Woman Gives Parents Two Options For The Future, But They Hate Both Of Them

Ashley Hunte
A floral bouquet on a window ledge.
Unsplash | Suhyeon Choi

Family is a very complicated thing. You might not get along with all of your family members (in fact, some of them might straight up be bad people), but that doesn't have to stop you from trying to do right by other family. Especially when you have the means to do so.

One woman received an unfortunate prognosis that leaves her with less time in this world than she would've liked. Though she doesn't want to leave anything in her will for her greedy parents and deadbeat brother, she's arranged for a trust to be sent to her nieces, who she was unable to get custody of. Because the woman is forcing her parents into a situation they hate, the woman is wondering if she's in the wrong. So, she asked AITA on Reddit for answers.

User Top_Juggernaut_551 Shares Her Story.

The user shares her story.
reddit | Top_Juggernaut_551

The continuation of the story.
reddit | Top_Juggernaut_551

OP Alludes To The Fact That She Doesn't Get Along With Her Parents.

A floral wreath on a memorial.
Unsplash | CA Creative

The user shares the news that she doesn't have a lot of time to live, though she is at peace with it. She and her husband set up a will, and in it, she's included her nieces, the daughters of her brother. The brother is a pretty terrible man who was enabled by their parents, who spent a lot of time and money on only him. The parents also take care of OP's nieces, though she'd tried to get custody of them in the past.

The nieces are included by way of trust funds that will pay for their college education. If the money is unused by the time each niece turns 25, the money will be donated to Planned Parenthood, an organization OP's parents hate. The parents and brother are angry that OP has chosen to do this instead of giving them money to take care of the girls, but OP has made it clear that she and her brother could take care of them if they had custody. The parents also stated they will contest the will.

The Entire Comment Section Wished OP Well.

Commenters ask OP questions.
reddit | SecretJealous4342

Users love the way in which OP plans to take care of her nieces. She also responds to questions, stating that the money can be used for any kind of post-secondary education, not just college.

They Also Wondered If The Age Limit Was Flexible.

Users have more questions about the will.
reddit | Truth_Eternal

After all, it may take the nieces longer than when they reach 25 to finish their education.

Commenters Also Debated The Parents' Ability To Contest The Will.

Users discuss if the parents have a right to contest the will.
reddit | lowercaseluna

Since OP is married and has kids, the money would go to them unless stated otherwise. Commenters point out that the parents have no grounds to contest the will.