Woman Tells In-Laws About What Their Son’s GF Did To Her Son’s Stuff, Causing Family Drama

Ex-husbands GF throwing away son's stuff
Shutterstock | 2117717

Recently, a 33-year-old woman who divorced her husband when she was 7 months pregnant turned to the AITA subreddit for advice. “My ex-husband’s girlfriend tried to get involved in my parenting several times, she even commented on my son’s name, implying that we should agree on a name we all want not just what I wanted, and tried to dictate what he should and shouldn’t have,” the author wrote. Now, the author’s son is staying with his dad for a couple of days, and he wanted to take his blanket with him, the one his mom made especially for him. Turns out, the girlfriend threw it out as “punishment” for her son not accepting the one she offered. The story soon escalated and made the family flip.

Ex-husband's GF tried to interfere with parenting decisions, causing family drama.

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Ex's GF trashes son's stuff, causing family drama and financial strain

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Woman's handmade gift for her son causes family drama

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Mom outraged after in-laws' GF throws away son's beloved blanket as "punishment"

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Fury erupted when a woman told her in-laws about their son's girlfriend's behavior, causing family drama

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A woman's daring move shocks in-laws and causes family drama

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SIL takes things to social media, causing family drama and an angry ex-husband

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Woman vents to in-laws about their son's GF's behavior, causing family drama

users3785577 | users3785577

A woman's decision to tell her in-laws about her son's girlfriend's actions causes family drama

users3785577 | users3785577

Mom vents to future in-laws about what their son's girlfriend did, causing family drama 😕

A divorced mother of one, F, was frustrated when her ex-husband's girlfriend tried to get involved in her parenting and threw away her son's things. To make matters worse, the girlfriend even took away a crochet blanket F had made for her son and threw it away as “punishment” for not accepting the one she had offered. F was so angry that she decided to tell her ex-husband's family about what had happened, leading to a lot of drama. Now, F is unsure if she did the right thing, as the family is not speaking to the girlfriend anymore.

Document every detail⚖️👩‍⚖️👨‍⚖️

Jorbarip | Jorbarip

The original comment suggested that the OP should document every detail of the family drama, including conversations, text messages, and the son's visits to a child psychologist, to get the custody agreement changed to keep the GF away from the child. Replies further suggested the involvement of the ex's family, the use of a forensic child psychologist, and the need for screenshots and phone recordings for backup.

3yo punished for wanting mom's blanket 🤯

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA I don't think the OP took it far enough. A 3yo was punished for wanting the blanket his mom made him. Replies state the punishment was inappropriate and the GF has no authority to throw out the blanket. OP was asked if the GF's behavior could be considered abuse.

NTA🔥Family drama alert!

CommunicationOdd9406 | CommunicationOdd9406

The commenter believes that the in-laws' son's girlfriend is abusing their child, and recommends taking the matter to court. Replies suggest that the ex-husband may also be involved and that the original poster should look into getting an emergency hearing to stop the child from being around them.*

Child's blanket thrown away as 'punishment'? 😡

No-Jellyfish-1208 | No-Jellyfish-1208

Commenter is NTA, appalled that the father's girlfriend threw away a three-year-old child's blanket as "punishment". Replies speculate that the father may have chosen a "kindred spirit" and that the situation should be reported to a lawyer.

🤔 Is he a hypocrite? 🤨

Checkoutmawheeeeepit | Checkoutmawheeeeepit

The commenter responds to the original post with their opinion that the son is "more interested in getting his dick wet than being a good father", and NTA (Not the A**hole). In the replies, the commenter expresses frustration that the son is now accusing them of stirring drama when he was unwilling to talk about the situation in the beginning.

Drama in a blended family 😱

Wolfenbro | Wolfenbro

The commenter suggests that the mom should try to get custody amended so her son has less exposure to the dad's girlfriend since the dad is not looking out for her son's best interests.

Protecting her son's rights 🔒

Haunting-Row-3961 | Haunting-Row-3961

The commenter is NTA and advises OP to speak to a lawyer and protect her son's rights. OP should consider supervised visitation and take her son to a child psychiatrist. The reply agrees and suggests talking to CPS/DCFS and a lawyer.

Family drama 🙃 over a 🧶 blanket?

deblas66 | deblas66

The commenter is NTA (not the a**hole) and recommends the OP (original poster) to switch to legal advice and speak to an attorney about the blanket that was thrown away by the OP's son's girlfriend. Replies suggest pressing charges and filing a custody agreement to get ahead of the situation.

Adults who "parent" like this 🤦‍♀️

CakeEatingRabbit | CakeEatingRabbit

The commenter is NTA (not the a**hole) and criticizes the GF for punishing a 3-year-old in a way that is either intentionally cruel or due to lack of basic understanding.

🤬Don't let her abuse your son!

Poetryinsimplethings | Poetryinsimplethings

Sue for 100% custody to protect your son from his abusive stepmother and enabling father. The original poster didn't lie or exaggerate: her reaction proved that she knew what she was doing. As a reply suggests, document the situation with saved text messages. NTA

Molly Weasley 🔥🔥🔥

Agreeable-Asparagus | Agreeable-Asparagus

NTA. The commenter expresses outrage over the GF making the son sleep without a blanket as punishment, suggesting they would be like Molly Weasley and "scorch the earth." The replies express agreement with the sentiment.

