Mom Is Shocked To Find Out That Her Neighbor Thinks Her 3 Children Are Her Greatest Accomplishment

Mum hugging daughter.
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It’s an old adage that the things you value the most in life are not the things you have, but the things you’ve done. And this is very true because if you are an avid traveler, you most likely don’t think that your passport is your greatest possession; if you are a sports fan, you most likely don’t think that your favorite team’s jersey is your greatest possession; if you’re an author, you most likely don’t think that your published book is your greatest possession. You get the point.

But what if someone thinks the only thing that gives your life any value is your children? That is what the OP's neighbor thought about them until she said something. Let's take a look at how the story unfolded.

Mom is proud of her accomplishments and loves her kids too!

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Tom surprises the mom by recognizing her children as her greatest accomplishment!

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

A neighbor's assumption leads to an unexpected conversation about parenting and accomplishments

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Mom's neighbor saw her 3 children as her greatest accomplishment, but she had a different take on it.

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Jen shared her opinion on what her greatest accomplishment is - her kids!

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Tom looks super smug while other moms agree their kids are their greatest accomplishment 🤔

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

The mom was shocked to find out her neighbor thought her 3 kids were her greatest "accomplishment", and it was a wake-up call for her to get help

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Mom is surprised when her neighbor values her parenting over other accomplishments

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Mom receives unexpected feedback from her neighbor and a reminder to not send chats 😉

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Lucia-pacciola shares her true greatest accomplishment, defying what the neighbor thinks!

cassiecasscassi | cassiecasscassi

Mom is shocked to find out her neighbor thinks her 3 kids are her biggest accomplishment 🤯

When chatting with her neighbors, one of them, Tom, said that the mom's children were her greatest accomplishment. She was taken aback, as she had a lifetime of accomplishments that preceded motherhood. She said that this assumption was insulting, and the other moms in the conversation agreed that their kids were their greatest accomplishment.

The mom wonders if she's the a**hole for not viewing her kids as her greatest accomplishment. Read on for the reactions of people on Reddit to how this mom handled the situation.

Women 👏🏼 aren't 👏🏼 defined 👏🏼 by 👏🏼 biological 👏🏼 functions!

chubby-wench | chubby-wench

🤯👎 A mom's AH neighbor

[deleted] | [deleted]

👏NTA!👏 Accomplishments outside of parenting are just as valid

theoryoftheuniverse | theoryoftheuniverse

🤔 Is motherhood *a**hole's* biggest accomplishment?

[deleted] | [deleted]

🤷‍♀️ NTA: Children aren't an accomplishment

FussyBritchesMama | FussyBritchesMama

Neighbors give 🤔 compliment, OP 🤬 & gets ESH 🤷‍♀️

atallatallatall2 | atallatallatall2

NTA 🙅‍♀️ Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion!

d1zz186 | d1zz186

🤔 Everyone's in the wrong!

Ok_Seaworthiness7408 | Ok_Seaworthiness7408

Is it wrong to call parenting one's greatest accomplishment?😕

cats4life | cats4life

👀 Mom defends herself against condescending comments

MaParm | MaParm

👏🏻 Proud mom rejects the notion that her kids are her greatest accomplishment!

cook1eslay3r | cook1eslay3r

Two adults in a 🤦‍♂️stupid argument!

brewerybitch | brewerybitch

Neighbor has a sexist 👎🏼 opinion

[deleted] | [deleted]

👏🏻 NTA: Kids should not define a parent's life.

JennaFarce | JennaFarce

TOMS: the a**hole 🤦‍♀️

Causa21 | Causa21

A**holes everywhere 🤦‍♂️

autotelica | autotelica

👏 NTA. Accomplished life 😊

LeReineNoir | LeReineNoir

YTA: no one is ranking accomplishments 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: 🤬 Jen needs to mind her own business!

croneroyal | croneroyal

Different perspectives 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

🤔 What does 'accomplishment' mean?

RonitSarangi | RonitSarangi

Mom is taken aback 🤔

Stotakoya | Stotakoya

NTA: 🤷‍♀️ choose what you're proud of!

nomorepantsforme | nomorepantsforme

🤦‍♀️ Parenting is the bare minimum 🤦‍♀️

Blujay12 | Blujay12

🤯 NTA! 🤭

Midnightnox | Midnightnox

👏🏼NTA: Everyone has their own definition of accomplishment🤷🏽‍♀️

Donkey_Kahn | Donkey_Kahn

👊 NTA - You're worth more than your children!

MiniCoopster | MiniCoopster

NTA: A blessing, not an accomplishment 🤔

Soiree1999 | Soiree1999

Neighbor's opinion sparks outrage 🤬

deadlyhausfrau | deadlyhausfrau

🤔 Is the neighbor's opinion YTA?

btcbundles | btcbundles

💪 Not an a**hole 👏

MsB0x | MsB0x

💯 NTA. Women are capable of so much more!

Ngwanuza | Ngwanuza

👪 Accomplishment or Therapy? 🤔

misskat26 | misskat26

The neighbor's comment isn't an accomplishment

SantaPachaMama | SantaPachaMama

🤯 NTA - don't let anyone diminish your accomplishments!

Holiday_Raisin_7 | Holiday_Raisin_7

Motherhood ≠ accomplishment 🤷‍♀️

thorsavethequeen | thorsavethequeen

️👩‍👧‍👦️Moms can have accomplishments other than their children!

sovngrde | sovngrde