Diabetic Woman Faces Backlash For Keeping Snacks In Her Room

Alfe Mercado
Snacks in the bedroom
Shutterstock | 2819665

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Managing diabetes with snacks: A necessity, not a luxury 🍎

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Diabetic woman shamed for wanting snacks in her own room 🍫

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Protecting my snacks from greedy hands! 🍫🚫

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room 🍪

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Diabetic woman stands up for herself amidst snack controversy 🍫

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Navigating family dynamics when managing diabetes and snacks 🙏

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Judgement time: AITA for keeping snacks in my room? 🤔

antique-ad-3044 | antique-ad-3044

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room 🚫🍪

A diabetic woman is facing backlash from her family for keeping snacks in her room due to her condition. She explains that she needs the snacks nearby in case of low blood sugar, but her sister-in-law has been eating them. After moving the snacks into her bedroom, an argument ensued and now her husband and in-laws are upset with her. Despite her explanation, they believe she is being childish for not sharing. The woman is now seeking advice on whether or not she is in the wrong. Read on to see the reactions from the internet community.

Diabetic woman receives support for needing emergency snacks for health.

Elle_Vetica | Elle_Vetica

NTA for keeping medically necessary snacks in your room 👏

NomNom83WasTaken | NomNom83WasTaken

Pregnant SIL needs to back off, NTA. Health comes first.

LuvMeLongThyme | LuvMeLongThyme

Diabetic OP moves necessary medical product to room, SIL takes and complains. Husband prioritizes SIL's comfort over OP's health. NTA.

wdjm | wdjm

Lazy SIL expects BIL to cater to her snack cravings 🤦‍♀️

mizfit0416 | mizfit0416

Diabetic woman defends her right to keep snacks in own room

ellbeecee | ellbeecee

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room, but commenters defend her right to protect her health 🍎👊

Katreborn | Katreborn

Defending the right to keep snacks as a type 1 diabetic 🍬

al1eng1rl | al1eng1rl

Supportive replies suggest husband and brother may be problematic 🤔

i_am_kayak | i_am_kayak

Defending her right to keep snacks, commenters agree with NTA 🍪

astralmelody | astralmelody

Empathetic comment highlights double standards in snack sharing.

OkCaterpillar7770 | OkCaterpillar7770

Avoiding conflict, OP moved snacks to bedroom. Mixed reactions follow.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for diabetic woman's right to her own snacks 🍫

Jujulabee | Jujulabee

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room. NTA!

CoastalCerulean | CoastalCerulean

OP's health is top priority 💪. Others can buy their snacks.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Diabetic woman's inconsiderate SIL takes her snacks - OP needs to confront

a8003d | a8003d

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room 😡

mybloodyballentine | mybloodyballentine

Roommates overstaying their welcome? 🤔

overseas-mango | overseas-mango

Spouse prioritizes in-laws over diabetic wife's needs. NTA but concerning.

Groke_it_69 | Groke_it_69

Diabetic woman defends her medical need for snacks. NTA. 🍫

QuirkySyrup55947 | QuirkySyrup55947

Managing diabetes is hard enough. No snacks? #NotTheA**hole 🙅‍♀️

devlin94 | devlin94

Snacks are a medical necessity, not just pregnancy cravings 🍫

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter defends diabetic woman's right to keep snacks 🍪

Jovon35 | Jovon35

Stand up for your medical needs 💪🏼

Judge_Upset | Judge_Upset

Stand up for yourself and your snacks 😏 #NotTheA**hole

lobosaguila | lobosaguila

Respectful communication about diabetes and sharing communal spaces is crucial 💬👀

Neenknits | Neenknits

Being a diabetic is no joke. Don't let others bring you down 🙏

mallemout | mallemout

Protect your snacks and secrets from the a**holes 🍿😉

roscoe_e_roscoe | roscoe_e_roscoe

Suggested sign for diabetic's emergency snacks in fridge 🚨

consultolympic | consultolympic

Snack debate turns ugly, but this commenter says NTA 🍪

Ill-Rush6002 | Ill-Rush6002

Sharing snacks shouldn't cause family drama 🍫🤷‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Diabetic woman faces unjust criticism for private snack stash 🤦

SoImaRedditUserNow | SoImaRedditUserNow

Commenter suggests kicking out family for diabetic woman's safety 🚫

Diabetic_Scot | Diabetic_Scot

Stand firm with your medical routine 💪🏼

PommeDeSang | PommeDeSang

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room, but commenters support her right to have necessary provisions 🍎

trekqueen | trekqueen

Protect your snacks 🍫🍬🍪 Diabetic woman faces snack-stealing roommate

jinxdrain | jinxdrain

Snack drama! Commenter defends diabetic woman's right to her stash 🍿

9okm | 9okm

Diabetic woman faces backlash for keeping snacks in her room. Supportive commenters.

DannyBigD | DannyBigD

Don't mess with a diabetic's snacks 🍫🚫 Communication is key 💬

leahs84 | leahs84

Support for diabetic woman keeping snacks in room 🍎👍

Not-a-Cranky-Panda | Not-a-Cranky-Panda

Diabetic woman defends keeping snacks in her room 💪

DuckandCover1984 | DuckandCover1984

Pregnancy is not an excuse for stealing food, NTA 👍

Immediate_Profit_163 | Immediate_Profit_163

Snarky response to backlash against diabetic woman sparks controversy 😒

KoriroK-taken | KoriroK-taken

SIL expects diabetic woman to provide snacks, commenter supports

SeaworthinessAway240 | SeaworthinessAway240

Snacks are medication, not selfishness. Buy your own, SIL. 🍫

Faithiepoo | Faithiepoo

Supportive comment, encouraging better eating habits for diabetes management ❤️

Glittering_Code_4311 | Glittering_Code_4311

Advocate for your needs: educating loved ones about diabetes management.

rainbow__girl | rainbow__girl

Spouse dismisses diabetic wife's health, priorities SIL over her. 🤕

Fickle-Willow4836 | Fickle-Willow4836

Stand up for yourself! 🙌 You shouldn't have to walk on eggshells. NTA.

neworderfan | neworderfan

Don't call them snacks, they are medical treatment. Consider glucose tablets.

pancreaticallybroke | pancreaticallybroke

Snacks are life-saving, husband needs a lecture from doctor.

This_womans_over_it | This_womans_over_it

Stand your ground and seek temporary shelter 🏠👍

expressiveteaspoon | expressiveteaspoon

Curious about financial responsibility - YTA or NTA?

dianoraditigana | dianoraditigana

Let her snack in peace 🍫🙏

Comfortable_Stop_717 | Comfortable_Stop_717

Snacks as a medical necessity? NTA deserves an apology 🍫

TheSparklingCupcake | TheSparklingCupcake

Diabetes is a serious issue, and priorities matter. #NTA ❤

No_Bear_8883 | No_Bear_8883

Snack shaming a pregnant diabetic woman? Not cool 😡

OctopusMushroom | OctopusMushroom

Hosting family during hard times, but toxic behavior persists. NTA.

ParkerTPW | ParkerTPW