Man Refuses To Let Cousin Hold Second Wedding On Family Property

Ashley Hunte
An outdoor wedding ceremony venue.
Unsplash | Shardayyy Photography

Family is... pretty strange. On one hand, these are people with whom you spend a lot of time, who might have had a hand in raising or taking care of you. On the other hand, you might realize that you don't get along with them, especially when things like politics come into play.

A Reddit user who goes by thehousecga recently shared that one of his cousins is getting married soon. The cousin wanted to use the family farm as a wedding venue. The only problem is, the Reddit user owns the property, and won't let her use it for free. Now he's asking the AITA community if he's in the wrong.

The User Shares His Story.

The user shares his story.
reddit | thehousecga

The second part of the story.
reddit | thehousecga

OP States That He Got The Farm Because He's The Only Boy In The Family.

A dining table decorated for a wedding.
Unsplash | Thomas William

OP discusses how the farmhouse belonged to his grandfather and has been used for family weddings for years. The grandfather wanted to leave the farm to a man but had no daughters. When he passed away in 2018, he left the farm to OP. This apparently caused a lot of drama.

OP also mentions how traditional and conservative his grandfather's views were. The grandfather didn't like any of his daughter's husbands and didn't approve of their lifestyles.

One of OP's cousins is set to get married soon. According to OP, they differ in political views, and OP does not approve of the fact that she's marrying the man with whom she cheated on her first husband. For these reasons, OP is refusing to let the cousin have her wedding on his farm, at least not for free.

OP's aunts and mother tried to convince him to let the cousin use the farm. The mother even threatened to uninvite OP from Christmas, which is being held at his farm to begin with.

The Comment Section Sees This As... Pretty Complicated.

In this situation, OP is in his rights.
reddit | He_Who_Is_Right_

In this situation, it's pretty clear that OP has the right to refuse the cousin. It's his property and the family has to come to terms with that.

But Others Felt That OP Was Being Sexist.

Others disapprove of OP and the grandfather's views.
reddit | Milskidasith

Considering how he got the property after his mother and aunts were passed over for it, some commenters had issues with OP's views. At the very least, the grandfather seemed incredibly sexist.

Others Felt Like Everyone Involved Was In The Wrong.

It seems like everyone is wrong in this story.
reddit | KimChiDiva

The family is wrong for assuming they can use the farm whenever they want, while OP is wrong for the views he seems to uphold. It seems that commenters had a hard time coming to a consensus, though.