Man Refuses To Leave “Free” Second Seat Next To Obese Woman Who Bought It For Her Own Comfort, Gets Put In His Place

People seating is an airplane
Shutterstock | 702400

When you’re flying to a different city or even just a couple of hours away, you want to be as comfortable as possible. Most of the time, flying is as quick and convenient as getting in a car and driving there. But if you start looking into details and realizing how much easier it is for other people and how inconvenient it is for some, it becomes more of a challenge.

One of those things people want to avoid at all costs is getting bumped from their seats because someone needed the extra space. If you pay for two seats, you expect to have two seats. But sometimes that doesn’t happen.

This recent Reddit post will enlighten you on people’s willingness to really push others’ limits, whether those people have bought two seats or not.

An obese woman bought two seats to ensure her comfort, but a man refused to leave her “free” seat 🤬

tessy23 | tessy23

A woman buys two seats on a plane, only to have a man refuse to leave the second seat, until he gets put in his place

tessy23 | tessy23

Man refuses to move to his seat, despite woman paying for her own comfort 😤

tessy23 | tessy23

Man disrespects woman's comfort, gets put in his place with a nasty look 😠

tessy23 | tessy23

Man refuses to back down ✔️Woman stands her ground 💪

The post on Reddit tells the story of an obese woman who purchased two plane tickets so that she would have more room and so the person sitting next to her would be more comfortable. Despite making a reasonable request to the man who had taken the empty seat, he refused to budge.

The woman then had to call on a flight attendant in order to get the man to leave. Thankfully, the woman was able to stand her ground and the man was asked to leave. Now, let's take a look at everyone's reactions towards the incident.

NTA - 🔑 to your seat 💺

MolassesFragrant342 | MolassesFragrant342

The commenter points out that the couple should have paid for their own seats next to each if they wanted to sit together that badly. They justify their point of view as a former flight attendant. The replies to the comment further explain how difficult it can be for people with special needs and for teenagers when seating arrangements are not followed.

👏 Don't let them sit down!

NoxWild | NoxWild

The comment recommends that the original poster (OP) should not let anyone else sit in the extra seat he purchased, even if it is free. The comment reply suggests that the OP should put a small piece of laminated paper with details of the extra seat on the seat, so that it can be easily visible.

NTA ✊😤 Respect OP's purchase! 💰

AlternativeFox4627 | AlternativeFox4627

The comment affirms that it was NTA (not the a**hole) for the original poster (OP) to refuse to leave the seat since it was purchased regardless of the reason behind it. The replies agree with the comment, claiming it was NTA and OP should be respected for their purchase.

NTA! 🤔🤭

flaky-burnt | flaky-burnt

The comment states that 'NTA', which stands for 'Not The A-hole', and implies that the original poster (OP) was rightfully refusing to share the seat they bought with another person. The replies both praise the comment and suggest that the OP use an 'emotional support ghost' as an excuse next time they are in this situation.

At what cost does entitlement come? 🤔

31anon5 | 31anon5

NTA for not wanting to give up the seat that you paid for, especially to someone who was going to take it out of entitlement. The comment replies express understanding towards the situation, and that it can be uncomfortable for both of them regardless of the outcome. However, no one should be entitled to the seat at the expense of others.

💁🏼‍♀️No a-hole here!😗

F0zzysW0rld | F0zzysW0rld

The commenter said "NTA - It wasnt a free/available seat. You purchased it, you bought the seat so it is 'occupied'." The replies agreed, suggesting that the couple should have planned ahead instead of sitting in someone else's seat and then complaining about it.

Obese woman pays for comfort💸, man refuses to move👀

DishsUp | DishsUp

NTA: The woman paid for the seat and it was her own comfort. The seats on the United flights in the 'basic' cabin don't have movable armrests, making them too small for most adults. The woman had already experienced a long flight and needed the extra space. A reply supported the original comment, agreeing that the seats are just too small.

Man refused to give up free seat,✋️🤷‍♀️ got moved

hexgirlthorn | hexgirlthorn

The commenter declared NTA after a man refused to leave a free seat next to an obese woman who had purchased it for her own comfort. Several replies agreed, calling out the entitlement and rudeness of the man who took the seat without asking.

