Try Not To Cry As You Watch This Pomeranian Make A Miracle Recovery

Cha Miñoza
Pomeranian running on a grassy field.
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A pet owner's worst nightmare is having something bad happen to their fur baby. Seeing your best buddy suffering is gut-wrenching, especially when their life is at risk.

Dog mom and YouTuber Ashley Yi shared her pomeranian Nimbus' story on TikTok, taking their followers through his incredible journey of recovery, after being suddenly paralyzed from an accident at home. His inspiring story touched the hearts of many dog lovers and the viral video shared by @ashyizzle gained over 17 million views.

Prepare your tissues because this one is a tear-jerker!

Nimbus Finally Walks Again

"Prayed for Nimbus to be able to walk on his birthday," the text on the video said.

The TikTok showed clips of Ashley breaking down on camera, Nimbus doing months of rehab, and then a triumphant ending showing the little floofy cloud walking and running again.

Ashley's wish of seeing her pet walk on his birthday came true, thanks to their dedication to Nimbus' therapy sessions. He has not only regained his ability to walk, he now has the strength to run happily again!

His Recovery Story Is Making People Cry

Nimbus' recovery story is nothing short of a miracle. The spritely dog got injured after jumping from the sofa at home. According to Ashley, she instantly knew that he had a bad landing when she saw him dragging his hind legs while he was shaking terribly. She immediately drove him to the emergency vet to get treated.

After a bunch of tests, doctors said that Nimbus' fall caused an embolism, also called Fibrocartilaginous Embolism (FCE) that affected his spine, causing paralysis. He was given only a 30% chance of recovery.

Can Dogs Recover From FCE?

Dog in a wheelchair.
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Sudden paralysis in dogs is often caused by "spinal stroke" or FCE. This can happen when they jump or land incorrectly. Most pets can recover with rehabilitation but there is also a big chance that they would never be able to walk again.

“A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) occurs when a small piece of disc material actually breaks off and blocks a blood vessel supplying the spinal cord. This will cause paralysis of one or more of the dog’s legs, depending on what vessel is affected,” explains neurologist Dr. Foss to the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Nimbus Celebrates His 3rd Birthday

To celebrate his 3rd birthday and his amazing recovery, Nimbus was treated to a "perfect day" where he got to choose whatever he wanted to do.

His mom spoiled him with a walk at the park, a juicy piece of steak, a puppuccino, and a bejeweled Prada bandana. The pampered pooch enjoyed his gifts and trotted happily with his little legs, showing everyone that nothing can break his spirit.