Woman Shows Up To Wedding Alone After Girlfriend Takes A While To Get Ready

Ashley Hunte
Two wedding rings on top of a floral bouquet.
Unsplash | Beatriz Pérez Moya

Time management is a pretty important skill to master when you're young. The last thing you want to do is be late for every single event; doctor's appointments, exams, important meetings at work, your best friend's birthday party, and even weddings.

But some people still don't seem to get the memo. One woman found out the hard way that, no matter how much you try, some people are destined to be late. When her girlfriend took far too much time to get ready for a wedding they were going to attend, the woman was left alone. Now, she's taken to Reddit's AITA community to ask if that was the wrong move.

The User, Who Goes By Junior-Coyote-5116, Shares Her Story.

A user explains how her gf is always late to things.
reddit | Junior-Coyote-5116

The user went without her gf.
reddit | Junior-Coyote-5116

The User Made It Very Clear When They Needed To Leave For The Wedding.

An arch decorated for an outdoor wedding ceremony.
Unsplash | Jeremy Wong Weddings

OP explains how she had been dating her girlfriend (whom she calls Hannah for the sake of the story) for a little while, and decided to invite Hannah to her cousin's wedding. They needed to leave at 11 a.m. on the day of, in order to get there in time for the ceremony at 2 p.m., as it was at least a 2-hour drive.

But Hannah took too much time to get ready. She was still getting ready when OP reminded her at 10:30 a.m. that they needed to leave soon. OP reminded her again at 10:50 a.m., and Hannah said she was almost ready. But when 11 a.m. rolled by, Hannah wasn't even dressed.

OP gave her another half hour, but said that she'd leave alone if Hannah wasn't ready by 11:30. Since Hannah still wasn't dressed, OP just left. She had a good time at the wedding, but Hannah called her to tell her off for leaving. Hannah also said that she would've been ready if she had an extra 5 minutes, but OP wasn't so convinced.

And Truthfully, Neither Were The Commenters.

Users defended OP.
reddit | Glass_Status_5837

While some users thought OP could've waited longer, and that she gave herself too much time to get to the venue anyway, others came to the user's defense. OP wanted to beat traffic and didn't want to arrive late for her cousin's wedding. It was the girlfriend who didn't respect their time.

Others Wonder If The Girlfriend Is Displaying Symptoms Of ADHD.

More users defend OP.
reddit | Tulipsarered

One of the symptoms is time blindness, which leads people with ADHD to oftentimes be late to things. But others quickly pointed out that even if the girlfriend did have time blindness, OP was still reminding her of the time. In all likelihood, Hannah just didn't care about being on time.

Commenters Also Didn't Believe That Hannah Would've Been Ready With Five Extra Minutes.

Users didn't buy that Hannah was almost ready.
reddit | OrganicMartini

Users pointed out that, since she wasn't even dressed, it would've taken her much longer than five minutes to get ready. All in all, the majority believed that OP was not in the wrong.

h/t BoredPanda