NTA: Paying for the seat was 👍❗️

Arbor_Arabicae | Arbor_Arabicae

The commentor believes the woman was in the right for purchasing the second seat and scolded the man who refused to leave it. The commentor also expresses their sympathy to the woman in the situation.

NTA 💯👍✊️

Aylauria | Aylauria

The commenter believes the obese woman was not the a-hole (NTA) and was thoughtful to buy an extra seat for the her comfort. They suggest that the couple should have swapped the seats with the person sitting next to instead of expecting the woman to get up.

NTA ✔️ - 👍 your rightfully paid seat 😢

jaelythe4781 | jaelythe4781

The woman wasn't the a-hole (NTA) for refusing to give up their extra seat, which they had paid for, and instead called out the entitled a-holes who wanted free seating without even asking permission first. The commenter suggests that in the future, the woman should inform people that the extra paid-for seat is theirs, and if others want to sit together they should pay for the seat assignment.

NTA 💁‍♀️ You paid for it!

Findme_elsewhere | Findme_elsewhere

The comment acknowledges the OP by stating that they paid for the seat, and have the right to keep it. The comment also advises to ignore the entitled individual and be true to oneself.

NTA, paying for a seat 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

The comment suggests that the man is in the wrong for refusing to give up the 'free' seat next to the obese woman that she paid for to be comfortable. The commentator believes the man should not be sitting in a seat that someone has paid for.

NTA: 👍🏼 You did the right 👍🏼 thing to make yourself comfortable

kasslia | kasslia

The commenter commends the woman for standing her ground and doing what was best for her own comfort, despite the man's attempts to sit in a seat he didn't pay for.

A customer taught a lesson 👏

henbanzco | henbanzco

The man was taught a lesson for refusing to leave the 'free' seat next to an obese woman who had bought it for her own comfort: she pointed out that there's Southwest's "Customer of size" policy, which allows customers to buy an extra seat and get reimbursed for it. NTA at all!

NTA: You 👏 paid 👏 for 👏 it 👏

miss_liss116 | miss_liss116

The comment affirms that the woman had every right to feel entitled to the seat, regardless of her size and shape; not the a-hole for feeling so.

NTA - you paid for it ✊

Candid-Square-8889 | Candid-Square-8889

The author of this comment remarks that the woman was NTA, as she paid for her seat fair and square regardless of her reasons. They also go on to say that it was disrespectful of the man to behave the way he did, and that it's unfair for people to treat others like this.

NTA ✔️ Kudos for being kind!

ImprovementNo842 | ImprovementNo842

The comment praised the woman for buying two seats for her own comfort and thanked her for being polite and kind.

NTA! The 👑 takes back what's hers!

Far-Profit-3430 | Far-Profit-3430

The commentor correctly pointed out that the second seat wasn't "free." The one who bought it can't simply let someone else take it without their permission. The original poster was right and not the a-hole: they did nothing wrong and must not let the a-hole** make them question themselves. The commentor crowned their victory by calling the OP a “Queen”!

NTA: your seat is yours!

Pocket_Snatch | Pocket_Snatch

The comment asserts that the woman is not the a**hole (NTA) for not leaving her seat, as it was purchased and is rightfully hers. The comment further adds that the man and woman should have planned their seats better.

NTA - the 💰 was yours 👍

isogaymer | isogaymer

The commenter declared the original poster Not The A**hole. The man is the wrong for refusing to leave a “free” second seat next to an obese woman who purchased it for her own comfort. The poster had paid for the two seats and was free to do what they wanted with them.

👉 "NTA, sorry they were so mean" 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

The commenter expresses sympathy for the woman who was treated unfairly on the plane, and states that she is Not The A**hole for paying for her own seat for her comfort. No one had the right to treat her badly for no reason.

Fat- shaming ✋ & 🤬: NTA 💯

billiegoat888 | billiegoat888

The original comment pointed out how fat folks can't win and are never safe from anti-fat bigots who demand they purchase two airline seats, even though the woman in the article had bought her own. Her comment received a strong response from the flight attendant who had her back. Replies offered agreement, pointing out that fat people still get shit on even when they purchase extra seats for their own comfort, and people are awful for dehumanizing them and then claiming to be concerned about the person’s health.

🤔 NTA for buying a seat

OneDumbPony | OneDumbPony

The commenter believes that the man should have bought a second seat next to his girlfriend if he wanted it; the OP had bought a seat for their own comfort.

