's actions and choices 💪

Allysa209 | Allysa209

Respectful coworker prioritizes boundaries during lunch break 🚫💤

_higglety | _higglety

No prior agreement, NTA for not waking coworker 👌

ashleighbuck | ashleighbuck

Don't wake the pregnant lady? NTA stands their ground.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Debating the ethics of waking up a sleeping coworker 💤

Rohini_rambles | Rohini_rambles

No sympathy for pregnant coworker? 😒

Pass_The_P0pcorn | Pass_The_P0pcorn

Don't lose sleep over it 🛌 You're NTA!

New_Shallot_7000 | New_Shallot_7000

Setting an alarm is easy, but is it fair to judge? 🤔

beez8383 | beez8383

Pregnancy not a disability, NTA for not waking her 😉

UnbelievableTxn6969 | UnbelievableTxn6969

Respectful boundaries at work, NTA for not waking coworker 👍

LouiseElms | LouiseElms

Don't be a wake-up service. NTA 👍

Animall1998 | Animall1998

Responsibility goes beyond pregnancy. 🤷‍♀️

Tushfeathers | Tushfeathers

Be a responsible adult, manage your own time 😴

Starlass1989 | Starlass1989

Suggesting a friendly chat to smooth things over with pregnant coworker 😊

kikidream | kikidream

Sleeping coworker, NTA for not waking her up 💤

Zylviz | Zylviz

Being NTA isn't always enough, don't burn bridges 🔥

der_innkeeper | der_innkeeper

Let her sleep, NTA! 🛌

kissmyirish7 | kissmyirish7

Taking responsibility for your own actions, 📱 vs 💤

daisy_mcOchieng | daisy_mcOchieng

Pregnant coworker falls asleep during lunch break, but no one is obligated to wake her up ⏰🤷‍♀️

flysafepapi | flysafepapi

Respect boundaries, NTA for not waking coworker up 🙌

Careless_Bluejay_113 | Careless_Bluejay_113

Pregnant coworker overreacts to reprimand, NTA for not accommodating.

elfelettem | elfelettem

No need to play babysitter, NTA for not waking her 🤷‍♀️

ActuatorBig3489 | ActuatorBig3489

Self-responsibility: A nap time lesson for adults. 😴

Mbt_Omega | Mbt_Omega

No need to feel guilty for not waking up a coworker 🤷‍♀️

CptConnor18 | CptConnor18