NTA: 🔴Red flags🔴 for OP's son's safety!

hugatro | hugatro

Commenter says NTA (not the a**hole) and warns OP (Original Poster) that her ex and his GF are raising a**hole flags and her son is not safe with them. They suggest getting a lawyer involved or something like family courts and to tell the in-laws everything. Reply suggests adding stipulations to the divorce decree that none of the partners has the right to decide anything about how the child is raised, in case the amended custody agreement is not possible.

Mom finds out about ex's GF's actions and takes action 🤔

AngryWriterGrr | AngryWriterGrr

The commenter suggests that the mother of the son is not the a**hole (NTA) because her ex and his girlfriend were not confident in their actions, and she did everyone a favor by telling the truth to the family members. She also requests supervised visitation when her son is with his father.

Protecting her son 💪🏻

tatasz | tatasz

The commenter suggested the OP file for a custody change as the GF is abusing her son. They also suggest setting up traps to document her behavior, like sending her son in with gifts from the ex-family and reporting to them if they are thrown away. One reply suggested that the OP should not make her son bear the brunt of this situation, as the GF has already punished her son by not letting him sleep with a blanket. 💔

NTA: 🤬Bullies don't get away with it!

Angry_poutine | Angry_poutine

The commenter is not the a**hole (NTA) for telling in-laws what the son's girlfriend did to his stuff. They agree that it was wrong of her to throw away a homemade blanket from a child and that her actions were deserving of the backlash. The commenter also reveals that she has a history of throwing away his stuff, and they are lucky they didn't get taken to court.

Family drama 🙄 from son's GF's actions!

mdthomas | mdthomas

Wow, it's almost like his family judged her based on her actions. NTA, she's being not only TA but just plain cruel to the son. It's advised to consult a lawyer for possible physical or emotional abuse.

NTA 🤔: What happened to the 3-year-old?!

Astra_Bear | Astra_Bear

The commenter is not the a**hole and finds the woman's behavior concerning as she let a 3-year-old sleep without a blanket as punishment.

NTA: Mom stands up 💪🏼 for her son!

R3dmund | R3dmund

The commenter is not an a**hole and believes that the mother should be assertive and not let her son enter the GF's house. The commenter adds that the ex can go f**k himself.

NTA: Protecting kid from GF's actions 💪

ShiloX35 | ShiloX35

The commenter believes the mom is not an a-hole for informing the in-laws but is advised to go back to court to modify the visitation schedule, so the dad's paramour isn't present when the kid is around.

Mum NTA: 🤬🤬🤬

Accurate-Ad-4905 | Accurate-Ad-4905

A single mum stands up to her son's GF and his in-laws, who told her to get a job. She explains that the GF did what she said and her son refused to intervene. 💪

Mama bear takes a stand 🐻

[deleted] | [deleted]

The commenter is NTA (not the a**hole) for taking a stand against the son's girlfriend who behaved like a 3-year-old and threw away her son's stuff. The commenter suggests not sending any clothes or stuff over and taking the family to court for a primary home.

Not the a**hole: 🤷‍♀️

pittsburgpam | pittsburgpam

The commenter believes that the woman's in-laws are not the a**hole in the situation and that the woman is at fault for her actions, which she should not have assumed the commenter wouldn't share with them. The commenter also believes the ex-boyfriend is also at fault for not correcting her past actions.

NTA: She's out of line!

Dresden_Mouse | Dresden_Mouse

The commenter believes that the in-laws' son's girlfriend is wrong for trying to make the commenter's son feel like he doesn't exist and wonders what she might do when they have a kid of their own. The commenter believes that the girlfriend will have to live with the consequences of her actions.

Family drama unfolds 🤯

chucker23n | chucker23n

Commenter says that the son's girlfriend's punishment of taking away the blanket and throwing it out is abuse and not punishment. Commenter also states that the son's priorities are out of whack as he wants his parents' approval for a "homewrecker". Commenter says they are Not The A**hole (NTA).

NTA 👊🏽

AaeJay83 | AaeJay83

The commenter was not the a**hole in the situation and felt that it was justified to publicly share what the son's girlfriend did to his stuff.

NTA: She had no right 🤬

Neko_09 | Neko_09

The commenter believes the woman had no right to do what she did and that she is responsible for her own behavior.

A messy situation ⚖️

missandryah | missandryah

The comment suggests that the in-laws were OK with the cheating of their son's girlfriend, but not with her disrespect of their son's stuff. The replies seem to indicate that the in-laws have taken OP's side and are mad at their son.

NTA: 🤷‍♀️Family should be informed

ShinigamiLuvApples | ShinigamiLuvApples

Commenter is of the opinion that the family should be informed of the daughter-in-law's actions as they are not gossiping or lying but simply sharing something that she's doing with the commenter and their son. It's also noted that the daughter-in-law deserves to be shunned, as well as the commenter's ex.

