Marco Pierre White Jr turns to Islam and renounces drugs

Dani Sanders
Marco Pierre White Jr
Getty | John Phillips

The celebrity chef’s son, Marco Pierre White Jr, has converted to Islam to wipe out his drug abuse following his prison sentence.

So, You Know Marco Jr…

Converts to islam
Giphy | South Park

Infamous for his troubled visits to rehabs, drug addiction, and committing illegal acts - you must be aware of Marco Pierre White Jr. Yes, the celebrity chef’s son who has decided to stay off drugs by turning to Islam.

The Time In Prison

Flickr | TravelBear71

For a total of 11 months and an additional 32 weeks of a previous subsequent prison term, the chef’s son was prisoned for 14 different offenses.

Amongst the Fourteen Charges

The Celebrity Big Brother star has been charged with various offenses, including shoplifting, possession of a knife and heroin, and a racially aggravated public order offense. In 2019, he was also claimed to have used the racially abusive (n-word) to the arresting police officer.

Pleading Guilty

Plead Guilty
Giphy | Manifest

Surprisingly, the former reality star pleaded guilty to most of his charges. Subsequently, he was imprisoned in August for shoplifting and racially abusing a security guard at Tesco.

The Reason Behind the Plead

In relation to the claim of using the n-word, Marco Jr had much to say. “I am not a racist, and I didn't use any racist words against the security guard who I got arrested over. I was heavily into drugs, but I would not be racist against anyone. I only pleaded guilty to it because I was fed up and had been on remand for six months and wanted it over with.”

Proving That He is Not Racist

I am not racist
Giphy | TLC Europe

The star further proved himself by lifting his shirt and showcasing his heavily tattooed body. Specifically, he pointed towards a six-line tattoo across his chest. This tattoo was a quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

The Quote As Proof

Marco said, “He is one of my heroes. How can I be racist when his words and what he stood for goes with me wherever I go?”

Why The Sudden Change?

Giphy | Everything's Gonna Be Okay

With a history brimming with several crimes, trips to rehabilitation institutes, and a drug addiction unlikely to leave - many wonder what caused the man to choose the sober life.

Introduction to Islam

The answer to why Marco opted for a drug-free life is simple: he was introduced to Islam. During his time in prison, he observed men offering prayers. He informed the sources that he would listen to the Muslim men talk about their community and their Holy book (the Quran) and that all the talks would make great sense to him.

Interest in The Muslim Community

Muslim Community
Giphy | MacArthur Foundation

The former reality show star had much to say about his newfound intrigue in Islam. While sipping a beer (a drink forbidden in religion), Marco said, “I had a flick through the Quran, and my interest grew.”

He continued, “When I prayed to Allah, I asked for my sins to be forgiven and for him to make me strong and protect me. I asked for my family to be safe - and everything has come true.”

Finding Miracles In A Religion

“This is crazy how everything works out for me. I do believe it has a lot to do with my prayers and my religion.”

The Huge Gap In Rehab and Faith

Faith is important
Giphy | NRDC

Conversing with MailOnline, the ex-drug addict admitted, “More than £ 1 million has wasted because of my addictions. But Islam has helped me get through everything.”

Making The Same Mistakes One Too Many Times

Same mistakes
Giphy | The Guardian

The heavily tattooed man confessed, “I have been in rehab 17 times, and being in prison has made me realize that enough is enough.”

A Daughter’s Love

Another significant factor in making Marco determined not to fall back on drugs was his daughter’s love. The recovering addict has a three-year-old daughter, Arabella Rose, with his former partner.

Heartbreaking Words

Giphy | ZEE TV

Marco Jr also revealed several heartbreaking experiences with his daughter: “When I was in prison, I'd speak to Arabella every day on the telephone, and I always told her I was at work. I didn't allow her to visit me as I didn't want her to see her daddy in jail.”

Father and Daughter Duo

Father and daughter
Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

“She would ask me, 'Daddy, when are you coming home, please come home,' and it would break me. I was in pieces every day, crying my eyes out. I told her 'Daddy will never leave you again.”

Admitting His Luck

Putting the blame for committing crimes on his drug abuse, Marco confessed that he would be stuck in a constant cycle of addiction without his father's love and being in jail.

Prison Inmates

Giphy | Prison Break

Marco’s fellow black inmates learned he was locked up because of a racial hate crime during his prison. This information led to the inmates ganging up on him and beating him severely.

Fights In Prison

It is also reported that Marco was in a punch-up in prison, leading to the former star losing three teeth. He was moved to a single cell for his security.