NTA -🤦🏼‍♀️ Respect your seat!

Zeshui0 | Zeshui0

The comment says that the person who paid for the seat was being considerate and that the other people should have bought their tickets earlier instead of expecting the person to move. It implies that they should respect their seat and not put the burden on others to accommodate the situation.

Man refuses to leave seat 🤔

LDC99 | LDC99

The commenter expresses understanding for the situation but questions why the man didn't expect a different result when he bought the seat and another couple "barged their way in, sat in [his] seat without [his] permission and insulted [him] on their way out." Another commenter acknowledges that fat people are taught that their actions make them an a**hole.

👍🏼 Woman puts entitled people in their place

Much_Ad_9811 | Much_Ad_9811

The commenter is in agreement and believes that the entitled people in the situation deserved to be put in their place. They are labelled as people who "suck."

Refusing to leave 🛫 a seat for comfort? Who's wrong here 🤔

Juliennix | Juliennix

A plane passenger defends the right of another overweight passenger to occupy two seats for her own comfort, and calls out the couple who tried to vilify her for their own bad planning. The commenter affirms that the passenger was right and not the a**hole.

NTA! Respect what you paid for 😤

Ok-Positive13 | Ok-Positive13

The comment says that the man was in the wrong for not leaving the 'free' second seat next to an obese woman who had bought it for her own comfort, and for bullying her for it. The comment also says that if the couple wanted to sit together bad enough, they should have done more work to ensure they would be together.

🤔Not The A**hole?

TeepShow76 | TeepShow76

The commenter thinks the woman didn't do anything wrong. They are of the opinion that she is NTA (not the a**hole).

"NTA" - they didn't pay 💰

MaybeAWalrus | MaybeAWalrus

The commentor is of the opinion that the man was wrong for refusing to leave the “free” seat as the woman had already paid for it, confirming it was an "NTA" situation.


Kniel9 | Kniel9

The comment argues that the woman was in the right since she bought two seats and anyone else should not take away her seats due to any other details. The couple was deemed as inconsiderate, rude, and immature for treating her that way, with the suggestion that they could survive a few hours apart or ask someone to trade seats.

🙌 A lesson in✌️ respect 🤝

Total-Being-4278 | Total-Being-4278

The comment states that if you paid for two seats, you're entitled to two seats and that the original poster is Not The A**hole in this situation.

Definitely not the a-hole🤔

nonchalantenigma | nonchalantenigma

Commenter claims the couple is the a**hole. They should have planned better and brought two seats if they wanted to be together.

NTA: Not 👏 your 👏 problem!

Maiidesuu | Maiidesuu

The commenter pointed out that the woman's foresight to purchase the seat next to her was not her fault and shouldn't be a cause for concern for her. The commenter believed that the jerk couple should have paid the extra fee to make sure they sat together.

🤔 An uncomfortable situation 💺

Fianna9 | Fianna9

The commenter declared the woman NTA (not the a**hole) for not giving up the seat, as the she had already paid for it out of courtesy to the other passengers. The man's girlfiend was judged to be quite awful for making such nasty comments, and they would likely have been unpleasant on the flight anyway.

👎🏼 Preparing for flights can save you💰

Kirin2013 | Kirin2013

NTA (not the a**hole), the commenter expresses their dislike for the entitlement people get when they don't plan ahead and think they can take someone else's seat who had prepared. They state that in the case of last minute planning, taking the hit is better than trying to get someone else's seat.

NTA: a-hole alert!

[deleted] | [deleted]

A comment states that the man was wrong to not leave the "free" seat next to the obese woman who bought it, as they should both have to pay the cost of the seat. The comment highlights the issue of people dehumanizing obesity.

💪 NTA: Respect for♿👩 buying seat!

Anboa1986 | Anboa1986

The commenter showed huge respect for the obese woman who bought an extra seat for her own comfort, implying that it was her right to do so, despite the man's refusal to leave the seat.

NTA ✌️⁠—⁠justified seat protesting

SnooBunnies7461 | SnooBunnies7461

The comment applauds the woman for handling the situation with the man and his girlfriend well, who protested when the woman asked them to leave the seat she had paid for. The comment states that her size was not the issue, but their lack of manners was.

