Husband Continues to Ignore Pregnant Wife's Request for Silence, Causing More Headaches

Valeria Cova
kids playing
Unsplash | Allen Taylor

It can be challenging for kids to get used to new stepparents; however, things can get better with a lot of communication and time. A father on Reddit is recently receiving some backlash because of his lack of empathy with his new wife and his parental skills.

OP doesn't acknowledge he acted wrong, but after reading the comments many Redditors had left on his post, he might change his mind. He explained he and his wife had been together for two years, and though she is seven months pregnant, they only have been living together for five.

He has two kids from a previous relationship; he added the last months have been difficult for everyone, and the children are still adapting to the situation. The main issue is that OP's wife is prone to headaches, and during the pregnancy, she has suffered from this even more.

Sometimes, painkillers aren't enough to calm down her pain, so she spends a lot of time in her room napping. One day, OP was working from home while his wife was sleeping, and the kids were playing, but they were making a lot of noise, which was bothering her.

She texted him to ask if he could tell them to tone it down a bit, but he was in a meeting and didn't see the text until an hour later. However, he wasn't annoyed by the children and didn't think it was fair to ask them to be quiet because it was their house, and they were just having fun.

OP's Wife Often Gets Headaches

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He Didn't See The Text For An Hour

OP clearly expressed that he didn't think he was wrong about how he reacted; still, his wife is upset about the situation. Users were mad about his reaction, mainly because on his post, he added what he was meant to tell the kids as he couldn't ask them to make less noise as he is their father.

Many commenters called out his lack of empathy with his pregnant wife and acknowledged the kids aren't too young to understand the situation, as he said they are five and eight years old.

Meanwhile, many Redditors who suffer from headaches and migraines shared stories and examples about how their kids have behaved and yielded whenever they have asked them nicely to be quiet for a while. Nobody generally agreed with OP's point of view and criticized his parental skills.

They Aren't Too Young To Understand

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He Could've Explained The Situation To The Kids

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A Little Empathy Would Be Good

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