NTA: Someone else's property is not yours!

Chief_Beef_ATL | Chief_Beef_ATL

The commenter is not the a**hole in this family drama, as they point out that someone else's property does not become yours when it enters your house. They express their disbelief about the situation.

NTA: Protecting 💔🤦‍♀️ from 🤬

Sel-Reddit | Sel-Reddit

Commenter says NTA (not the a**hole) - it's not the job of the OP (original poster) to protect the cheating a**hole from the consequences of their own actions. The a**hole in question was doing things that couldn't be defended by a toddler, so the responsibility lies solely with them.

Grandma defends her son ☝️

Dizzy-Chemical-4303 | Dizzy-Chemical-4303

The comment suggests that the grandma should document her son's belongings when he visits his in-laws and compare them when he returns. This is to protect him from his girlfriend's abuse and manipulation. The comment also reassures the grandma that she is Not The A**hole for confronting her in-laws about their son's girlfriend's behavior.

NTA: 👍 It's time to take action!

GonnaBeOverIt | GonnaBeOverIt

The comment suggests that the woman is Not The A-hole (NTA) for telling her in-laws about what their son's GF did to her son's stuff. It also suggests revisiting the custody and visitation arrangement if the GF is being cruel to her son.

NTA: Protecting your child 👩‍👧

green1s | green1s

The comment acknowledges that the new girlfriend has done something wrong and suggests the parent consider getting a lawyer to protect their child from her.

What happened to the blanket?

plantsvszombie_01 | plantsvszombie_01

The comment asked if the blanket was returned, suggesting that it may have been taken by the son's partner.

🤬 NTA: Protecting a child's safety

MidniteProph | MidniteProph

The commenter suggested that the in-laws should talk to a lawyer and change the custody arrangements for their son, as they were afraid his partner would do major emotional damage to their child.

Family drama over a GF's actions 🤦

JimDixon | JimDixon

A comment suggested that the issue is too serious to be evaluated by AITA, and instead, the OP should seek advice from Reddit's r/LegalAdvice or a real lawyer.

Actions have 🤔👀, 🤷‍♀️👩‍❤️‍👩?

Invisibleamber | Invisibleamber

The comment says that the OP did nothing wrong by letting the in-laws know about their son's girlfriend's behavior since actions have consequences and she should have acted accordingly.

NTA. Grandma's blanket ❤️

NicAoidh65 | NicAoidh65

The commenter is not the a-hole (NTA) for being protective of the cross-stitch blanket they made for their granddaughter. They make it clear that if anything were to happen to it, they would be incredibly upset and their daughter would take it out on her ex.

No a**hole here🤔

SquishmittenAO3 | SquishmittenAO3

The commenter says that both the ex and the GF are terrible people and that the family realizing this will hopefully show the son the error of his way.

NTA: Girlfriend's 🤬 inappropriate 🤬

ReactionEuphoric5362 | ReactionEuphoric5362

The commenter is convinced that the girlfriend's action is wildly inappropriate and suggests the original poster document the instances and sue for full custody or to limit their son's contact with the girlfriend.

NTA: She's reaping what she sowed 🔥

fauxnitzschia | fauxnitzschia

The commenter opines that the OP (original poster) has done nothing wrong by informing the in-laws of their son's girlfriend's behavior and that the girlfriend was likely trying to take control of the family dynamic by expecting the OP to simply accept her behavior. The commenter suggests that the girlfriend is insecure and fighting for control.

Family drama 💥 over 🤦‍♂️ jealousy 🤨

Suspicious-Hat6285 | Suspicious-Hat6285

The commenter believes that the in-laws' son's girlfriend is being an a**hole to their child out of jealousy and suggests getting the police involved for trashing their property. They are Not the A**hole in this situation.

NTA: 🤬 ruined everything!

National-Zombie3303 | National-Zombie3303

The comment states that the family should not be mad at the woman for telling the in-laws about what the son's girlfriend did to his stuff, as it was the girlfriend who ruined everything.

NTA: Protecting Her Son 💪

Kaiser93 | Kaiser93

The commenter declared that they are not the a**hole and expressed their concern for leaving her son with his dad and a woman like the one mentioned in the article.

NTA: 🤔 Was there something wrong?

Little-Comfortable26 | Little-Comfortable26

The commenter suggested that the in-laws were in the right, and if they weren't then they wouldn't be afraid to let the family know what they did.

NTA: 👎🏽 She's trying to control too much!

Gold-Somewhere1770 | Gold-Somewhere1770

The commenter declares the original poster (OP) as 'NTA' (not the a**hole), saying that the in-laws' son's girlfriend is trying to control too much. The commenter believes that the in-laws should have been told about this, as they seem like the only people advocating for the OP's son on that side of the family.

The in-laws are warned🚨

nylasachi | nylasachi

The commenter advises the in-laws to look out for their son's girlfriend's potentially threatening behavior, suggesting that she might try to kick out their 3-year-old grandchild when she gets pregnant. They are also warned not to expect the son to do anything about it. The commenter labels the situation as 'NTA' - Not The A**hole.