NTA, he does not get to claim the seat!

Emotional_Ad5077 | Emotional_Ad5077

The commenter states that the man does not get to claim the seat because he did not purchase it; this is supported by the fact that the woman purchased the adjacent seat for her own comfort.

Man gets put in his place 💥

LordTurtlex | LordTurtlex

Commenter accused the OP for "lying on the Internet to get attention," and said YTA (you're the a**hole.

NTA. 💰 💺 🤷‍♀️

mm172 | mm172

The comment says not the a**hole (NTA). The writer explains that the woman has the right to the seat she purchased, even if it was for no particular reason. Furthermore, the man should have paid for the seat if he wanted to sit next to his girlfriend, or tried to switch seats with those in his assigned row.

🤦‍♀️ NTA: Don't let them ruin your comfort!

thebellferrel | thebellferrel

Commenter says NTA and expresses indignation that someone else refuses to leave a seat that the obese woman paid for. They suggest that the woman's comfort should not be sacrificed just because of someone else's lack of planning.

NTA- paid for comfort 💸

[deleted] | [deleted]

The commenter declared Not The A-hole (NTA) as they stated that since the woman paid for the extra seat, others shouldn't be using it without permission.

Nobody deserves a seat like this 😤

lostalldoubt86 | lostalldoubt86

The commenter shares their perspective as a non-frequent flyer and clearly states that the woman is right to take the seat she paid for. One reply explains that passengers often do not reserve specific seats to save money, expecting to bully someone into giving up their seat instead.

NTA: it's your seat!

billikers | billikers

The commenter firmly said NTA, letting the original poster know that they paid for the seat, and they can do whatever they want with it. The commenter went on to tell the other person to **** off.

No a**hole here 👊

WarmestSeatByTheFire | WarmestSeatByTheFire

The poster believes that if the couple wanted seats next to each other, they should have paid for them. No one is at fault here according to the poster.

A reminder: 🙅🏽‍♂️ Don't be entitled! 🚫

Esabettie | Esabettie

An OP expresses their exhaustion about people feeling entitled to a free second seat next to an obese woman who bought it. The commenter insists that the original poster is not the a**hole in this situation.

🤦‍♂️ NTA for not using something paid for!

mugofanxitea | mugofanxitea

The commenter is saying that the woman is not the a**hole for wanting to use something she paid for, and expresses their frustration at the situation with a strong expletive.

🙅‍♀️ NTA! 🔥😤

[deleted] | [deleted]

The commenter agree that the OP was not the a**hole in the situation and expressed their indignation over the incident - the person who refused to move was the a-hole and disrespected the woman who had paid for the seat.

NTA: Free seat not for everyone 🤔

Speedy_Dragon46 | Speedy_Dragon46

The commenter believes the man should not have expected a free seat that was purchased for the woman's own comfort. They reason that the man had the option to pay extra for allocated seating, but chose not to.

NTA! Respect for 👩 who bought her own seat 👍

MouthwashAndBandaids | MouthwashAndBandaids

The OP wasn't the a**hole and the commenter gave respect to the woman for buying her own seat.

NTA: don't let 🤡s suck joy out 🙅‍♀️

Rohini_rambles | Rohini_rambles

NTA. The commenter declared the man and his girlfriend in the wrong and suggested that the woman should not let these 🤡s suck the joy out of her day.

🤔👎 Man refuses to leave seat!

StellaThunderG | StellaThunderG

The commentator thinks the man was wrong for refusing to leave a free second seat next to an obese woman who bought it for her own comfort. They believe the woman was put in an impossible situation and should have stopped him from sitting there as soon as he tried.

🤬 "NTA!" 🤬

Lady_of_Ironrath | Lady_of_Ironrath

The commenter believes that both the man and his girlfriend are a-holes in the situation. They feel the obese woman had the right to purchase the seat for her own comfort and the man should have respected this.

💁‍♀️ NTA: You paid for it, no obligation to give it up!

SlideItIn100 | SlideItIn100

The commenter says the woman was not the a**hole (NTA) concerning the situation, pointing out that since she paid for her seat she is not obligated to give it up.

NTA: ✋❌ No Giving Up ❌✋ Seat!

