TikToker Raises $50,000 In Under 24 Hours For 82-year-old Walmart Employee To Retire

Ashabi Azeez
Walmart emloyee
TikTok | bugboys

Social media is getting heated in this celebration season. People are celebrating a fundraising effort to assist in the retirement of an elderly Walmart employee. A TikToker raised money for the retirement of an elderly after being inspired by another TikTok user. 

TikToker Starts A Fundraising Effort For An Elderly Walmart Employee

A TikToker recently took to Walmart to inform the 82-year-old of fundraising efforts going on lately. There has been some GoFundMe to raise money online for elderly people in Walmart to retire happily. One of the efforts done by a TikToker raised $100,000 for an elderly woman. In four days, fundraising raised more than $50,000 for an 82-year-old. On hearing all these, Butch who served in the Navy for 10 years was astonished.

The TikToker then asked Butch to imagine someone raising such an amount for him. The imagination was able to become real through the TikTokers' video and a GoFundMe Page for Butch. The goal was $100,000 in two days and the TikToker has raised $97,100. Out of that amount, $50,000 was raised in less than 24 hours. 

The Media User Explains Why The GoFundMe Was Created

People at a fundraising event.
Shutterstock | 183121

The GoFundMe page was created by Rory McCarty. On the page, McCarty explained he was waited on by the 82-year-old when he was shopping at Walmart. The TikToker was surprised to see the elderly man still working hard. He shared that he recently saw a GoFundMe for an 82-year-old woman on TikTok. She was also working at Walmart and people raised money for her to retire. McCarty explained he wanted to help the Butch to spend time with his kids in Florida. He wanted to see the Navy Veteran do things he loves but could not do due to financial reasons. McCarty also explained every penny will be given to Butch to help with his retirement 

Other TikTokers Comment On The Fundraising Effort

A lot of people have dashed to TikTok to show their support for the fundraising efforts. The hashtag, #TiktokWalmartRetiree has been trending for a while on TikTok. Fortunately, this is the third time a GoFundMe is taking place to help elderly Walmart employees. With Butch's video out there, TikTokers have shown their support. One commented that every penny counts and Butch does not have to work at his age. Another wrote Butch works better than most young kids and deserves to enjoy his life. 

Butch Shares His Plans For The Money

There have been a series of updates showing Butch thanking everyone for donating for his retirement. He was also seen hugging the TikToker, McCarty who created the page. Later, the 82-year-old promised McCarty that he will now get off his feet. Butch also revealed he has been working since he was 11 years old.

Butch shared his plans when asked what the fundraising money will be used for. "I'd see my kids,'' the elderly shared. He also said he would enjoy the remaining years he has on earth.