Family Feud: Is It Wrong To Lose It On Your Brother And SIL For Choosing Your Sperm As A Donor?

Alfe Mercado
Sperm donation
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When a family finds out that a brother's sperm donation was used to conceive a baby without his consent it can bring on a range of emotions for everyone involved. That's exactly what happened recently when a brother and his sister-in-law decided to use their brother's sperm donation to conceive their child, unbeknownst to him. The brother was feeling angry and emotional, and even called his brother and sister-in-law selfish and crazy. The brother and sister-in-law were put off by his words, and the family is now trying to figure out how to move forward. Read on to find out what happened next.

A bizarre family feud over sperm donation choice!

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

A brother's secret donation has caused a rift in the family - how should they move forward?

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

After years of infertility treatments, a brother and sister-in-law opt for AI and family drama ensues.

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Family feud erupts when brother and SIL ask donor's blessing to use his sperm.

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Should you be mad if your brother and SIL use your sperm as a donor? 🤔

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

A brother and sister-in-law's decision to use the brother's sperm as a donor has family members divided and uncomfortable.

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Family feud erupts when brother and SIL choose OP's sperm without asking

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Anger, sadness, and confusion over a family's sperm donor decision

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Families feuding over sperm donor selection - can emotions cloud judgement?

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Should you judge your brother and SIL for choosing your sperm as a donor? 🤔

saidnotodonation | saidnotodonation

Family tensions arise when a brother and SIL choose a donor without their sibling's consent. 🤔

This is an odd situation. A brother and sister-in-law asked for the sibling's blessing to use their donated sperm for artificial insemination, but the sibling declined. Months later, the couple announced they were pregnant with the sibling's sperm and the family was thrown into a state of shock and confusion. The sibling felt angry and called them selfish and crazy, while the brother and SIL felt insulted. The family is now in a heated debate over the issue. What do you think? Let's explore the comments and reactions to this story.

NTA: Sperm donor violation 👎

[deleted] | [deleted]

🤔 NTA: Lawyer Up!

gjwtgf | gjwtgf

NTA: 🤔Surprised by fertility clinic's decision

ZealousidealCoat7008 | ZealousidealCoat7008

Donor's wishes 🤔 NTA 🤝

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA: Cutting ties 🔪

bisexual_fool | bisexual_fool

NTA, but 🤯 - OP feels betrayed

dogofthemilitary | dogofthemilitary

🤔 Blood 🩸 vs 💊 sperm 🩸

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA - Protecting 🔐your sperm donation 💊

sadpotato | sadpotato

👊🏼 Right or wrong?

Hotelroombureau | Hotelroombureau

NTA: They went behind your back 🤯

lesbianmomfriend | lesbianmomfriend

NTA: 🤯 Unacceptable breach of trust!

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! 🤦‍♀️ Brother used donor sperm without permission!

No-Negotiation3152 | No-Negotiation3152

NTA: 🤬🤯 Poor judgement!

Ignominious333 | Ignominious333

Moving away and 🤯🔥

[deleted] | [deleted]

Family Feud: Facing the 🤔 reality of sperm donation 💉

K_tron_ | K_tron_

Boundary Broken 🤔

pringlez1993 | pringlez1993

Sperm donation 🤔: Donor's rights and who is “worthy” of having kids?

K_tron_ | K_tron_

🤯 It's weird to use your brother's sperm for a donor.

ghostofumich2005 | ghostofumich2005

Family feud breaks out 😡

kingzem | kingzem

ESH: 🤔 No easy answers 🤔

Aradene | Aradene

NTA: No contact with 💔

Minute_Box3852 | Minute_Box3852

Family Feud: 💔😭😡

Total-Being-4278 | Total-Being-4278

Family Feud: Sperm Donation 🤔

Longjumping_Piano_67 | Longjumping_Piano_67

NTA: Family feud gone too far

Athena_Of_Britania | Athena_Of_Britania

Conflict of interest 🤔

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

NTA: Boundaries crossed 🤔

Minute-Aioli-5054 | Minute-Aioli-5054

NTA: Respect your 🤔 on 💉 donors

ScarySuit | ScarySuit

😱 NTA: They’re Weird 🤔

EndNunu | EndNunu

NTA 🤔 Distance 🚶‍♀️?

VeryAnonymous21 | VeryAnonymous21

NTA: Your sperm is off limits!

excursions63 | excursions63

NTA 💯 No violation here 🚫

Snoo54485 | Snoo54485

Family drama 🤦‍♂️

Julissaherna692 | Julissaherna692

🤔 Is it wrong to be mad at your brother and SIL for choosing your sperm as a donor?

Savings-Talk-5415 | Savings-Talk-5415

When family feuds 🤦‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

👪 Family Feud: A 👩‍👩‍👧 unique 💔 dilemma 🤔

MagickalMomma1901 | MagickalMomma1901

NTA: 😱 WTF 🤔

Ok_Jellyfish_1192 | Ok_Jellyfish_1192

A complete a-hole move!

Relative_Age3013 | Relative_Age3013

Breaking trust 💔

Mendicant_666 | Mendicant_666

NTA: Donor consequences 🤔

Tall-Ad-6346 | Tall-Ad-6346

🤔 No A-hole Here!

megmegamegan | megmegamegan

😳 Is it wrong to be angry?

[deleted] | [deleted]

Should OP be the cool uncle? 😮

Moessiah | Moessiah

NTA. 🤷‍♀️They asked and you said no.

cerulean_dandelion | cerulean_dandelion

🤔 No A-hole Here!

sureshakerdood | sureshakerdood

NTA: You said no 🤷‍♀️

Responsible_Dot_6055 | Responsible_Dot_6055