Al Roker After Health Scare: Thankful for His Older Kids This Christmas

Chisom Ndianefo
Close-up shot of Al Roker
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No doubt, Al Roker is enjoying his holidays following his being hospitalized for a blood clot in his lungs and legs last month. The 68 year old is not allowing anything, especially his condition, get in the way of having a fun-filled celebration with his family. With just a few days to the festivity that bonds family, Christmas, Al Roker is sharing some insight on why he loves Christmas with the older children.

Keep reading to find out why.

AI Loves Christmas Where One Is Fighting

"My favorite family tradition is not everybody fighting," Al says. "That’s a great thing. If that happens — you can get your adult children together and their significant others and everything is fine? Win-win."

We quite agree with the father of three, of course when there's little or no mess to clean, how about just concentrating on your meal and having to check on who is eating and who isn't. The today weatherman feels that having older kids makes the holiday more fun and enjoyable.

"My kids — look, it's different now that they're older," Al explains. "Holiday shopping becomes much simpler. They're not looking for the hot toy or anything like that."

He added.

A Typical Christmas Morning

Al reflecting on how the typical holiday mornings used to feel and what they look like now. The Roker family also had it simpler on Christmas morning. Al explains that although the family still gets up early to exchange gifts, they are no longer "getting up at 6 a.m. in the morning because the little ones are up."

"Now it’s, 'Oh, we’ll get up around 9 o’clock.' And that’s just great," he adds.

Other components of the holiday season have stayed largely the same for the Roker family and are modeled after Al's own memories of Christmas as a youngster.

The Roker's Have A Christmas Tradition

As he remembers his dad decorating the Christmas tree and his mom baking and how the procedures carry so much warmth. On passing the tradition down his own family, AI makes sure to keep the Christmas spirit burning in his home by making his own Christmas tree although not the same process but having his mother's crestless sweet potato pie, also known as sweet potato poon, with a toasted marshmallow topping, is served every year as a "must."

Another holiday custom in the Roker family is to practice gratitude, even though they do it all year.

On His Feet Again

The meteorologist for the Today show shared a photo of the multi-course meal he made for his family. On the kitchen counter, the image revealed a platter of lasagna, a sizable dish of salad, and glasses of wine.

The TV personality's fans were overjoyed to see him standing again and saw it as a sign that he was making a full recovery.