The Possessive Boyfriend: Was She Right to Ransack His Apartment?

Ransacking BFs apartment
Shutterstock | 301539971

We've all been in situations where we have to make tough decisions. Do you trust the person you're with or do you take matters into your own hands? A woman recently faced this dilemma when her passport went missing and her boyfriend wouldn't let her leave for a friend's wedding. The woman, who had been with her boyfriend for eight months, went to extreme lengths to find her passport, ransacking her boyfriend's apartment in the process. Was she in the wrong for 'overreacting'? Read on to find out.

Tensions rise as a possessive boyfriend is put in his place - but was it enough?

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

Jake's possessive behavior raises questions - is it right to restrict her travel?

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She suspected something was off when her passport went missing, but was her possessive boyfriend the culprit?

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She was suspicious of her possessive boyfriend and decided to take matters into her own hands by ransacking his apartment. 🤔

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She found something unexpected while snooping around her possessive boyfriend's apartment... 🤔

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She trusted him with her passport, but was it a mistake? 🤔

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She found her ex had been possessive - was her response too harsh?

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She faced a tough decision, but it looks like it's over for good now 😔

dontstealmypassport | dontstealmypassport

She found her passport, but was it worth the mess? 🤔

She had been excited about her friend's wedding in Mexico for a year, but her possessive boyfriend had other plans. After her passport went missing, she suspected he had hidden it away and against her better judgment, she decided to search his apartment. Things quickly escalated as she started 'ransacking' his place in her search, but in the end, her suspicions were confirmed and her passport was found. Despite her success, was it worth the mess she made? Now she's turning to Reddit for advice. Is she wrong for 'overreacting' and searching for his place?

NTA 🏃‍♀️, leave and never look back!

Capable_Voice_5479 | Capable_Voice_5479

NTA: 🔒His behaviour is controlling & unacceptable🔒

Agreeable_Space2759 | Agreeable_Space2759

🔥NTA: He crossed the line🔥

bouganvilea25 | bouganvilea25

NTA 👎🏼 Run from the possessive BF!

jaynsand | jaynsand

Things are escalating⚠️

winsluc12 | winsluc12

🚨NTA! Get out! 🚨

WriteUrOwnEnding | WriteUrOwnEnding

Protecting your passport🛂 Is it worth a break-up?💔

Mkheir01 | Mkheir01

NTA: 🛑 Stealing passports 🛑

TemptingPenguin369 | TemptingPenguin369

She was NTA for😱😱😱

AmericasNextTopLlama | AmericasNextTopLlama

🚩🚩🚩 NTA: Run away!

Empty_Amoeba9927 | Empty_Amoeba9927

She ransacked his apartment🤦‍♀️

rasperry2021 | rasperry2021

💔 Move out now!

leslielantern | leslielantern

🤔 NTA - it's time to go!

[deleted] | [deleted]

👊 Don't mess with a 🧟‍♀️ apocalypse 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. 🛑 Unacceptable behavior!

PsilosirenRose | PsilosirenRose

Leave the 💔 & the a**hole ➡️ Mexico!

Electronic_Trick_13 | Electronic_Trick_13

NTA: 🤯 He has control issues!

King_Mindless | King_Mindless

🤔Break free 🏃‍♀️

imarebelpilot | imarebelpilot


Eli-Aurelius | Eli-Aurelius

🙅‍♀️ Move out now! 🏃‍♀️

Repulsive-Nerve5127 | Repulsive-Nerve5127

Ransacking the apartment 🤔

Secure-Cicada-291 | Secure-Cicada-291

🔥 NTA: Leave him now!

Maine04330 | Maine04330

👋 NTA: Get out!

sicknastybr0 | sicknastybr0

🤔 NTA: red flags ahead!

Sillybabbit | Sillybabbit

NTA: 🚨Breaking Up Is Hard To Do🚨

NaturalStudent1991 | NaturalStudent1991

🤔 Was she right to 🚩?

Critical-Tiger3011 | Critical-Tiger3011

🔥NTA - Pack Up!

sarahlampi | sarahlampi

Leave now. 🚨

hsvvRwkanz | hsvvRwkanz

Being possessive 😠 is never okay!

meltingpot-324 | meltingpot-324

NTA: 🙅‍♀️ Adult decisions only!

