Reese Witherspoon, 46, Embraces Gray Hair And Her Husband Is Her Biggest Fan!

Chisom Ndianefo
Close up of Reese Witherspoon smiling
Shutterstock | 64736

Gray hair came early for Reese Witherspoon if you believe the myth that it only belongs on "old" people's heads. However, if you're well-read, you'd know gray hair isn't limited to aging and can appear even on a newborn's body based on genetics.

Whatever the reason for hers appearing, Witherspoon has no problem embracing the new do. In fact, she welcomes it and has a cheerleader - her husband, Jim Toth - supporting her decision.

Embracing Her Gray Hair

Witherspoon first noticed the gray hair on her head about three years ago and opened up to Allure about her feelings. Rather than fuss over the typical aging sign (since she didn't get the hue in childhood), the Legally Blonde star embraced it.

She was 43 then, when the first few strands showed up and they've doubled in the last three years yet, Witherspoon remains unfazed. She told the publication in 2019 that she liked seeing the aging signs including wrinkles which she tagged "fine lines" because they remind her of her experiences through the years.

Learning Beauty Tips From Ava

Witherspoon believes there's nothing wrong with aging as it means you've become wiser and better than you were in the past years and that's a good thing. Her acceptance doesn't mean neglect, however, as the actress continues her meticulous beauty routines.

She bonds with her daughter, Ava, through skincare and other beauty regimens. The two could pass as doppelgangers based on their resemblance so it's not hard for the older Witherspoon to take tips from her daughter.

Her Instagram followers get front-row tickets.

Running A Production Company

When asked about the motivation behind embracing aging, Witherspoon credited her tribe (the older women surrounding her) for the encouragement. She said they showed her how to grow gracefully and embrace the changes that came with it.

Career-wise, Witherspoon has grown as she transitioned from actor to producer 22 years ago. She first started with Type A Films (Legally Blonde and its sequels.) Then she merged with Bruna Papandrea to create Pacific Standard in 2012, which produced another classic, Gone Girl, and the HBO series, Big Little Lies. 

In 2018, Witherspoon formed Hello Sunshine which curates her Book Club and produces movies, including Where the Crawdads Sing and From Scratch (the series).

Upcoming Projects

Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton and James Patterson
Flickr | charid

Witherspoon plans on bringing the latest Dolly Parton and James Patterson novel, Run, Rose, Run, to life under the Hello Sunshine banner. She's done wonders with the production company for someone whom people thought would fail at the level.