Skyyywalker215 | Skyyywalker215

The commenter declared NTA (not the a**hole) as they argued that the woman who bought the seat should not be forced to give it up due to the man's poor planning.

NTA: it's 🔒✊ not yours!

Peetrrabbit | Peetrrabbit

The commenter declared NTA (not the a**hole) in the situation, stating that the man tried to take something that was purchased and rightfully belonged to the obese woman. The commenter emphasizes that none of this was the woman's fault and she should not have to bear the brunt of his anger.

NTA! 🙅‍♀️ Don't let them fat-shame you!

TryingtoAdultPlsHelp | TryingtoAdultPlsHelp

The commenter stresses that the woman had paid for the second seat for her own comfort and that the men had not paid the fee for both being able to sit together. The commenter advises her not to let the entitled brats fat shame her.

🤷 NTA: it's your seat!


The commenter expressed that the woman had every right to take the second seat since she paid for it, as well as thanked her for allowing other passengers to be comfortable on flights as well.

No one takes another's seat! 🤬‍♀️🚫

cara1888 | cara1888

NTA at all: the flight attendant took the woman's side as it was her seat, paid for with her money. The couple were rude for pushing the woman and trying to take her seat. She should have taken the seat in the middle until take-off to avoid anyone else trying to take her seat, which she paid for. They should have respected her and chosen a flight with two available seats next to each other instead.

🤦‍♂️🤬NTA. A passenger pays for their own and others' comfort, and put man in his place!

CaptainJeff | CaptainJeff

The comment applauds the passenger for buying a second seat for their own comfort, and also for being considerate towards fellow passengers, calling their behavior exemplarly. The couple who took issue with the passenger are labeled as a**holes for wanting to take advantage of something not rightly theirs and for demonizing the passenger for their own shortsightedness.


Abstract_Bubble | Abstract_Bubble

The commentor delcares Not The A-hole to the OP for purchasing two seats in advance rather than forcing others to seat next to the obese woman. The commentor is aggravated that they had to deal with the man's comments, but the flight attendant was able to move him.

NTA👊🏼 A woman stands up for his rights!

janchar | janchar

The original commenter was in full support of the woman, stating that she deserved the seat and that she had done the right thing. No a-hole here.

Not the a-hole 💯

Ok_Dust_2178 | Ok_Dust_2178

The comment expresses agreement with the obsese woman and states that she is not the a-hole in this situation.

NTA all the way! 🤩

SatanicSunflower | SatanicSunflower

The comment was a concise disapproval of the man's behavior, confirming his wrongness.

Unexpected seating injustice 🤯

Kayylindsayy | Kayylindsayy

A comment sympathized with the obese woman's experience after a man refused to leave a seat she had purchased for her own comfort - declaring the woman to be Not The A**hole.

NTA: 💸 💺 🔥

dis_b0i | dis_b0i

The comment says "NTA" (not the a**hole). Their opinion was that the man should not have refused to leave the "free" second seat, as the woman had already paid for it.

Man refused to budge 🚨

elizabethjanet | elizabethjanet

The comment praised the woman for standing her ground and not letting the man take her "free" seat as he had no right to it as she paid for it. The comment also highlighted the entitled attitude of the man.

👎🏽 NTA for the woman

Curious-Drag6871 | Curious-Drag6871

The comment expresses agreement with the woman, saying that she was Not The A**hole (NTA) in this situation.

NTA👊🏼: 💰Paid seat = 💁‍♀️yours! 🙅‍♂️

MeowGirly | MeowGirly

The comment emphasizes that the woman paid for the extra seat and thus it's hers to use, not someone else's to use.

💁‍♂️ NTA: Pay for the seat!

[deleted] | [deleted]

The commenter believes that the man should have paid extra for the seat if he wanted to sit with his girlfriend, rather than taking a free seat.

Empowering woman👊🏼

lotus_eater123 | lotus_eater123

The comment stated that Not The A**hole (NTA) and condemned the man for refusing to leave the “free” second seat that the obese woman had bought for her own comfort. The commenter expressed their support to the woman in this situation.

🤔Definitely NTA! 💺

dictatoroffandoms | dictatoroffandoms

The commenter believes that the woman was not the a**hole (NTA) in this situation and that she was the rightful owner of the seat, as she had purchased it first. They also suggest that the two travelers should have thought of sitting together when they booked.