Affectionate-Set-313 | Affectionate-Set-313

🔥NTA: Get Out Now! 🔥

Soggy_Buddy | Soggy_Buddy

NTA: 🔓She unlocked the truth 🔒

Muted-Appeal-823 | Muted-Appeal-823

Run for your life 🏃‍♀️

dyingintheoffice | dyingintheoffice

Run for your life 🏃‍♀️

Buaidh_No_Bas_ | Buaidh_No_Bas_

Break free! 🚩

jarcordiegue | jarcordiegue

Pack your bags and ✈️

PommeDeSang | PommeDeSang

🔥 NTA: He's lucky she didn't burn his apartment!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: 🚨 Boundaries crossed 🚨

Chaospiggyblade | Chaospiggyblade

NTA: Red flags 🚩

Long-Arm1901 | Long-Arm1901

🤬 She went on a 🔥 rampage!

akani25 | akani25

Pack your bags and 🚪!

saltyvet10 | saltyvet10

NTA. Move out 🏃‍♀️

LazyOpia | LazyOpia

🤔 A guy mad at his girlfriend for looking for her passport he stole? 🤔

48pinkrose | 48pinkrose

Listen to your gut 🤔

bexterlubz | bexterlubz

Ransacking an apartment: 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Sudkiwi1 | Sudkiwi1

Time to break free 💪

Similar_Pineapple418 | Similar_Pineapple418

NTA: 🔐 His hands off your stuff!

Arbor_Arabicae | Arbor_Arabicae

Run away from 🔥🔥🔥

Reasonable-Inside-25 | Reasonable-Inside-25

Abusive relationship: 🚨 Get out now! 🚨

bugsylookinbitch | bugsylookinbitch

Girl takes back her passport🔐

Faolan67 | Faolan67

Time to 🏃‍♀️ away from the 🚩🚩🚩

WhereasResponsible31 | WhereasResponsible31

NTA: 🚩 Red flags of 🤝 trafficking 🔐

VegetablePeeler2113 | VegetablePeeler2113

🚫 NTA: He's not trustworthy 🚫

joanclaytonesq | joanclaytonesq

Not the a-hole 👊🏼

Vox_Popsicle | Vox_Popsicle

Girl breaks free ✊🏾

Radiant-Tadpole-7117 | Radiant-Tadpole-7117

🚫 Leave him now 🚫

catsridingdinosaurs | catsridingdinosaurs

A 9 year age gap⁉️ NTA

InternetAddict104 | InternetAddict104

Time to move on!

DuckInMyHeart | DuckInMyHeart

👋🏼 Get out now!

OneAndOnlyMamaLlama | OneAndOnlyMamaLlama

🔐 NTA: He deserved it!

breebop83 | breebop83

Mexico 🤔 🤔 🤔

Prefeitura | Prefeitura

🤦‍♀️ Time to GTFO 👋

NarrativeScorpion | NarrativeScorpion

👎🏽 NTA: Move on!

[deleted] | [deleted]

🤔 Was she right to ransack his apt?

SlinkyMalinky20 | SlinkyMalinky20

Time to 🏃‍♀️💨! 🛑

LarkspurSong | LarkspurSong

Run away from bad news 🏃‍♀️

thumpmyponcho | thumpmyponcho

Girl, get out of there! 💨

WhiteWolfSBLover | WhiteWolfSBLover

💔Trust yourself: NTA

AlwaysAlexi777 | AlwaysAlexi777

Breaking free from 🔒 control 🚪

w1tchbitchh | w1tchbitchh

NTA: Time to 🚪?

bigjaytx | bigjaytx

It's time to trust your gut 💭

areaundermu | areaundermu

Soooo NTA 🤷‍♀️

ikediggety | ikediggety

NTA: Time to end 💔

waterbuffalo750 | waterbuffalo750

Get out of there and 🛡️

pinniped1 | pinniped1

👉NTA: Dump him!👈

SurferBoi_ | SurferBoi_

Run away from the possessive bf🏃‍♀️

whoisanyoneanyway | whoisanyoneanyway

🏃‍♀️Run away! 🏃‍♀️

JournalistHour283 | JournalistHour283

🤔 NTA ex-boyfriend's right!

Zestyclose-Market858 | Zestyclose-Market858

Get out safely and 🏃‍♀️

0Jinxy | 0Jinxy

🚩Red flag warning!🚩

QueenofVelhartia | QueenofVelhartia

NTA: Leave him 💔

bivo979 | bivo979

Breaking free from an 🚫🤝

Relevant-Economy-927 | Relevant-Economy-927

NTA: Shady Control 🤔

Justafriend34 | Justafriend34

NTA: Red flags abound 🚩

-powerpointranger | -powerpointranger

🤔 NTA - He hid it from you...

CybillGrodin | CybillGrodin

🚩 Girl takes a stand 🚩

chtmarc | chtmarc