Reddit Slams Dad Who Snuck Off to Ski Trip, Leaving Wife and Autistic Child Behind

Sarah Kester
Excerpt from AITA post

Being a parent is a lifetime commitment. You can't just go out with your friends whenever you feel like it. You have to make sure that someone is looking after your child first.

It's even harder when a child has autism, as this requires extra care and attention to meet their needs. So when a father said "ski you later" to his family by deciding to leave behind his wife and autistic child for a ski trip, he faced the internet's wrath.

Here's His Side of the Story:

AITA story
reddit | u/aitaskitrip


AITA story part 2
reddit | u/aitaskitrip

The Man Tried Hard to Justify His Actions

He began by explaining that he and his wife have a four-year-old daughter, Chloe, who has autism and developmental delays.

When Chloe is sick, she gets very clingy to her mother. She refuses to sleep without her, which means that Chloe and her mom have been sleeping in the guest room for a while. But since Chloe kicks in her sleep, the wife doesn't get much sleep.

In order to help her out, the man has been getting up an hour and a half early every day to take care of Chloe in the mornings. He'll get her dressed, do her hair, feed her, drop her off at daycare, and play with her on the weekends. Meanwhile, the wife catches up on much-needed sleep during this time.

The man explained that taking care of Chloe has been exhausting. So when his friends invited him on a ski trip, he really wanted to go. But when he told his wife about it, she immediately shut down. "I thought she was being unfair because at least she gets a break in the mornings and when Chloe's at daycare," the man wrote.

Feeling justified to leave, the man packed up and left the house for the ski trip while his wife and child were still asleep. "I sent her a text telling her where I am when I'll be back."

When he returned home, there was a note saying that Chloe and his wife were at her parent's house and that she "hopes the trip was worth it." She refuses to speak to him besides sending pictures of Chloe at the park.

While his friends say that his wife is overreacting, his mother cursed him for leaving his wife. This prompted him to turn to the internet for his opinion.

Redditors Had Zero Sympathy for the Man

AITA replies
reddit | u/aitaskitrip

They Are Enraged on Behalf of the Wife

AITA replies
reddit | u/aitaskitrip

They Wish She Left Divorce Papers Instead of a Note

AITA replies
reddit | u/aitaskitrip

H/T: Reddit